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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
Because they are fucking ignorant poorly educated idiots that's why. Fuck half of em can't even string a coherent sentence together let alone understand that human activity is destroying the entire planet!
I don't think the planet gives two fucks what we "humans" do, it will still be here long after the last "human" croaks it.

Wind towers, solar panels, electric vehicle's and plant based fuels will cause far more damage to the environment than anything else "humans" do.
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Record-breaking events do not happen so often in a stable system.

Bang on post fella :love:

I can remember when these record events first started happening, reported on the news.

I was amazed at the frequency of these record weather events , hurricanes and cyclones. Went from yearly, to twice annually, virtually every month to weekly, then daily.

more to the point, why on Earth can't we, on a website devoted to the love of a plant that our fragile species plucked out of the wild green nature, just agree that yeah, we should preserve nature in as close to it's natural form as we can

Totally agree. It disgusts me to see the amount of waste my own family produces and we care about the planet and nature.

Seems the govt and big corps don't really give a fock, same as younguns who want bubble focking teas and kfcs
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I Care

Well-known member
I actually studied environemtal sciences. While I had only passing grades on all other subjects. I had A’s in environmental sciences and marine sciences and I excelled in the studies. Not one day did my professor talk about carbon emissions being the end of the world.

Instead we focused on things that actually affect the health of ecosystems. Disruptions to the water cycle such as storm water run off. Contamination. Habitat destruction and ways to restore habitats. We grew and planted a ton of marsh grass where construction destroyed the coast line. That place we planted plugs is actually thriving now it’s coastal marsh grass instead of just some dumb man made beach destroyed by bridge construction.

Was just a ton of sand down by the water line 30 years ago.damaged by bridge construction.


It’s not about being young or dumb. It’s about being smart enough to know that there’s really nothing we can do if we focus on the problems that are beyond the horizon, nation away or untouchable.

The biological scientists… they’re not going to be talking about climate change.

If I could stop careless cunts from moving to the coast I would, but I don’t have any money to buy up every fucking coastal property in Florida to restore it.

Then we call these fucking hurricanes and tsunamis natural disasters, when in fact it’s a bunch of our shit littered all over the place. Only reason shit looks like a disaster areas is because there ain’t nothing but a bunch of fuckin building materials where there used to be fuckin plants and animals.

You can’t blame CO2 emissions for hurricanes or any other natural phenomenon unless you’ve successfully been hypnotized by the bullshit!

If you’re still that worried about it, breathe less.
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Well-known member
I actually studied environemtal sciences. While I had only passing grades on all other subjects. I had A’s in environmental sciences and marine sciences and I excelled in the studies. Not one day did my professor talk about carbon emissions being the end of the world.

Instead we focused on things that actually affect the health of ecosystems. Disruptions to the water cycle such as storm water run off. Contamination. Habitat destruction and ways to restore habitats. We grew and planted a ton of marsh grass where construction destroyed the coast line. That place we planted plugs is actually thriving now it’s coastal marsh grass instead of just some dumb man made beach destroyed by bridge construction.

Was just a ton of sand down by the water line 30 years ago.damaged by bridge construction.

View attachment 18989813

It’s not about being young or dumb. It’s about being smart enough to know that there’s really nothing we can do if we focus on the problems that are beyond the horizon, nation away or untouchable.

The biological scientists… they’re not going to be talking about climate change.

If I could stop careless cunts from moving to the coast I would, but I don’t have any money to buy up every fucking coastal property in Florida to restore it.

Then we call these fucking hurricanes and tsunamis natural disasters, when in fact it’s a bunch of our shit littered all over the place. Only reason shit looks like a disaster areas is because there ain’t nothing but a bunch of fuckin building materials where there used to be fuckin plants and animals.

You can’t blame CO2 emissions for hurricanes or any other natural phenomenon unless you’ve successfully been hypnotized by the bullshit!

If you’re still that worried about it, breathe less.
Hey that's awesome! We need more like you and your professor, working on practical solutions to realistic-scale problems.

I'm not sure about your last point though. Yeah, CO2 itself will not cause a hurricane, but nobody is saying that. CO2 affects the temperature of the planet, unevenly, through the greenhouse effect. Are you saying that temperature fluctuations and pressure gradients have nothing to do with developing weather phenomena? And that unnatural fluctuations in temperature caused by an excess of CO2, CH4 etc cannot affect weather systems?

I only have a cursory knowledge of weather, but I thought that hurricanes were caused by air and water temperature fluctuations?

