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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Old School Cottonmouth
yes definitely. I forgot to even put costa rica up there its a top one on the list.

as for malawi, jamaica, and colombia if I were to move there I would be living the real simple life. probably just live on saved cash. I would have to really love the culture to stay forever though. But I can totally picture myself living in one of those places for a few years. Violence doesn't really concern me too much. New Orleans has... christ I don't even know... probably 300 murders a year on average I guess. and 2x that come up missing which basically means they got dumped in the swamp or weighted down in the gulf. Its just part of the way things are. The people without money live right next to the people that do... its just inevitable. people do what they gotta do to survive and thats world wide.

you can see our crazy asses make new york city crime rates look like rodeo drive. so it really doesn't bother me. unless there are gunfights daily on every block I can probably get over it.

as for the medical field pretty much spain and maybe brazil too are my only real options if I wanted to stay there and work, or just change my line of work. And I don't think brazil is my place. But I got a long time to think about it either way. I'll give new orleans another 5-6 yrs and depending where its going I'll have to decide.



jesus! i see why u want to leave! u can get popped anyday! thats nuts!

when i was travelling i never really thought about personal safety - i mean i had a nice machete - but i allways was going for the cheapest or the free option when it came to sleeping - that means i put my tent down where i pleased - also to buy weed u have to sometimes go to places u wouldnt even send ur worst enemy :D i wish there was coffeeshops all over the world - seriously! many times the most scary and intimidating moments were with scetchy local police

but now im thinking about my gf´s safety - and of the future kids :D

from my point of view - ur best option could be Costarica - its close to you and has a lot of posibilities for small tourist related business :D an other option u might want to check out is Bocas del toro in Panama - a wonderfull place with no crime really and on top no traffic to worry about :D check it out on google :D

peace :D


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Red red red....
Well,I´m going to re-post "the story of Panama Red,by Anon.(asap).
Here´s an old cutting (almost 18 months old) of Aussie "Red" :D
It came from old seeds that OGer "Southercross" got @ Ninbin,years ago,He sent some to Chaman in CR,who wasn´t able to germinate them,so he sent them to me (WoW!! from Australia to CR and then to Spain,they travelled around the globe jejej!!)
I still have 5 beans left (even the seeds have a strange look :D)
Then I contacted Southercross,who told me many things about the strain...growing method and such...and when OG went down,all that info was lost :badday:

"Cannabis Antipoda var."phosil" :D:D:D



Active member
Mexi Brick

Mexi Brick

This stuff was all but seedles and pretty fresh. I got this when I was living in GA. $65 1/4 it was good Mexi Sativa but way over priced cause it was always dry where I was.



comparing that with the blocks of african sativas i have seen - it doesnt look bad at all :D

ppl seemed to import only the worst back in the days when i lived in UK



Old School Cottonmouth
yeah that looks like some pretty decent mexican. DEFINITELY overpriced. that will run you about 80-120 dollars an ounce in new orleans.

RACO I'm really glad to hear you had the story of Panama Red saved. We'll definitely need it for the colombian section. I know all about american, mexican, jamaican, and hawaiian weed so I can type up pretty good sections for them, but the colombian I'll definitely need some help with.

The indian, african, and south east asian, and austrailian section I'm worried about though. we don't have derrayld, or di wee dalat, mullum madman, or any of the other guys around no more.

speaking of our people leaving has anyone talked to cedar since he left? or seen him on any other boards? if he just got fed up with forums and left thats fine; happens to the best of us. I'm just worried he got busted or something like that.
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redrider -i smoked a LOT of that compressed colombian when i was staying in costarica - most of it reached the peninsula of nicoya in quite bad condition :( but the orange red colour is absolutelly the same :D

the compressed blocks had an earthy smell and a minty herbal taste to the smoke :D

nice memories - chillin on the beach, smoking blocks of that and surfing :D




Old School Cottonmouth
costa rica gets alot of colombian import? no shit. 2x the reason to go there.

I don't care about the degredation so much as the being able to obtain genes from the bags.

if they get colombian genes and stuff there must be some personal growers working some nice bagseed strains around there. certainly got the weather and rural enough for it.

to the best of my knowledge we only get mexican and occasionally carribbean strains here. I don't think colombian makes it up here. but of course there is no way to check. Ask your corner boy "say... did this come from colombia?" he'd probably laugh and tell you it came from outdo-nesia. ( they call kind bud "indo-nesia weed" sometimes either joking or out of stupidity. I'm not sure which one)
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if u are interested in growing in costa rica - do check out chaman and his wicked sativa greenhouse :D

costarica has some good local buds in some areas like natural reserves etc - the colombian blocks u can get along the beach towns. most of the blocks we recieved were not su apetizing really - and none of the seeds we picked were viable - most likelly since the weed was in really bad shape. i got so disapointed with the seeds i picked out i threw away all of the ones i picked out.. obviously a quite STUPID thing to do.. that guatemalan highland would have been intersting to grow now :( also some of the mexican strains of oaxaca seemed to have been interesting to grow. but still at this time i wasnt really into growing that much - so i didnt take the seeds as seriously as i should have. i picked seeds out the bud all way from costa rica to mexico city, i bet there was some interesting landraces in there..

makes me think it would be interesting to try to get hold of some seeds of the ones i thought most interesting, including the guatemala highland (all i can say is i thought i was tripping), the ometepe volcanic island local strains they had there, and obviously the oxacan ones. also on the honduras border close to copan there was some marvelous weed..

indo-nesia lol - is that related to dro?

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Redrider what do you think about that Punta Rojo? Smell, taste, high. Have you ever grown any?


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Here are the Panama buds still uncured.I think that they are quite similar to Colombian :D



Old School Cottonmouth
RACO awesome I might fork out the cash for some of that eventually if I ever get up here again. Be nice to grow a colombian and force flower for our high light. do them right. Might have to find a good thai too to go next to it. Odd growth pattern; with the clusters scattered around. I'm used to those long mexican broomsticks. Those colombian nugs are definitely for personal production.

BONE CARVER yeah despite how much people laugh at you brickweed is true smoke of growers. Hell any asshole can buy ak47 online and mailed to your house and grow it. But finding a quality seeded brick from deep in jungles untapped by our global village... priceless. Especially finding them on the other side of the world. The genes to be had in this manner are nothing to laugh about.

at my main site there is an extensive thread of brickweed and the pics before and after, and how they got it, where its from, etc. Its a great thread. that experpt in the mexican section about the dutch genes was from that thread.

Can you imagine if we had a brickweed love thread here? lol. it would be trashed in 2pgs. Thats why alot of people stay underground I think
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hell id support brickweed threads :D

SMoked on the shit to learn ya know, i think we all did.

some good brick shit can be the best there is

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Yea brickweed can fool people at times. My friend has some brickweed the other day and it was really red and had a nice spicy smell to it when broken up. The high was ok and it tasted like shit. I would imagine if grown under good conditions it would be better. I was thinking of taking a few seeds but I got so many to grow now it's hard to get to some brickweed seeds.


collect them up anyway man, date them and all that shit a short sentence or 2 so youll remember the bag

If you cant get around to them theres always somone with the space and timeto grow them out for ya :D ;)


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah I know alot of kind smokers that can't even roll joints. Tsk Tsk. no respect from me.

they never grew up rolling the downtown brown.

a joint of weed of kind to the head is alot of weed. most people just use pipes for kind here, so unless you grew up in the city (nobody carries pipes, only stuff you can throw or eat), or been smoking it forever than they can do it. But if they just started smoking kind they never learned. I roll kind joints sometimes, but I gotta admit. They are wasteful. If I put a 1/3 of what a joint takes me to get high in a bong or dry pipe I'll get just as high.

and the way I am if I can get 2 other people high with me or i can smoke a joint by myself I'll get the 2 other people high with me.

Nept is right. I was riding around this gated suburb community (no police allowed in except for calls, no patrols) smoking weed with a friend of mine who lived there. He had some incredible weed of that same type quality as the gold I posted. But this wasn't gold it was lime green leaves and chartreuse buds, with huge unmottled bright RED seeds. I've never seen anything like it before or since. It was just some fluffy brick. I threw maybe 30 seeds out the window because I had so much shit going and I was growing indoor for a change so I didn't have space to fuck around like I normally do. I regret that now.

I thought about saving a few seeds not even to grow, just to add to my anomalies jar. I'd never seen or heard about seeds like that in my life.

when I say they were red I mean they were like a reddish pink color, not a tiny bit brown, not a brick kinda color,it was like a cherry chewing gum kinda color. large and unmottled, but hard and ripe. probably some mexican that will be gone off the face of the earth within 20 yrs :badday:
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I can roll a shitty joint i dont do it much cuz i suck :D I smoke alone so joints are a big waste and i dont smoke away from home anymore or travel with it so.....

ive bottle necked my skill pool


Old School Cottonmouth
lol. yeah I know alot of dollar bill rollers too.

I never roll them anymore either they are just such a waste. Only when I am riding my bike or something in the city and I can't light a pipe while I'm riding; I'll just roll up some pinners. Some sorta situation like that.
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