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$50 tax on an ounce?So typical of the Government,,don't legalize because it is the right thing to do..that it will help end senseless violence,,,that it will keep countless numbers from going to jail over a plant...so that it won't keep kids from getting student loans to go to college because of a simple possession bust...nope,they will do it for money.

This country is fecked up for sure.

50% not $50/oz...So they want you to try to get WAYYY more than it's actually worth and pass the cost on to the consumer. so if'n you're trying to sell a QP to a store that dont exist yet, say you have a QP of the DoubleBombBaker and you're trying to get $1000 for it....Old Uncle Sam wants $500, ya know, for his trouble. LOL shit aint gonna happen.


It's an exit drug. Read what the former heroin users and alcoholics on this website have to say about cannabis. And some researchers and health professionals are starting to realize this too.

Seriously. My sister's getting off the pills and she smokes weed like a madman-woman. I'd rather her smoke weed like cigarettes than be addicted to their heroin pills, just hope she stays off of em.


Active member
Seriously. My sister's getting off the pills and she smokes weed like a madman-woman. I'd rather her smoke weed like cigarettes than be addicted to their heroin pills, just hope she stays off of em.

Sorry to hear bro, but we arent here to talk about the real problems in america....

Tell her to get some Imodium for her stomach.
Xanax for rest and shaky legs (i know but they are relatively harmless and will help her withdraw in comfort)
Coconut water for electrolytes
5-htp supplement (GNC) Serotonin precursor, will help with the anxiety from the withdrawal..
Store sold fruit smoothie drinks help for nutrition, I like those Naked green machines..

Tell her it gets better.... I was injured, and became addicted to pills in 3 weeks... Its not her, its anyone that is prescribed them or abuses them... Trust me... I went from corporate hot shot to seeing the world in a whole new light, because of opiates... 2 months it wrecked my life....


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
the Feds are taxing enough as it is...heh...
I got something they can tax....


hahaha..... thats a stupid statement...mmj stores have to buy most of their supplies from growers.....and what growers should be able to sell it to the stores without paying any taxes

They already tax the fuck out of mmj stores...they are not allowed 1 Federal business tax deduction...no expenses payroll supplies nothing

...Shit Washington State is gunna have it set up to collect 85% in taxes on marijuana by the time the consumers get it

A 3 tier system....producer hit with 25%.....processor hit with 25% .... the retailer with hit 25% pus the 10% sales tax

a person can hold the producer and processor licenses but they have to pay 50% in taxes to the state....


you can NOT have the retail license in conjunction with either of the other 2 licenses

If the Feds choose to tax marijuana 50% .....thats 135% in taxes added on

I did the math.... if you make 1,000,000 in sales of marijuana and the govenements get to tax it like they want to .... that leaves $185,000 we get to keep
That $185k will never cover your other expenses. A 50% tax will be an effective ban on the industry.
if there are more in congress that think hemp should remain illegal we should restrict the amount of terms a senator or congressmen should serve it should be like president 2 terms and ur done


Sorry to hear bro, but we arent here to talk about the real problems in america....

Tell her to get some Imodium for her stomach.
Xanax for rest and shaky legs (i know but they are relatively harmless and will help her withdraw in comfort)
Coconut water for electrolytes
5-htp supplement (GNC) Serotonin precursor, will help with the anxiety from the withdrawal..
Store sold fruit smoothie drinks help for nutrition, I like those Naked green machines..

Tell her it gets better.... I was injured, and became addicted to pills in 3 weeks... Its not her, its anyone that is prescribed them or abuses them... Trust me... I went from corporate hot shot to seeing the world in a whole new light, because of opiates... 2 months it wrecked my life....

Xanax was one of the ones that did her in. I try to tell her "just drink orange juice." By the pint, by the gallon, it doesn't matter. Orange juice is good for you.


if there are more in congress that think hemp should remain illegal we should restrict the amount of terms a senator or congressmen should serve it should be like president 2 terms and ur done

1 and done. I've never understood why senators are there for 30 years. That's not how it was designed. Everyone on their 2nd term needs to be let go. 1 term per seat, keeps it honest. 30 years in the same seat? That's a corrupt POS.


