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Active member
Yo. Things are taxed that are.unneeded luxury.

If you drink alcohol, you aren't buying food. Nobody needs to be drunk.

Cigarettes are the same, but also cause trickle-down medical expenses.

Cars, you can walk. You're producing poisons, that need regulation.

Pot should be taxed and it's because money is based on the market and economy and the money not gotten from taxes lowers the value of the dollar.


I love my life
Hang tight there man. A 25% tax in a 3 tier program is 56.25% not 75%. Do the math.

Ok math guys. Grower sells for $100 and pays $25 in tax. Processor sells for $150 and pays $37.5 in tax. Retailer sells for $200 and pays $50 in tax. Customer pays $16 in tax on a $200 purchase.

Tax = 25 + 37.5 + 50 + 16 OR $128.50 in tax on a final sale of $200

Grower get $75 and has a bunch of expenses. Processor gets $12.5 and has lots of expenses. Retailer gets $0 and has lot of expenses.

So under this senario the $216 that the customer pays $128.50 goes to the GVT and $87.50 goes to the PRODUCERS!!!!!

Looks like the TAX is well more than 100% of the value of the underlying comodity.

This is not a feasable solution for WA or CO. Perhaps they can wharehouse grow and be happy with $87.50 an oz; however the customer can find better value on the street for their $216 so the state store will drive business to the FREE MARKET.


knucklehead bob

U.N. warns America: Legalizing marijuana violates int’l law
The United Nations has issued the United States a stern warning against a state trend to legalize marijuana, for recreational or medical use: Doing so violates international law.
The International Narcotics Control Board, the global body in charge of overseeing drug treaties, issued a warning about the “unprecedented surge” in “legal highs” — those that stem from medically approved marijuana use — and said immediate action is needed to stop the trade, The Guardian reported. The group also warned the U.S. government to crack down on medicinal marijuana laws.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...alizing-marijuana-violates-int/#ixzz2MvISPEHr
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter


ICMag Donor
Yo. Things are taxed that are.unneeded luxury.

If you drink alcohol, you aren't buying food. Nobody needs to be drunk.

Cigarettes are the same, but also cause trickle-down medical expenses.

Cars, you can walk. You're producing poisons, that need regulation.

Pot should be taxed and it's because money is based on the market and economy and the money not gotten from taxes lowers the value of the dollar.

Printing more dollars and taking the dollar off the gold standard lowers the value of the dollar.


Ok math guys. Grower sells for $100 and pays $25 in tax. Processor sells for $150 and pays $37.5 in tax. Retailer sells for $200 and pays $50 in tax. Customer pays $16 in tax on a $200 purchase.

Tax = 25 + 37.5 + 50 + 16 OR $128.50 in tax on a final sale of $200

Grower get $75 and has a bunch of expenses. Processor gets $12.5 and has lots of expenses. Retailer gets $0 and has lot of expenses.

So under this senario the $216 that the customer pays $128.50 goes to the GVT and $87.50 goes to the PRODUCERS!!!!!

Looks like the TAX is well more than 100% of the value of the underlying comodity.

This is not a feasable solution for WA or CO. Perhaps they can wharehouse grow and be happy with $87.50 an oz; however the customer can find better value on the street for their $216 so the state store will drive business to the FREE MARKET.


If that were the tax scheme, you would find higher prices since resale is usually a 50% mark up. In this case, retail would be around $300-400/oz or 40-50/eight...That looks like the prices in the cheaper states. I seriously doubt that people can get $220/oz for chron in any place that does not already have some permissibility in production. Also, if the grower sells for $100/oz, the sale will be $100+tax, so it would actually be $125 (this is the way pricing works in the real world-the consumer always picks up the difference on sales taxes). And, if you ask me, a grower could make it on half that including everyone else. There would just be less participants in the market due to higher competition standards (only the best/most driven growers/processors/retailers make it off of the lowest prices). Also, chronic will be worth more than generic THC since resin will be oversupplied by the outdoor market (outdoor producers will usually not produce top tier chronb but could with significant management and investments). I seriously doubt that full legalization will make producing super chronic flowers technically easier, only legally easier. Super chronic is reasonably priced at $320/oz since a single hit will get a naive loaded. This puts the per dose cost to be similar to Vicodin and better than most beers since 1 hit gives more effect than 1 beer and a similar effect as 1 Vicodin for most people (not me though since I am insensitive to opiates-several Vicodin gives little effect when I have 0 tolerance).


U.N. warns America: Legalizing marijuana violates int’l law
The United Nations has issued the United States a stern warning against a state trend to legalize marijuana, for recreational or medical use: Doing so violates international law.
The International Narcotics Control Board, the global body in charge of overseeing drug treaties, issued a warning about the “unprecedented surge” in “legal highs” — those that stem from medically approved marijuana use — and said immediate action is needed to stop the trade, The Guardian reported. The group also warned the U.S. government to crack down on medicinal marijuana laws.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...alizing-marijuana-violates-int/#ixzz2MvISPEHr
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

These seem like empty threats. Are they going to put the legislators/petitioners in jail or something. I dont see where the UN has authority other than saying we cant be part of the UN.


