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Using Silicon?

El Timbo

Well-known member
I was advised to try using silica to make my plants more resistant to PM - I use a small amount every time I water and no sign of PM since then. It might be coincidence of course but I don't want to try not using it now!


Active member
Actually MSA works very well preventing PM and you could use that as a foliar spray. There is quite a bit good reports from MSA preventing PM and against other issues too. Never had problems indoors with PM and always been using some form of silica for my plants, issues usually have been in outdoor grows and I never have had issues with it if there have been MSA in the nutrient regimen. It has plenty other benefits too and it’s very beneficial nowadays due to the LED lights, because they can tolerate higher PAR and other environmental issues. Highly recommend to use it for plants.


Active member
Silica, or biosilicate, is a mineral that provides specific benefits to plants, including reinforcing cell walls, increasing resistance to heat, drought, and attacks from pests and diseases. Advanced Nutrients Silica is designed to provide a concentrated source of biosilicate to improve plant structure, enhance resistance, and promote healthier growth.
(this is just an example)
I have been using Silicon every 1 week using 0.1ML -> 0.15ML(max) per liter of water.
I strongly suggest do not mix Silicon with other nuts in your water solution.
Be sure to have a good ammount Calcium and Aminoacid in your soil/coco to help boost cell wall thinkness with the silicon.
this will decrease the chanse of disease breakin the cell wall and infectin your plant.
keep in mind i'm not an expert and I don't have any certification :D


Well-known member
Heres a scholarly article on silica.


At times i read many of articles or listen to podcasts when driving, or watch specific science related videos with hopefully knowledgeable growers , breeders , and scientists alike.

At some point i heard or saw someone speaking about silica. What they had mentioned is that silica can be absorbed and deposited in place of carbon when carbon sources are low. Part of the many building blocks of life, carbon & silica, along with amino acids

The above article explains better then i ever could
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Active member
Heres a scholarly article on silica.


At times i read many of articles or listen to podcasts when driving, or watch specific science related videos with hopefully knowledgeable growers , breeders , and scientists alike.

At some point i heard or saw someone speaking about silica. What they had mentioned is that silica can be absorbed and deposited in place of carbon when carbon sources are low. Part of the building blocks of life.

The above article explains better then i ever could

Also heavy listener of growing podcasts and it has brought up so much valuable information on growing. It is fun to listen and learn from actual scientists and breeders and so forth. Much better and trustworthy than most of the Bro scientists I met and keep meeting. Forum is more about the community rather than about the not so trusty information. Problem is that there is still people who are sure of flat earth and what not and they are so sure that they “got it” but it is rather overconfident people who actually are not open for debate or discussion over the matters and it causes them to be super narrow minded and they are never in the receiving end but in the shouting end.

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