Congress already took care of that, they have to vote their own term limits in and they dont' do it. Just like they never take a pay cut. There was a chart online the other day that had listed all members of congress and a huge amount of them had been in trouble for everythng from embezzlement to hot checks. They also get to reap all they can from the lobbyiest, they voted that lil change in a few yrs ago, no campaign contribution limits. They get special Wall Street info early, etc. Complete sham. What did people think was gonna happen with legalization and all those screaming how much tax money they could make off of it and how it would help the economy, yada yada yada. Be careful what you wish for. IMO

if there are more in congress that think hemp should remain illegal we should restrict the amount of terms a senator or congressmen should serve it should be like president 2 terms and ur done


Active member
anyway you see it, itsa clusterfrack.

-we stay in prohibition
-states start dominoing(wrd?) to a legal union

those are the 2 major options, stAying in the "rec." realm.........

but with the medical side, coupled with a better understanding of the potential of mmj to pat public, what i see is fuckery.

it's all about compromise ladies and germs.

you want medical? you want legal?

you can have it, but there's stipulations.......ie, "compromise". nature of lots of things today.

BUT, i believe those stips/compromise will be a farce. a joke. no lube, no reachAround. to stay in step with whats coming down the barrel, the majority that do will end up coating pockets and bank accounts of the wrong people.........whilst vacuuming it out of pockets of patients/public.

your reefer tax dollars will also help give LEO more resource to go after the non-compliant types.

our political system is beyond corrupt.....vastly morseso than whats obvious, because that corruption soaks the system all the way down to your neighborhood. look at the dewd in LA/former LEO now hunts LEO......read his manifesto, its quite illuminating to read about LA cops and realize thats a picture of anywhere USA. the guy starts showing his ass and true colors when he starts talking about full faith in the us.gov and that guns should be harshly regulated.........that smells like our 'handlers' are starting to mix up their tactics and use of mkultra zombies a bit, the game's always changing, eh?

apology for digressions.....

I have a slightly paranoid idea everywhere once inawhile that the legalization/MMJ/drug war relationship could take turns for the worse....to the worser. us.gov, in general, makes a LOT of illegal $cheddar from the drug war, both from fighting it and from their own lil biznesses....not so much from cann, mostly from H........but to think that the "will" of the american people will dictate where it goes is folly. this isnt about paranoia/pessimism, its about accurate assesment of what world we live in and what makes things work.

what say you all?


New member
They're gonna do it(taxes)as they have to feed the enforcement beast that's been created. What concerns me more is that in most likelihood whenever you have a traffic stop, for whatever reason, the test kit will come out....more DUIs equal more money for the man...at least, taxes or not, we won't have to worry about being incarcerated for mere possession...I'm willing to make that trade off....besides, there are lots of seeds....


I can see them taxing cananbis then using the tax dollars to fight it... just the logic of our gubbmint.

Dr. Fleye

New member
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana and Firearms sounds nothing but chock full of awesome lol

Personally, I think any government making money from pot legalization is a good thing. Hopefully it'll start a domino effect of governments going 'hey, that gov made money from pot, we're cash strapped, we now have more cause to follow their path!'.

At the end of the day, all governments are a business. You pay your taxes and they provides services and infrastructure. taxing pot, like alcohol, is nothing but good business. This is the same as bad business is having harsh drug penalties, yet not taxing high enough to cover building more and more jails (California jail overcrowding). The sin tax on alcohol rakes in the cash for governments. And it works in our favor, the carrot on a stick for legalization (which really is regulation). I think there's a lot of things which wouldn't take place if they didn't make governments money.

As far as personal grows, I'd say there'd be no difference to making your own home brew beer. When making home brew, the only tax you pay is on the ingredients and kit to get started. I don't see why weed would be any different.
I must agree 100%. As I read about the proposals for such taxation on the federal level, I realize the legalization of weed on a federal level is a veryreal possibility. Something I thought I would never see in my life time when I first started smoking in the 60's. So, with that in mind, I have no problem in the paying taxes. It's kinda like drinking beer. Pay the taxes, quit or make your own. Just like smoking cigs. Pay the taxes, quit or make your own. You get the idea :bashhead:

Grass Lands

and folks say the price wont go up...with all those taxes, here comes the $100 1/8...

sometimes the grass isn't always greener on the other side...just saying...


Still Learning
That's exactly why I said I would rather fight for my taxes than have to fight for my freedom... Bring on the fucking taxes if it keeps ppl outa jail, be real... They gotta get theirs one way or another.

Do y'all honestly think it's better to keep it illegal?
Yer not wrong, CDM.. Pay taxes is better than pay lawyer. "They gotta get theirs one way or another."

and could they, controll/disrupt seed distributions?