I love my life
We get cron at 200 per in OR and WA, without the tax....

Doesn't much matter what anyone thinks so long as the quarters go for 70!

Hydro, did you see Oregon House Bill 3371? Interesting stuff. Sounds like they'll be charging most small timers $3750 a year, plus $35/oz. I say $3750/yr because most people would need a Producers, Processors, and Wholesalers license. I don't see how you could get around all 3 of those. Unless the producer sold to the processor a raw untrimmed product.. But wouldn't that be a Producer and Wholesalers license? Seems interesting. I doubt it'll make it out of the committee.

200/oz.. You're paying too much!


I love my life
Hydro, did you see Oregon House Bill 3371? Interesting stuff. Sounds like they'll be charging most small timers $3750 a year, plus $35/oz. I say $3750/yr because most people would need a Producers, Processors, and Wholesalers license. I don't see how you could get around all 3 of those. Unless the producer sold to the processor a raw untrimmed product.. But wouldn't that be a Producer and Wholesalers license? Seems interesting. I doubt it'll make it out of the committee.

200/oz.. You're paying too much!

$560 a lb in tax to admit to conducting a federally illegal schedule I business is funny. Why not just stay med and off the radar? Pay zero in tax and licensing fees and benifit from the artificially high prices caused by retarded taxing schemes.

Amazing how government can perfectly fuck up prohibition and legalization all at the same time.

$560 a lb in tax to admit to conducting a federally illegal schedule I business is funny. Why not just stay med and off the radar? Pay zero in tax and licensing fees and benifit from the artificially high prices caused by retarded taxing schemes.

Amazing how government can perfectly fuck up prohibition and legalization all at the same time.

That was precisely my thoughts on the matter, considering it has provisions to not interfere with medical people. Only concern is if they will audit/inspect medical people, but that will be time-tested I'm sure.

Its for our own good. I mean we the people, not we the potheads. Weed is crazy shit man, we might turn into Mexican rapists... Wasn't that one of the big publicized things back in the 30s? While it was really Mr Mellon who wanted us to buy his Du Pont crap vs grow our own awesome fibers.. Woo crony capitalism!


I love my life
That was precisely my thoughts on the matter, considering it has provisions to not interfere with medical people. Only concern is if they will audit/inspect medical people, but that will be time-tested I'm sure.

Its for our own good. I mean we the people, not we the potheads. Weed is crazy shit man, we might turn into Mexican rapists... Wasn't that one of the big publicized things back in the 30s? While it was really Mr Mellon who wanted us to buy his Du Pont crap vs grow our own awesome fibers.. Woo crony capitalism!

WA no registration with the state so they don't have a database to audit.

OR very strong HIPA protections and no one is allowed to see the data base (not even the pigs). If they requested an audit of any OR med patient the patient should demand a warrant (and make sure to be under limits, when the come back).

Fuck their immoral restrictions on our natural rights.



Hear that! Everyone is moving their op to NC! $65/-1/8th! middies! sick. I'm guessing that it's $400/OZ. or $500? Tax that.:tiphat:

Yeah, but -- if they catch you growing it's a felony, and they will seize your property while they're having fun destroying your life. Growing for sale here is for braver peeps than me.

It really is sick though. Disgusting.


New member
...so now the UN has issued a warning / trying to get involved. LOL

i guarantee there will Continue to be drama involving police/swat in states allowing cannabis. i'm tellin ya budget for busting 'registered' growers will go up at some point in the near future. if nothing else its a good distraction from the root issue.

not to kick a dead horse.... but HEMP is uncontrollable, if publicly accepted ... this is the REAL fear/reason behind all MARIJUANA legislation GLOBALLY. bottom line, period. let me explain;
See, if they dont have total control over Ganja, they've lost control of public mentality of the Cannabis Plant.... if that happens, they loose Total Control over Hemp. that is their true underlying fear.

as we all know the USA wouldnt exist, right up through the world wars, if it weren't for american grown hemp.

..... the next revolution will not be over medical cannabis, taxes, gun control, birth control, health care, even conceptual freedom itself .... it will be the warrior hemp growers who save the planet.
Independence of basic material (food, fiber, fuel) is independence from business, economy, and government. In turn by default, this creates freedom of life style. Freedom of Lifestyle = No Need For Banks/Government.
Hemp in one form or another, can be grown in any climate, and easily provide all of man's basic necessities ... Hemp can free the material world, Ganja can free the mind.
this is their biggest fear. she IS a gateway drug ;), like no other....

