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Nomaad OD:2010


New member
A FOAF did a light dep using a garage door opener to push a cart along a track 15 feet from the shed, then come back in at night, 12/12 on a timer, no problem. Did not see pics or anything but he said it all came to about 1 G which is prob cheaper than the GroBots, or what-have-you.



Active member
nomaad, i have a few simple questions i hope you might generously provide some insight on?

in my cold frame\ greenhouse we did pots straight on rock and gravel. do you think this will be too hot during summer months? should i cover the surface with quality top soil, or commercial weed block? or just get down with it?

im new to outdoor, even though indoors im ten yrs plus. i need to have a first yr success story, any help from you would be appreciated very much.

good luck again.

I am not really sure. Its not the heat of the summer yet, but my plants that are on gravel in the GH are not drying out any faster than the ones I have on soil. I don't THINK it will be a problem, but I can't swear to it. worst case scenario is that you have to water more often. Are you going to build a watering system?

From what I have observed, first time outdoor growers with good indoor experience KILL IT. read as many OD threads as you can and you'll do well. I did pretty well last year with ZERO experience and an open mind. Good luck... hope I can help throughout the season.

A FOAF did a light dep using a garage door opener to push a cart along a track 15 feet from the shed, then come back in at night, 12/12 on a timer, no problem. Did not see pics or anything but he said it all came to about 1 G which is prob cheaper than the GroBots, or what-have-you.

Sounds cool. I'd love to see it.


i remember when i was younger my pops threw down in our backyard, we lived in the valley. he planted in this little triangle cut in the concrete. it would get 108-111 in aug and he would just go rinse em down and the concrete too. seemed fine but it was hot as hell. gives me some hope and i can always truck in some top soil to spread around, rootwise sure has it nice for his pots in his house.

working on my watering system now. im thinking of using quick release fittings at my wx10 with a check valve so i dont have to prime it every damn time. then move it to my reservoirs and simply hand water to care for each one as needed. think its more work but it might pay off in the end.

for some of you having water issues, im an aquarist and will tell you all the cool ideas you have most likely could be attained with a aquarium controller for about 250 bones. you can create set points for pumps, lights, heaters, water chillers, and even monitor stuff from your computer. also set points to control any event you might like. heat related, time related and ph related, if you have electricity at your site then you can do just about anything. digital aquatics is the maker.

you could use the wave maker feature to water plants in sections or individually. also a heater to heat your water in colder months. light control to give you the extra few hrs wherever. its a really slick device. you can rename all functions to your own personal taste as well. and add endless modules for diff things.:good:


Active member
for some of you having water issues, im an aquarist and will tell you all the cool ideas you have most likely could be attained with a aquarium controller for about 250 bones.

sounds fun. so i don;t have to look for something... got a model number, manufacturer or link to something like this?

oops. missed the part about digital aquatics being the maker. one of those days. mad flux.


sunlight supply sells em,also on line thru any aquarium retailer. two that ive used are the digital lite, plus a few rkm pc 4 modules to plug in more spots.
neptune aqua controller jr,with a couple extra dc8 for more plug spots.

if your interested in one. my close friend owns a shop here in pdx. im sure he would be happy to set anyone up with sunlight goodies. being its an aquarium shop he only has access to aquarium stuff, however theres a lot of crossover items!ballasts, fans, pumps.....etc :jump:
once a yr he gets to place 1 hydro order, ye be assured i get plugged on that big!!!

if someone used the new dimmable ballasts and lunar sunset module you could recreate dusk dawn indoors/greenhouse. honestly im surprised people havnt tried this. it works in aquariums w amazing results, corals grow and love it. you can re-create moon phase, yearly cycles, timed with actual ocean/farm cycles. we have corals spawning in captivity on occasion! think ima start under 400s dimmed, switch to 12\12 under my 1000,s for 4-5 weeks then finish my final two, 400s dimmed. studies show mh for final weeks help plants metabolize more sugars. the weight will already be there, it "could" save money with a nicer tasting med. sounds cool but i need a rd or two and see? i would be happy saving $, 6-1000,s or 6-400s for two weeks!!! not too mention maybe some new results could be achieved? (just say no to herms)

anyway thanks nomaad!

planty on the straw, thats a smooth, cheap, simple idea. thanks much. my fam just happen to have bales sittin...


Active member
Hogan: sounds like a SICK indoor thread in the making! When are you going to start the project??!! ;)

planty: picking up 3 bales on monday morning.


Active member
i am just doing the tops of my pots and my strawberry patch. lol. your place is going to look like the set of Hee Haw. hope you have one nasty cat around. i think we had this conversation in HL's thread.


I have TWO nasty kitties...I love straw....I also love my kitties and bomb threat


I see the same tree rat cruising across the power lines to the avo tree next door every night. im thinking, dont come down here ya bastard. wont your dog smell keep little animals away?


Yes bro, but you have to realize out in the woods there are voles and mice every where and gophers and all kinds of other crap..can't keep em all away, but I do know that there aren't any real rodent problems around my ranch no matter how much straw is put down etc.,...
im sorry guys, i got lost in the threads and missed the part what the straw does? You place it on top of the smartys? And they protect something? or is it to keep the roots attracted to the tippy top of the level of soil in the pot, so you use all of the soil available? Sorry if you could just explain it one last time...


ICMag Donor
not too mention it traps a bit of heat, keeping the root zone happier (I live in a more mild climate zone)
...and IF, IF...you use some GOOD alfalfa, it can kinda break down over the season and add a bit of N to the ground...."till" it right under for next year...



Right on ill have to cover the tops of my pots.

its looking like i burried the clover seeds too deep in alot of pots. figured clover would fix n, keep the soil from getting too compacted, distribute water and keep heat off. it will be a good experiment either way to see a side by side of clover vs. straw. i kinda like the idea of roots filling all the way to the top when covered in straw.


The roots get up to the top of the pot, you have to water less, the patch is brighter, it keeps the dust down. I would not mulch with alfalfa unless you want to grow that in your pots. Clover will work as well or better than straw as a mulch


The roots get up to the top of the pot, you have to water less, the patch is brighter, it keeps the dust down. I would not mulch with alfalfa unless you want to grow that in your pots. Clover will work as well or better than straw as a mulch

Damn homie got words 4 everyone! :ying: