I can't ever stop reading I'm right up there with you DickAnubis in frequency.
My favorite so far this year: The Magus by John Fowles
Light in August by William Faulkner
Shadow country - Peter Mathiesson
^good southern US fiction
The snow leopard - Peter Mathiesson - loved this one so much I read it twice. Can't recommend it enough. The quote by Carl Jung sent shivers up my spine...head exploded and all that. The descriptions of the sherpas and porters I try to remember daily.
I love Burroughs as a writer the cut up method is fun to read and write with. Sometimes there's just no other way to describe it. I read Nova Express recently and think this one is my favorite of his. Remember I was carbon dioxide, meester william...
Read the Snow Leopard in high school and just re read it again 2 years ago.
That book is fantastic. . . feels like you are with him every step. A masterpiece. Such vivid feeling from his words.
I will have to check into his fiction, and the Magus.
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