... the spice melange :D , dig?
... At the end of the day, all governments are a business. You pay your taxes and they provides services and infrastructure. taxing pot, like alcohol, is nothing but good business.

Wrong. Governments are a racket, not a business. Good businesses don't come after you with a gun and kick your door in if they don't get their tax "vig".

I'm perfectly capable of growing my own pot and for that matter, brewing my own beer, all by myself, without the government forcing me to pay for goods and services I don't need or use.


Yeah, but -- if they catch you growing it's a felony, and they will seize your property while they're having fun destroying your life. Growing for sale here is for braver peeps than me.

It really is sick though. Disgusting.

So your sayin I should move over there and sell for $150/oz top shelf because the people there are greedy douch bags or totally inept?


U.N. warns America: Legalizing marijuana violates int’l law
The United Nations has issued the United States a stern warning against a state trend to legalize marijuana, for recreational or medical use: Doing so violates international law.
The International Narcotics Control Board, the global body in charge of overseeing drug treaties, issued a warning about the “unprecedented surge” in “legal highs” — those that stem from medically approved marijuana use — and said immediate action is needed to stop the trade, The Guardian reported. The group also warned the U.S. government to crack down on medicinal marijuana laws.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...alizing-marijuana-violates-int/#ixzz2MvISPEHr
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The following qualifies as one of the greatest lies the globalists continue to push upon the American people. That lie is: "Treaties supersede the U.S. Constitution".

The Second follow-up lie is this one: "A treaty, once passed, cannot be set aside".

HERE ARE THE CLEAR IRREFUTABLE FACTS: The U.S. Supreme Court has made it very clear that

1) Treaties do not override the U.S. Constitution.
2) Treaties cannot amend the Constitution. And last,

3) A treaty can be nullified by a statute passed by the U.S. Congress (or by a sovereign State or States if Congress refuses to do so), when the State deems a treaty the performance of a treaty is self-destructive. The law of self-preservation overrules the law of obligation in others. When you've read this thoroughly, hopefully, you will never again sit quietly by when someone -- anyone -- claims that treaties supercede the Constitution. Help to dispell this myth.

"This [Supreme] Court has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty." - Reid v. Covert, October 1956, 354 U.S. 1, at pg 17.

This case involved the question: Does the NATO Status of Forces Agreement (treaty) supersede the U.S. Constitution? Keep reading.

The Reid Court (U.S. Supreme Court) held in their Opinion that,

"... No agreement with a foreign nation can confer power on the Congress, or any other branch of government, which is free from the restraints of the Constitution. Article VI, the Supremacy clause of the Constitution declares, "This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all the Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land...’
"There is nothing in this language which intimates that treaties and laws enacted pursuant to them do not have to comply with the provisions of the Constitution nor is there anything in the debates which accompanied the drafting and ratification which even suggest such a result...

"It would be manifestly contrary to the objectives of those who created the Constitution, as well as those who were responsible for the Bill of Rights – let alone alien to our entire constitutional history and tradition – to construe Article VI as permitting the United States to exercise power UNDER an international agreement, without observing constitutional prohibitions. (See: Elliot’s Debates 1836 ed. – pgs 500-519).

"In effect, such construction would permit amendment of that document in a manner not sanctioned by Article V. The prohibitions of the Constitution were designed to apply to all branches of the National Government and they cannot be nullified by the Executive or by the Executive and Senate combined."

Did you understand what the Supreme Court said here? No Executive Order, Presidential Directive, Executive Agreement, no NAFTA, GATT/WTO agreement/treaty, passed by ANYONE, can supersede the Constitution. FACT. No question!

At this point the Court paused to quote from another of their Opinions; Geofroy v. Riggs, 133 U.S. 258 at pg. 267 where the Court held at that time that,

"The treaty power as expressed in the Constitution, is in terms unlimited except by those restraints which are found in that instrument against the action of the government or of its departments and those arising from the nature of the government itself and of that of the States. It would not be contended that it extends so far as to authorize what the Constitution forbids, or a change in the character of the government, or a change in the character of the States, or a cession of any portion of the territory of the latter without its consent."
Assessing the GATT/WTO parasitic organism in light of this part of the Opinion, we see that it cannot attach itself to its host (our Republic or States) in the fashion the traitors in our government wish, without our acquiescing to it.

The Reid Court continues with its Opinion:

"This Court has also repeatedly taken the position that an Act of Congress, which MUST comply with the Constitution, is on full parity with a treaty, the statute to the extent of conflict, renders the treaty null. It would be completely anomalous to say that a treaty need not comply with the Constitution when such an agreement can be overridden by a statute that must conform to that instrument."
The U.S. Supreme court could not have made it more clear : TREATIES DO NOT OVERRIDE THE CONSTITUTION, AND CANNOT, IN ANY FASHION, AMEND IT !!! CASE CLOSED. :tumbleweed: