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Lights off for last 24-48hrs


Personally I do 24-48 hr. with the lights off right before chop. I've done this with all my crops other than one, and I could notice the difference. As with all theories there are opponents of this theory, saying its useless and what have you. There are a few other threads on here on this topic. But I do, personally, recommend at least 24 hour dark period right before chop.
Keep it cool 10kdank, i just returned from your "location", and I wish I was still there.........


New member
Colorado's medical scene is great "not too greedy yet" and Breckenridge just passed a rec law for 1oz of herb...if your 21 years or older is legal in Brec...paraphanalia included...skistone but in Brec
getting closer to legalization.........

10KDank is a registered medical card holder 5yrs now

Hank Hemp

Active member
I've turned the light off the last day or two. The girls seem a bit better but that could be my wishful thinking. Generally I try to if nothing else is flowering.


It makes no sense to me actually.. I cant think of a reason why it would increase yield or potency... And it wont do anything to the flavour i am pretty sure..... but hey this is just what I think!
noone has mentioned why yet, increase in yield? potency? flavor?
whats the point?

I've read about this but never tried it. Supposidly the extended period of darkness swells the buddz a bit more and is suppose to get those triches perfect just before harvest.. a friend of mine does this but he turns his A/C down to the lowest setting and lets his girls sleep for 48 hours. Like i said i've never tried it but he swears by it.. this is kinda in the same catagory as flushing in hydro its all a matter of prefrence.


also let your soil dry out aswell, this will help increase the thc on your plants up.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
A local friend just tried this method with a control. Same cutting, same NFT system, one with the two day dark, the other without. We couldn't tell any difference, but his plants were pretty healthy. Maybe it would work better on stressed, or less than perfectly healthy plants?

I will say that moving plants further away from the light as they get more advanced in flowering DOES improve taste and quality for sure, and maybe yield too.

good drown

i heard the reason for this, is this is the last chance the plant has to get pollinated(it knows when its ready) so if you've done it right, the plant already knows its about to die, and thats the reason for all those trics building up in the last weeks, as its last ditch effort to catch pollen. well the lights out is like a 1-2 punch. it knows its dead soon, but now there is no more light. the plant will now do anything it can to be pollenated, and the only thing it can do, is spit out more trics


The plants will fight to survive is the theroy behind it all. When the lights are off and the soil is dry the plant will swell up and pump out thc to protect the plant and last a few more days. But i havent seen anything to back this up in fact. It makes sense to me but i dont know.

I have a buddy who does this and he flushes a week earlier than most. and then the last week he will simply stop watering and let the soil dry out for a few days before the chop and he drops the temps down real low for the last week using a window unit. He says it stimulates harsh weather and the end of the cycle for the plant. And we all know that the plants really start to pack on weight at the end of the cycle. And the cold temp help bring out the colors for some reason.

wether or not its all bullshit or not i dont know, I havent done any of it. But he sure does get some frosty purple nugs.


New member
Thanks for all the responses...I've always done this method...not sure if it was just passed down to me in some hippie legend or if I read it on Overgrow years ago. So, in the end nobody really knows if this theory does anything at all. Sometimes things just MAKE SENSE TO YOU and you go with your INSTINCTS.


the Rock

Active member
ive done alot of grows tried this=24,48 ive left em dark for a week=there is no difference in trich appearance at least not noticable,,,,now boiling the roots that is a whole different story=increase in THC production


ive done alot of grows tried this=24,48 ive left em dark for a week=there is no difference in trich appearance at least not noticable,,,,now boiling the roots that is a whole different story=increase in THC production

boiling the roots? could u please explain that?