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Outdoor Afghani 2006


Active member
Those gals are looking nice. I am curious, could you outline the pruning methods that you use to ensure good bud formation? Is it something other than traditional pruning techniques such as FIM, pinch-topping grow sites etc?

halfdef..........i simply pinch the tops like everyone else but after that i foliar spray the smaller newer shoots that i didn`t pinch...the ones around the outer circle...this gives them a good shot of food and helps with the elongation of the branches..........makes for a more even canopy.

And one last question... I remember that you had crossed the Afghani with something when you first got it, or soon after, (or something like that) was it with the Burmese? If so I guess that the auto-flowering trait held strong... if it was not the Burmese I am curious how the cross with the Burmese effected the auto-flowering trait... could you fill me in on this stuff?

Those plants are the first successful cross with the Auto-flowering traits. The Burmese skunk would not finnish im my time frame BUT by crossing it with the Afi i sped up the finnishing time by over a month.........meaning it now finnishs on or about Sept 7 - 10th instead of Oct 10th on.
The taiste and texture from this cross icarried over onto the BS. It`s worth noteing that their were 4 distict phenos in this first cross.....this is the one i`m working with.....smaller leaves...medium sized buds that pack a wallop. Their was 2 phenos that were earlier but they don`t yield much.
So ......yes i`m working on making some crosses with this strain.

As for seeds..............that is in the process and i`m looking forward to sharing these genetics down the road.....most likely this fall.

Heres a pic of one of the afis.............Notice the tell tail signs of the ripening process..............split purple hues in the leaves.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
woooo hooooo

woooo hooooo

Looking good my friend. Sorry havent dropped in for a bit been real busy on the homefront. Plants are looking super fantastic. I love the harvesting every two weeks thing that would be great. This is the time of season we start chanting real hard around here. Plants are huge now and just getting ready to start budding. Looks like your going to be a busy guy soon with lots of trimming and hopefully hashmaking :)
I for one would order some Reibsi genetics from Gypsy if they could be made available. Ive just been a fan for the last couple seasons but man I would love the early ripening strains :) who wouldnt :)
Well again and as always , thanks so much for sharing your grow and a part of your life with us we appreciate what your doing so much. See ya again soon keep up the great work friend.
nam myoho renge kyo!! like the roar of the lion!!


damn those are beautiful! i too would place an order if seeds were made.

Sneaky Grower

New member
What an amazing job Reibsi! All those beautiful plants are truly a testament to the work you must have put in. Between digging, getting the dirt out there, watering - we commend you my friend. I think you’re already holding the key to future outdoor gorilla growing!

It’s a long thread and I haven’t been able to read the whole thing yet, so I apologize if this was already addressed – but with all those plants in one spot, are you concerned about the eye in the sky? How did you get all the dirt out there for the plants in buckets? That much dirt would take me at least 10 trips with my large backpack. And my last question is at what node(s) do you top your plants?

Thanks for sharing your adventures with us, we all look forward to viewing your plentiful harvest.
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Thanks for the freedback on the pruning method. It certainly does produce tight colas! It is always nice to pick the brain of those that pump it out so smoothly! I was pumped to read that you are hoping to have seed stock by this fall. Keep us posted as the situation develops. I for one am fiendishly interested in the auto-Afghani`s... I will keep my fingers crossed.

And, as always be well brother!

peace halfdef
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Active member
Thanks for all the kind words.

Thanks for all the kind words.

It`s been awhile since i checked in but i really do thank all you guys for dropping by. Most of the first round of Afghanis has been harvested. The blite was miminal and you could`ve held it all in the palm of your hand......We cut them down, then placed them in large bins for transpoeting. The afis are very sticky and one has to be careful not to pack them in to tight. They are then hand cleaned.....removed from the stalk.....then screen dried. I like to pick some choice buds at this point for cureing.
The next round will be planted by tuesday night. I`ll try to get some harvest pics from the last remaining site...........That row site....hopefully later this evening so i thank you guys again for keeping me in your grow circle and soon...............their will be some seeds made available.
The Reibsa plants are now stretching and reaching for the sky. The`ve all been fed Week 1 of flower and are on their way.

Heres a pic of some of the afi..........hope you like it.


ICMag Donor
Delicious looking flowers, Reibsi. Good to hear your blight didn't get out of control. What do you think was the average yield weight per auto-afghan? Congrats on your harvest.


Get two birds stoned at once
Excelent! Where did you get the genetics? I want to know since my grow area is allmost identical in regards to the local plants and even the soil looks the same and your results are very nice.


Active member
kickass reibsi, them are some real nice grenade looking buds man! spectacular end of july harvest, can't wait to watch round 2 unfold!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


Alright brother thats what im talking about. Harvest time :) wooohooo Im so happy for you friend glad to see youve got the first round in. Thanks so much for sharing and we will be keeping any eye over this way. Always chanting for OUR safety. !!!
Nam myoho renge kyo!! Like the roar of the Lion!!


Active member
The afis

The afis

Thanks for dropping by my little afi grow guys.......stay tuned for round 2.

I`ve tried to show these gals in all their glory but i think that these two picks show just how good these afis can grow.


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