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The monsters of the rdwc


Well-known member
Ya Im heading to the strip club for some lunch its my dads b-day I dont think I'll be able to until later tonight or tomorrow. But heres some memories

Thats a hempy Oldschool

Frostitue 12 days be for harvest

The waterfall

Thanks for the chiller link! That Hempy looks sweet! I'm guessing it was 12/12 from clone?

I'm growing all seed this go round, but only plan on vegging them till they get to the 2nd or 3rd internode, then it's force flowering time :rasta:

Have fun at the strip!


Well-known member
Na it was vegged on the outside of the good light then I loli popped it, it makes for huge single cola. The strip club was kinda shitty not any hotties today I guess I have to stop in at mashups club for that. I kinda like to let them get a litlle bushy first for more yield but shit if you aint worried about numbers 50 colas like that would be perfect.


Well-known member
Ok guys Im going to pull the srcog off the church is to thick I think it will do better with out it. If it stretchs out any then I'll replace it but for now no more scrog. Im gonna go take some pics now and I'll show ya what Im talking about. It looks like there getting choked under there.


Well-known member
Well I didnt get the rdwc shots but I have a few new frostitute after installing the RO unit. Do they look a little better for 1 day with good water.

Before Ro water

After RO water and 4 days older

These little bitches turned on a dime once I got the Ro water added floranova at 650 ppm and ph is at 5.6 its about to get crazy in there they got about 2 inches of growth since yesterday


Looks great! Wow they are going to blow up into some awesome bushes. The Magnums will treat them well.

That photo was me before I started the Weight Watchers diet. :joint:


Well-known member
Alright I have some new pics and they have grown since I removed the screen. You can tell they dont like it. Im pretty sure there gonna just be huge bushes.. ppm 550 ph 5.6

Very bushy under those hortilux eyes hps

Dam these handicap buckets are working great very healthy plants time to up the nutes
I see the term lolli-popped a lot, but to be honest I don't know what it means. Can you explain?

Too bad about the scrog. Try it again with a sativa. It takes a lot more training, but the training process is much easier with the slimmer branches.

RDWC plants look great!


Well-known member
Thanks guys there gonna be huge!
Oldschool Its fine about the scrog there gonna be huge and yield the same watch how I train em theres gonna be a dam near perfect canopy.I have the perfect strain for the scrog the frostitute I used last time it fills the screen in 3 weeks I just kinda wanted to try something new in there oh well. Lollipop is when you take a plant that hasnt been topped and flip it in to 12/12 and trim everything all the way up to were you can tell it will be one single cola they grow huge that way but you dont yield much maybe 1 or 2 zones.


Well-known member
May be some new pics tonight I'll get some of the top feed for sure they are going crazy in there. Man oh man I dont know how Im gonna smoke all this smoke in 2 months looks like Im gonna be a little slow for a while oh well.
One more thing what is everybodies opinion on og kush Ive never had it, is it all it cracked up to be. I might be able to get some clones from a friend is it worth growing, does it have good yields whats up with this shit?


lol is it worth growing!!! :laughing: ohh fuck man only if you like to smoke on some of the best tasting weed ever!!! Im a huge fan of kush's Ive smoked pretty much every type of kush there is, Master Kush is my favorite but it has to be the real master kush not the stuff that gets passed around in socal. But OG is a really good pain medicine it will leave you super stoned wanting to watch a funny movie with mass munchies about an hour into the high. Once you grow it will be a strain you keep at leaste one of growing for yourself. But make sure its the real deal and not a fake because I dont want you to be dissapointed. Real OG is hard to mistake. Now to go take my morning bong rip, today is Lavender Kush... :joint:


Well-known member
Thanks dankensrein Well I hope it is the real shit it is down in socal so maybe I just find a cut else were. Who knows maybe I'll run it in a hempy for shits and giggle ans see if its her. Ya alphs Im pretty stoke as well I havent seen em in 2 days I bet they grew a little ya think. Sorry no pics until tomorrow I have to go on a over night road trip to visit my bro in the clink poor kid he gets to turn 21 in prison what a retard. I guess I'll have to get a lap dance for him at the local strip club out there.


Well-known member
All righty then. Heres a couple frostitute before and after the lst. I know a couple people here were wondering how its done here it is and it makes monster bushes.

Before lst

After the lst
This makes for kick ass bushes I'll tie em up for 2 days then untie em for about 2 days and keep on doing it to the tops that grow to fast to keep an even canopy.


Cool, glad to see they're progressing at a speedy pace. How do they fit in the bloom room under the lights? 4 rows of 6?

Looks great, can't wait to try her out. :joint:
Yo BG,

SO just to make sure I understand your LST strategy. You tie the top colas to themselves for 2 days then untie them and leave em untied the rest of the grow... unless they stretch too high, then you tie them bitches back down for a couple days?

Seems pretty efficient! Also, the pictures used to demonstrate LST... is that a flood-bucket system? Looks very diff from other RDWC setups :)


Well-known member
Whats up. Yo mash I havent decided yet to do 3 rows of 8 or 4 rows of 6 I want the canopy to be around 5x10 I better geter done quick the way there growing.
Oldschool Yes I tie the top to itself after I untie em they grow pretty fast again I just keep on stringing them down to keep em even. Plus it make it bush out very fast. This is a different set up its top feed for veg and them Im gonna put em in flood & drain buckets for bloom pretty simple actually just grab the bucket and drop it in the other bucket no shock at all.


Well-known member
About time on with the show! Rdwc 32 days veg handicap buckets 18 days veg.

A little root porn

No need to scrog THE CHURCH it fucking nuts

The hempys are on there way.

Im going to be flippin the light in a week theres gonna be a lot of bud in here evrything is on track and very lush and happy. I cant even lst the church its to dam thick cant beat veggin under a super hps hortilux.