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Happiness is..... a good book

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
The Dune 2021 movie Has inspired me to read the novel once again if you haven’t read it and you enjoy epic science fiction it’s unsurpassed I highly recommend it while the movie was good they can’t cover more than one 100th of what the book has to offer


Well-known member
The Dune 2021 movie Has inspired me to read the novel once again if you haven’t read it and you enjoy epic science fiction it’s unsurpassed I highly recommend it while the movie was good they can’t cover more than one 100th of what the book has to offer

i saw the original movie (spoiler alert-it sucked) but i loved reading the trilogy. like you say, good writing lets your imagination show you all of the details that are impossible to get on film. i just finished a collection of Jack Londons works earlier today. my damn feet get cold just reading those stories. i've read most of them over & over. dated terminology and all, still good shit. call me "old-fashioned", lol. my sons think there was nothing written before "Harry Potter" that was worth reading...😄 they also consider themselves movie buffs, but have never seen "High Noon", "Shane", "The Graduate", anything with Hepburn & Tracy in it etc. to them, "classic" means "old & dull". gotta have a superhero these days...🙄


ICMag Donor
Hippie ..I almost actually prefer old movies just last week I watched this as you mentioned
And the dune book is going to keep me busy for quite a while the depth and the scope of it is amazing


Hey Book worms, you might like my novel of canyon cultivation in 1980. First part is posted on this site:
Jonathan, author


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Two books...

"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. The version I used to have was 1100'ish pages of regular sized print. The first 200 pages were torturous back-history/character-development, and it took me about a month to get through it the first time. After that, I could not put it down till I finished it. (Spoilier: Altruism is really b.s. when it comes to people)

Lots and LOTS of parallels between that crashing society and today.

"Prometheus Rising" by Robert Anton Wilson, a rather interesting philosopher from a while back. Arguably one of the best manuals on how 'your' organic computer and psyche developed.

Edit: Ok, 3 books.
"The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. A book which covers an amazing number of points I find totally missing in the relationships of people around me. Both husbands and wives should read this one, and you'll thank yourselves for doing so.


Well-known member
@armedoldhippy , im with you with the Jack London. 100%.
Dune was a trip for sure.
slaughter house 5.
Recently read the black mass of brother springer by charles willeford. edit:funny, light book.
and cockfighter was good too.
read all the cs lewis and redwall books as a kid, animals who are gangster little village creatures? perfect.
Grateful this thread resurfaced, i will try some. too many to list all the books i liked..

St. Phatty

Active member
I read ALL the Michael Connelly books, except maybe the first 2.

I found about 8 spelling errors in one of his books.

I'm gonna apply to be a Proof-reader - and be paid in Ganja !