As far as being hypnotized by BS, don't you think that the oil companies are pouring fortunes into making sure that a lot of people do not believe that their product causes damage to our home? What would the point be in a 'preserve the health of earth' propaganda campaign? What would the end-game be?

To me, changing technologies is a part of being human. If we need to stop burning oil (I mean...) who cares? As long as we develop a technology that serves the same general purpose while being less-damaging to the environment. I don't need a truck that goes vroom, it can go hummmm for all I care. It is a tool. I can live without mangoes from Costa-Rica and dates from Algeria in my grocery store in Michigan. I say this as someone who used to collect muscle-cars. Some things are more important.

If you, for some reason, do not believe that gas buildup in a closed system causes changes to weather and climate in that system, as someone who has studied environmental science and done great work in preserving coastlines you must be aware of the environmental disaster that is oil and gas extraction? This issue blends with the work that you've done, considering the general scientific consensus about what will happen to the Florida coastline in our lifetimes. I would link to the studies but there is a disappointing mistrust of science nowadays and I don't want to hear about how it's made up or fake just because someone doesn't like the results of the study. If you google it the info is all there.


Well-known member
I don't think the planet gives two fucks what we "humans" do, it will still be here long after the last "human" croaks it.

Wind towers, solar panels, electric vehicle's and plant based fuels will cause far more damage to the environment than anything else "humans" do.
This planet is not that big. You can circle it in 24 hours.

Well it depends, there is an idea that once we reach a certain point, permafrost will melt and carbon/methane which has been locked into the earth for eons will be released, causing a runaway heating event which has no end. Meaning that all life on the planet is actually at risk, not just humans.

Can you explain your second point, about how solar panels, wind turbines and plant-based fuels cause more damage than anything else that humans do? I'm not trying to argue with you, but if you can show us examples of what you mean when you said that, we can have a discussion where we both learn something.

I Care

Well-known member
Hey that's awesome! We need more like you and your professor, working on practical solutions to realistic-scale problems.

I'm not sure about your last point though. Yeah, CO2 itself will not cause a hurricane, but nobody is saying that. CO2 affects the temperature of the planet, unevenly, through the greenhouse effect. Are you saying that temperature fluctuations and pressure gradients have nothing to do with developing weather phenomena? And that unnatural fluctuations in temperature caused by an excess of CO2, CH4 etc cannot affect weather systems?

I only have a cursory knowledge of weather, but I thought that hurricanes were caused by air and water temperature fluctuations?

As far as being hypnotized by BS, don't you think that the oil companies are pouring fortunes into making sure that a lot of people do not believe that their product causes damage to our home? What would the point be in a 'preserve the health of earth' propaganda campaign? What would the end-game be?

To me, changing technologies is a part of being human. If we need to stop burning oil (I mean...) who cares? As long as we develop a technology that serves the same general purpose while being less-damaging to the environment. I don't need a truck that goes vroom, it can go hummmm for all I care. It is a tool. I can live without mangoes from Costa-Rica and dates from Algeria in my grocery store in Michigan. I say this as someone who used to collect muscle-cars. Some things are more important.

If you, for some reason, do not believe that gas buildup in a closed system causes changes to weather and climate in that system, as someone who has studied environmental science and done great work in preserving coastlines you must be aware of the environmental disaster that is oil and gas extraction? This issue blends with the work that you've done, considering the general scientific consensus about what will happen to the Florida coastline in our lifetimes. I would link to the studies but there is a disappointing mistrust of science nowadays and I don't want to hear about how it's made up or fake just because someone doesn't like the results of the study. If you google it the info is all there.

There’s no money in it, so I didn’t see myeslf going through 6 years of school to make the 16 dollars an hour they offer biologists to work for wildlife conservation. If this was communism, I would have stayed in school and done something I am passionate about. It’s not though so there a great divide between careers as far as income with the same education level. People who went into trades before they finish high school make 3-4 times as much as someone who studies for over 20 years of their life.

As for hurricanes, I’m saying that the only thing that is destroyed during a hurricane is man made stuff and that’s why it’s a disaster. Whether or not they’re growing stronger, the only reason it bothers anybody is because they bought an overpriced home in a flood zone that they didn’t inherit at birth.

Then these fools call natural weather phenomenon a disaster when in fact the result of big storms is far from something that should be described as a disaster.

The earth is not a closed system!!!

Edit: and the detriment to the earth through oil and natural gas exploration isn’t in the air, it’s in the water.

I Care

Well-known member
And to correct the communism thing. I wouldn’t be doing something I’m passionate about, I would have been recognized for my strengths and would have been pursuing my intellectual strengths. I’m not a communist, but I don’t think that someone with a masters degree making a small fraction of a laborer is at all sensible.

People all getting paid the same for what it is they’re good at is what would makes sense to me. It’s good in theory but not in corrupted division of wealth through private sectors.

I Care

Well-known member
Also, I want y’all to know that the only study you’re going to read, is the study funded by the private sector. When someone does research and theres something the private sector doesnt like then they stop the funding. So someone must really love the idea of profiting off of climate change.

Variant asteroid every few thousand years, do you live in a storm water drain directly under a street light and have never wandered beyond that space to see all the star dust coming to earth every night?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I hope so. Do you have anything to, like, elevate that idea? Or is it just the nicest thing to believe? Because for sure I don't want to believe in a disaster scenario, but outside of the 'developed' world we are already seeing record-breaking weather events nearly every year now. Record-breaking events do not happen so often in a stable system. Dubai just got a year's worth of rain in one day. Remember Hurricane Sandy? The deadly winter in Central Europe a few years back? I could go on but I don't feel like googling, anyone can though. This information is easily available.

Nobody is mad at you for driving a Jeep. Old Jeeps are cool af. That is a narrative used by the elite to keep us fighting each other. Global shipping and petroleum use in general is responsible for a huuuge amount of greenhouse gas emissions, (not to mention microplastics accumulating in the environment and our bodies) but that makes enormous profits for the wealthy, so they'd rather have us calling each other weenies for being vegan and fighting over windmills and electric cars.

I want you to be right, but I need data. Whenever someone posts a view like yours, the most I can seem to get is: "I've lived through more than a few 'disasters' put forth by the media, this will be the same.". But will it? Why do you say that? Is it just intuition that we are supposed to hedge our planet on? And more to the point, why on Earth can't we, on a website devoted to the love of a plant that our fragile species plucked out of the wild green nature, just agree that yeah, we should preserve nature in as close to it's natural form as we can. Why is that controversial? If you went to a doctor and he said: "Well sir/mam, all things considered you are in decent health, but I must stress the importance of not smoking or getting too much sun." would your first thought be "Yeah right, I've lived long enough to know what's good for me, I'm gonna light up on the beach as soon as I walk out of here." or would you say: "That was good advice, I've had a nice life and I want to preserve my health as long as I can.".

Why is it a controversial idea? I thought we all loved nature and out mother earth.

As an Indigenous person, a harvester of the land .... fishing, hunting and more , yes I consider myself a lover of the earth and all it's creatures. I generally leave the land cleaner than it was when I got there. I don't live in the big city anymore.
Do I believe there is a planetary environmental crisis at play in this world? And is it Human Driven...... YES on both counts. However, I do not believe in the Climate Crisis Theory.... this is a distraction and a mechanism for the elites of this world to garner power and wealth. Whether you believe that or not is your deal. I believe the Greatest Risk To Humanity right now is the elites of the world and the lies they are are spinning.
Now on the climate and environment...... Humanity should be instead focussing thier energy on cleaning up and revitalizing the freshwater streams, creeks and rivers as well as Human sewage , Industrial effluent and plastics. Revitalize the water on land and then reviatalize our oceans. The climate is going to change no matter what we do. Look at history and I don't mean in the time frame of "modern" science. Go wayyy back.

Man's problem is a failure to adapt and work within the scope of mother nature's plans. If seas rise, the creatures of the land move to safer ground they don't stay and fret and try to stave off mother nature and inevitable climate change.
There have been times in recorded history where extreme weather patterns dominated the landscape..... from extreme cold to very hot. It's all real data that can be filterd out of the noise that is clamoring from both sides of the argument.
I've been alive for almost 55 years and it seems every decade or so the governments of the world pay a bunch of scientists to write a bunch of reports that back one disaster scenario after another. How many False Flag Climate Emergencies have been proclaimed on the front page of major magazines and newsprint over the last 50 years?? How many of those came to pass? How many of Al Gore's claims came to pass? How about Greta Thunburg's proclamations? The powers that are pushing this narrative had no problem using a mentally ill adolescent as a spokesperson.... as a martyr for thier cause to pull the heartstrings of the masses..... my nephew suffers the same mental illness as Greta..... I would never manipulate him in the way the climate nazis have..... shameful.

Anyways folks.... I will not insult anyone further.... you believe what you believe.
This world is capable of creating weather beyond what we have seen in our lifetimes so no, 4 inches of rainfall in a day in Dubai .... while it surprises me ..... I don't think the world is ending just yet.
Now if they can show me that sea levels are rising at a rate that equals 1 meter every 100 years ....... time to get concerned LOL


Well-known member
Well, the ozone thing was actually a bigger deal risk wise than most are aware...like really bad deal if man didn't act.
Please review the pertinent material to be included in a class i would consider informed. That's how serious it was and could've been...there is an "oh shit" moment in the material should it be found by anyone with precursor knowledge.
"The Montreal Protocol, finalized in 1987, is a global agreement to protect the stratospheric ozone layer by phasing out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)."
It's the UV-B that was gonna destroy habitable surface area...cuz ozone would've been completely collapsed if we didn't act...the hole would've gotten bigger and bigger at both poles and what happens when they connect at equator? ..poof, bye bye ozone...that stopped the suns UV-B...are you picking up on this yet or are you searching for any form of pushback instead?

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Thread caught my eye when I recognized a couple nyms I have communicated with before. I have no dog in this fight whatsoever, I'm approaching 70 years old and will be dead before global warming is going to have any personal effect on me. However I do have kids and grandkids, so I am concerned about global warming, climate change is global fucking warming.

For a completely _alternative_ view on global warming and ozone, check out this link:

Nobody in this thread will completely mow down that Wall of Words, I've read is complete website many times over, but you can rest assured that Owsley Stanley truly believed in his theory. Enough to move his family to the outback of Australia and live a totally and completely self-sufficient lifestyle.

He wasn't worrying about us roasting to death from global warming, he was more concerned with a new ice age. Just like his beliefs on nutrition, ,he was a total and complete carnivore amongst the vegan hippies. I don't agree with his theory and I'm not into celebrity worship/pagan idolatry, but I can assure you this man had very logical and scientific reasons for believing what he did.

Not only did he talk to talk, he walked the walk.


Well-known member
This planet is not that big. You can circle it in 24 hours.

Well it depends, there is an idea that once we reach a certain point, permafrost will melt and carbon/methane which has been locked into the earth for eons will be released, causing a runaway heating event which has no end. Meaning that all life on the planet is actually at risk, not just humans.

Can you explain your second point, about how solar panels, wind turbines and plant-based fuels cause more damage than anything else that humans do? I'm not trying to argue with you, but if you can show us examples of what you mean when you said that, we can have a discussion where we both learn something.
He can't explain any of the garbage he spews as he's unqualified and not educated enough to even understand what he is ranting against.
That's really the problem with all the pretending of knowledge on climate in this thread. They will never provide anything but opinions they have gathered from discredited sources of seudo scienctis that are paid off by fossil fuel companies. They have nothing but complete lies and misinformation!!
There is at least 5 or 6 of them in this thread and some of stuff they post even young half educated children would laugh at how blatantly stupid and just plain wrong it is!!


Well-known member
There’s no money in it, so I didn’t see myeslf going through 6 years of school to make the 16 dollars an hour they offer biologists to work for wildlife conservation. If this was communism, I would have stayed in school and done something I am passionate about. It’s not though so there a great divide between careers as far as income with the same education level. People who went into trades before they finish high school make 3-4 times as much as someone who studies for over 20 years of their life.

As for hurricanes, I’m saying that the only thing that is destroyed during a hurricane is man made stuff and that’s why it’s a disaster. Whether or not they’re growing stronger, the only reason it bothers anybody is because they bought an overpriced home in a flood zone that they didn’t inherit at birth.

Then these fools call natural weather phenomenon a disaster when in fact the result of big storms is far from something that should be described as a disaster.

The earth is not a closed system!!!

Edit: and the detriment to the earth through oil and natural gas exploration isn’t in the air, it’s in the water.
Sorry, your original post made it sound like you had some expertise or accreditation in Environmental Science. Am I correct to assume that what you meant is that you took a class in college?

Can you, as you made the statement, provide proof that burning fossil fuels does nothing to change the state of the makeup of the atmosphere?

You had said that CO2 does not cause hurricanes, I agreed with you but said that the results of excessive CO2/CH4 are uneven heating of the globe/air/water, which absolutely will cause hurricanes. What do you think of that? I was hoping for a response. I personally never said anything about people's homes being destroyed because they built in a disaster-prone area. I am just going through your points and asking for clarification about the ones which don't make sense to me.

I have to disagree, the Earth is a closed system as far as we can call anything that, as evidenced by the fact that we are not breathing vacuum right now.