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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
Also, I want y’all to know that the only study you’re going to read, is the study funded by the private sector. When someone does research and theres something the private sector doesnt like then they stop the funding. So someone must really love the idea of profiting off of climate change.

Variant asteroid every few thousand years, do you live in a storm water drain directly under a street light and have never wandered beyond that space to see all the star dust coming to earth every night?
Source? I'm genuinely curious which studies are funded by, for example, the private petrochemical sector.


Well-known member
As an Indigenous person, a harvester of the land .... fishing, hunting and more , yes I consider myself a lover of the earth and all it's creatures. I generally leave the land cleaner than it was when I got there. I don't live in the big city anymore.
Do I believe there is a planetary environmental crisis at play in this world? And is it Human Driven...... YES on both counts. However, I do not believe in the Climate Crisis Theory.... this is a distraction and a mechanism for the elites of this world to garner power and wealth. Whether you believe that or not is your deal. I believe the Greatest Risk To Humanity right now is the elites of the world and the lies they are are spinning.
Now on the climate and environment...... Humanity should be instead focussing thier energy on cleaning up and revitalizing the freshwater streams, creeks and rivers as well as Human sewage , Industrial effluent and plastics. Revitalize the water on land and then reviatalize our oceans. The climate is going to change no matter what we do. Look at history and I don't mean in the time frame of "modern" science. Go wayyy back.

Man's problem is a failure to adapt and work within the scope of mother nature's plans. If seas rise, the creatures of the land move to safer ground they don't stay and fret and try to stave off mother nature and inevitable climate change.
There have been times in recorded history where extreme weather patterns dominated the landscape..... from extreme cold to very hot. It's all real data that can be filterd out of the noise that is clamoring from both sides of the argument.
I've been alive for almost 55 years and it seems every decade or so the governments of the world pay a bunch of scientists to write a bunch of reports that back one disaster scenario after another. How many False Flag Climate Emergencies have been proclaimed on the front page of major magazines and newsprint over the last 50 years?? How many of those came to pass? How many of Al Gore's claims came to pass? How about Greta Thunburg's proclamations? The powers that are pushing this narrative had no problem using a mentally ill adolescent as a spokesperson.... as a martyr for thier cause to pull the heartstrings of the masses..... my nephew suffers the same mental illness as Greta..... I would never manipulate him in the way the climate nazis have..... shameful.

Anyways folks.... I will not insult anyone further.... you believe what you believe.
This world is capable of creating weather beyond what we have seen in our lifetimes so no, 4 inches of rainfall in a day in Dubai .... while it surprises me ..... I don't think the world is ending just yet.
Now if they can show me that sea levels are rising at a rate that equals 1 meter every 100 years ....... time to get concerned LOL
I agree with almost everything you've said. However you made some claims which would benefit from some clarification. Which claims from Al Gore did not come to pass, or which ones were erroneous. As you made the claim the impetus is on you to clarify which ones were predicted, which did not come to pass. Same with Thunberg.
The thing is, whether or not you believe in the climate crisis, the same things should be done to improve the scenario of earth that you've laid out and the scenario of climate change. Stop burning fossil fuels and be kinder to the earth.

So why are we arguing? If I don't want my house to burn down, and someone is offering me a fire hose, I'm not going to stand there and argue about what caused the fire.


Well-known member
He can't explain any of the garbage he spews as he's unqualified and not educated enough to even understand what he is ranting against.
That's really the problem with all the pretending of knowledge on climate in this thread. They will never provide anything but opinions they have gathered from discredited sources of seudo scienctis that are paid off by fossil fuel companies. They have nothing but complete lies and misinformation!!
There is at least 5 or 6 of them in this thread and some of stuff they post even young half educated children would laugh at how blatantly stupid and just plain wrong it is!!
There's no reason to insult, even if you've been insulted.


