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Four small chambers, One 150w HPS, CFLs, NGB knockoff...


OK so back for another attempt at maximizing my yield, in a small closet, discretely...under a 150w HPS

Rooms 1 & 2- Vegetative:
This here is the ol' vertical 150w HPS NGB from my previous thread which you
may recognize...

These chambers have barely changed except my flowering room is now no
longer sporting the 150w HPS and is a vegetative room. And for those first
timers, technically this isn't an NGB but I stole so many ideas from it that it
deserves to be credited. So now for the new additions across the closet....

Just for a reference in the first pic you can see its directly across from my
old setup... and the second one takes a look inside that window, keep in
mind i JUST finished.

Rooms 3 & 4 - Flowering:

Two new chambers, basic NGB design using 1" PVC to vent the two rooms I
also have an inline fan pulling through the second room which i plant to use
two vent the whole air tight system. Pictured left is my flower room already
in use with a couple church clones and two big ass 125w warm CFLs.

Snapshot of the nutes ill be using and on the right a picture of all lights
running with my closet door open at night!

The plan
Room 1: Lighting is 4x23w CFLs (100w equiv) This room provides home
to my new cuttings and plants will spend the rooting stages and first week or
so of vegetative growth in this room. This room is about 5000-6000 Lumens.

Room 2:Cuttings grow into vegging plants and are then thrown into
another chamber which is going to have more lumens (so far undetermined
what CFL i will be using) than the previous chamber to provide 4 weeks of
vegetative growth. During the last week in this chamber cuttings will be
taken from each plant to preserve genetics and keep an ongoing cycle.

Room 3: This is flower room number one, it has 2x125W CFLs, with an
unknown equiv. Pushing 1100-1200 Lumens in this room, temps manage to
stay low while the plants begin their flowering for 4 weeks in this room.

Room 4: Finally, ripening room is illuminated with a 150w HPS, plants
will move in here for the final 4 weeks of flowering. This room provides out
of the box around 15,000 Lumens.

Every plant will grow under every light as they move from the first room to
the fourth room spending 4 weeks in each one.

The idea is to have one harvest every 4 weeks!

Thats the plan... however I post on here for the feedback so let me know
what you guys think!

Also, I still have not figured out how many plants i will be running in each
cycle so also let me know what you think... maybe 6-8 in 2-Liter bottles, or
just two to 4 larger plants?

Thanks for checking it out!

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nice ill have to keep an eye on this thread, just got done reading your other ones looks like your getting a nice feel for growing!!!


Introducing: Jack the Ripper

Introducing: Jack the Ripper

FieldofDreams thanks for stopping in...

Here are my Jack the ripper clones now 16 days old in my vegging chamber...

And here are my church plants now flowering with 3 other JTR clones vegged
about 2 weeks...

Will upload pics of my hydro mom tomm at only 14 days shes looking the best.


JTR Mother...

JTR Mother...

This is only a temporary solution to get enough cuts from this plant so that i
can get the "4 week system" started up. Once i get enough cuts this mother
will probably join the others in flower.

Notice this plant is in DWC and how it was bought in the same batch as my soil
plants in the green solo cups, damn i miss hydro...

KJ, OgraNerd, thanks for stopping in and cheking things out... :joint:


JTR mother was traded :wallbash: but for a better cause (for 2x inline fans)

This is annoying as far as the 4 week process goes because i need clones
to replace my vegetating plants... maybe i will encourage a stretch so i can
take clippings from my baby 6 plants


DrBudGreengenes, thanks for the better links

and I have to thank you for your amazing CFL thread, a definate inspiration
to my very own setup :joint:


East Coast Grower
That's quite the setup you got there. What is the material you used for the walls to make it so lightproof? Can't wait to see how this all works out, just starting a SOG attempt myself, only 2 rooms though. Glad I got here for the start! I'll be watchin


My lightproof walls are constructed of clear thick plastic that is used to cover
couches at old poeples houses... on sale at walmart for $1 a yard.

I cut this fabric the size of my doors then wallpaper it with aluminum tape...

in this particular setup I constructed a small window by simply leaving part of
the window uncovred (but i covered this with a vlecro lightproof flap)

then as a finishing touch i covered the front with white duct tape. and viola! :joint:


Next generation and 3/4 chambers now in use...

Next generation and 3/4 chambers now in use...

mdanzig, thanks for stopping in, ill take all the luck i can get. :joint:

Chambers 1 & 2: Ok so introducing my last light its a 200w CFL and is enclosed
in an aluminum reflector but first... some new cuttings:

The cuttings are at about 12 hours, (4 church and 2 jacks) and I had neglected
to spray them until now so they are looking a little droopy... on the right, my
JTR plants proceed into heavy vegetation, looks like they will need a little
training that is as high as my light goes!

Chamber 3:

Added some flowering nutes (were previosly on transition nutes) and a little
taste of guano, as a first time user i was anxious to start using it!

It will be about 3-4 weeks before I move the plants again, take some
cuttings and actually begin using the 150w HPS. :joint:
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Another week...

Another week...

Chamber 1:

Ok, so i thought i had this cloning thing figured out but i guess without my
humidome i am having a harder time keeping all these girls alive... i can deal with
the 5 i suppose but i wont give up on her...

Chamber 2:

I trained the plants and they have grown out in the past 7 days... I am liking
the veg of the JTR more aggressive than I had hoped roots have begun to
fill the 2-Liter bottles and are visible through the bottom.

Chamber 3:

These girls are looking well and are just two weeks into flowering and are
beginning to fill up with white hairs. The JTR was a real stretcher probably
because i flowered it so young, i cant wait to see it blow up with hairs in
the next few days.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Thanks for the update!

I see in the Chamber 3 photo that you rooted in rockwool and then transplanted into soil. My question is, why do you have the rockwool sitting so high up out of the soil? The best thing would be to bury it all the way into the soil and then fill in around it.


K.J- Usually after a few watering i get this sort of erosion especially after the
transplant, then after my second transplant it sort of stuck out like you see...

My reasoning was, if the roots aren't exposed, that they wont be growing up to
fill that space anyways so leave it sticking out the top thus alotting more room
for the roots to grow down (couple inches i sacrifice to make it stick out saves
me more room for more roots in the bottom of my buckets)

Having limited knowledge of soil... I was wondering if there are really any
benefits to burying the rockwool next time around? (its already too late for the
church plants in the black buckets.)

Definately let me know what you think, or know for that matter! I am a newb
when it comes to soil as I am a former DeepWaterCulture guy. :joint:
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