Well-known member
As an Indigenous person, a harvester of the land .... fishing, hunting and more , yes I consider myself a lover of the earth and all it's creatures. I generally leave the land cleaner than it was when I got there. I don't live in the big city anymore.
Do I believe there is a planetary environmental crisis at play in this world? And is it Human Driven...... YES on both counts. However, I do not believe in the Climate Crisis Theory.... this is a distraction and a mechanism for the elites of this world to garner power and wealth. Whether you believe that or not is your deal. I believe the Greatest Risk To Humanity right now is the elites of the world and the lies they are are spinning.
Now on the climate and environment...... Humanity should be instead focussing thier energy on cleaning up and revitalizing the freshwater streams, creeks and rivers as well as Human sewage , Industrial effluent and plastics. Revitalize the water on land and then reviatalize our oceans. The climate is going to change no matter what we do. Look at history and I don't mean in the time frame of "modern" science. Go wayyy back.

Man's problem is a failure to adapt and work within the scope of mother nature's plans. If seas rise, the creatures of the land move to safer ground they don't stay and fret and try to stave off mother nature and inevitable climate change.
There have been times in recorded history where extreme weather patterns dominated the landscape..... from extreme cold to very hot. It's all real data that can be filterd out of the noise that is clamoring from both sides of the argument.
I've been alive for almost 55 years and it seems every decade or so the governments of the world pay a bunch of scientists to write a bunch of reports that back one disaster scenario after another. How many False Flag Climate Emergencies have been proclaimed on the front page of major magazines and newsprint over the last 50 years?? How many of those came to pass? How many of Al Gore's claims came to pass? How about Greta Thunburg's proclamations? The powers that are pushing this narrative had no problem using a mentally ill adolescent as a spokesperson.... as a martyr for thier cause to pull the heartstrings of the masses..... my nephew suffers the same mental illness as Greta..... I would never manipulate him in the way the climate nazis have..... shameful.

Anyways folks.... I will not insult anyone further.... you believe what you believe.
This world is capable of creating weather beyond what we have seen in our lifetimes so no, 4 inches of rainfall in a day in Dubai .... while it surprises me ..... I don't think the world is ending just yet.
Now if they can show me that sea levels are rising at a rate that equals 1 meter every 100 years ....... time to get concerned LOL
The climate will change no matter what we do, true. But the speed with which it has been changing is unprecedented and directly correlated with the burning of fossil fuels. My house will also one day rot into the earth, but if I see that I have a water-leak in the wall I will fix it, instead of saying that it is a natural process and will happen anyways.


Well-known member
There’s no money in it, so I didn’t see myeslf going through 6 years of school to make the 16 dollars an hour they offer biologists to work for wildlife conservation. If this was communism, I would have stayed in school and done something I am passionate about. It’s not though so there a great divide between careers as far as income with the same education level. People who went into trades before they finish high school make 3-4 times as much as someone who studies for over 20 years of their life.

As for hurricanes, I’m saying that the only thing that is destroyed during a hurricane is man made stuff and that’s why it’s a disaster. Whether or not they’re growing stronger, the only reason it bothers anybody is because they bought an overpriced home in a flood zone that they didn’t inherit at birth.

Then these fools call natural weather phenomenon a disaster when in fact the result of big storms is far from something that should be described as a disaster.

The earth is not a closed system!!!

Edit: and the detriment to the earth through oil and natural gas exploration isn’t in the air, it’s in the water.
America's fresh waterways are destroyed from fracking on an industrial scale!!
One of the most environmentally destructive practices known! You can thank the Koch family for its years of government lobbying for your destroyed fresh water ways!! 😉

I Care

Well-known member
I’m not going to do it today. I said all I need to day. Anybody else who wants to worry about it they can. I spent 30 studying in nature and your infatuation warming climate and blaming everyone for it is just dumb.

Is rather be half educated than to have educated myself into a corner in which I do not budge.


Well-known member
You can’t blame CO2 emissions for hurricanes or any other natural phenomenon
there are tons of people doing it.

you forgot about earthquakes in nyc..?

definitely caused by CO2 .[.either too low or high]

I think we should just get rid of Co2.[.it is So bad]..then build something to shutout the sun and eat bugs..


Well-known member
there are tons of people doing it.

you forgot about earthquakes in nyc..?

definitely caused by CO2 .[.either too low or high]

I think we should just get rid of Co2.[.it is So bad]..then build something to shutout the sun and eat bugs..
Nobody is blaming CO2 itself for the intensifying of natural phenomenon. They are blaming the effects of the warming caused by an excess of CO2 in the atmosphere via the greenhouse effect which influences weather phenomena.

Not one person is blaming the molecule.

How did CO2 cause the earthquake in NYC? I must be out of the loop.


Well-known member
I’m not going to do it today. I said all I need to day. Anybody else who wants to worry about it they can. I spent 30 studying in nature and your infatuation warming climate and blaming everyone for it is just dumb.

Is rather be half educated than to have educated myself into a corner in which I do not budge.
So you made claims and then when asked for anything to corroborate those claims you dip out. Peace.

Those being blamed are mainly petrochemical conglomerates. I think we can all get behind saying f*ck those guys anyways. That simply must be some common ground.


Well-known member
So you made claims and then when asked for anything to corroborate those claims you dip out. Peace.

Those being blamed are mainly petrochemical conglomerates. I think we can all get behind saying f*ck those guys anyways. That simply must be some common ground.
Of course he can't backup anything he's said because it's nothing more than his opinion on a subject he knows nothing about!
This meme sums it all up perfectly!!
images (53).jpeg


Well-known member
there are tons of people doing it.

you forgot about earthquakes in nyc..?

definitely caused by CO2 .[.either too low or high]

I think we should just get rid of Co2.[.it is So bad]..then build something to shutout the sun and eat bugs..
Showing your lack of intelligence as usual I see!! 🤣
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Well-known member
He can't explain any of the garbage he spews as he's unqualified and not educated enough to even understand what he is ranting against.
That's really the problem with all the pretending of knowledge on climate in this thread. They will never provide anything but opinions they have gathered from discredited sources of seudo scienctis that are paid off by fossil fuel companies. They have nothing but complete lies and misinformation!!
There is at least 5 or 6 of them in this thread and some of stuff they post even young half educated children would laugh at how blatantly stupid and just plain wrong it is!!
Here's some facts for you Porky, prove them wrong if you can

The red line is the measured temps, the green line is some stnuc fantasy and what is believed by you believers to be true.

In my opinion you believers blindly believe whatever you are told by the TV no evidence required, some of us don't believe everything we are told so we are called deniers by you believers, I won't post what we deniers call you believers behind your backs it would probably get me arrested by your mates the thought police.

Bla bla bla off to trim some pot
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Well-known member
Here's some facts for you Porky, prove them wrong if you can

The red line is the measured temps, the green line is some stnuc fantasy and what is believed by you believers to be true.

In my opinion you believers blindly believe whatever you are told by the TV no evidence required, some of us don't believe everything we are told so we are called deniers by you believers, I won't post what we deniers call you believers behind your backs it would probably get me arrested by your mates the thought police.

Bla bla bla off to trim some pot
View attachment 18991306
Yeah I found the website that you pulled that graph from. Pretty odd place, seems like there is a vendetta between the guy who runs it and one climate-scientist in particular, lot of emotions running around there, but I can't go to any conclusions without digging further. Appears to be run by one man who hates the idea of climate change. I didn't get beyond the first page, but gimme some time to check it out. I can, however, post a graph which shows clearly unprecedented warming, though for some reason you did not post anything which indicates that.

Any chance at answering any on the questions that I've posted or nah?

This at least is labeled properly, and I don't have to look at the small pic of a dog in the upper corner to find the source website.

Here's another which is at least as credible as what you've posted, because again I do not know the original source of your graph.

But again, how about answering any of the questions posted? Just posting graphs isn't really getting anywhere, because I think we can both post graphs until we are blue in the face, each side calling the other manipulated or fake.

Why would this be a hoax? Why do you think that the scientific establishment would want to come together to fake this? Why do you believe petrochemical conglomerates and their shills? Why are you following the hardest to believe logic? Is it because it is convenient to think that way? I certainly do not want the world to end, but if it appears to be going in that direction, well that's what it appears too be doing. We have a short window of time to do something about it and instead we are here arguing while those profiting from the destruction of our earth continue to pillage what's left.

Take emotions out of it, do you love the earth? If yes, should we stop extracting and buring petrochemicals? The answer is obviously yes. So why the arguments?
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