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Come on in to Tiger's Den - Sweet13 by TRC


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Glad ya like 'em Gaius :D

Yeah, I'm really excited about the early coverage, makes me all tingly inside :joint:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
And Awaaaay we go!

Day 24 of 12/12

Got some pics of each plant so you guys can get a look at what I'm dealing with here and why I'm sooo excited. Did forget to get a group shot though, doh! But I think you'll forgive me as you see what I did bring :D

Plant A - Still the leader, no doubt. Even if I didn't get the best pics of her.




Plant B - Just not keeping up with the rest, but no judgements until harvest.


Plant C - Definately doing her share of triching up, bud bud formation is slower than the two front runners.



Plant D - This is the other frontrunner with plant A. Buds aren't quite as big, but trich coverage ranks right up there with A.



So, whatta you guys say, do ya forgive me for forgetting the group shot? And do you understand my excitement? This is only day 24! :D

Til' next time

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thats a hell of a trichome coverage for day 24 of 12/12! great work! seems like you have some quite fast flowering phenos there? but we will see, eh? so far so good, that's for sure. to me all 4 plants are looking real good.

oh yes, i think you can be forgiven for forgetting the group shot, lol.

good growings :wave:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Quick update, since I had a little time to get in the room during the day. Don't worry, I'll get better shots for you guys tonight, but I thought you'd enjoy seeing a group shot. I also made a key to the rooms layout, so you guys can get a better idea of what you're looking at in the group shot.

On with the update!

The grils are seriously getting down to the business of budding, which surprises me, as they haven't stretched hardly as much as I'd expected. I don't know if it's the genes, how long they vegged, or if the addition of the A/C bringing temps down considerably that's caused them to begin budding so strongly, but I'm not complaining :D

The Pics!



I'll get some better shots later tonight! :wave:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Arg, what's going on, it won't show my thread as updated!

Hmm, forums messing up, not showing the thread as having a new post, Keep getting a technical error page.

Odd, forums are messing up, not showing the thread as having a new post, Keep getting a technical error page.

IC Database fixed yet?

Forums updating yet?

I hate deleting messages, but I really didn't think all those were gonna come through like that, so I adjusted it to take less space :D
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^^ looks like all is well :yes:

Gaawdon bennett those plants have really started to put out some serious THC eh!? Nice work... they seem to have made a full recovery... I been seeing some nice frosty strains round of late. Makes me wanna pop some beans.



LOL Nite Tiger,

i had the same thing last night with error pages coming up, but when i checked my posts got through just like yours did, lol.

anyway, great to see how much they have developed since you started 12/12. great how some have made multiple colas, should be a nice yield when alls said and done.

keep up the good work.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Thanks for stopping in Mambi, Gaius!

Yeah Mambi, they're really triching up excellently, I'm very excited. Looks like these are some serious genes here.

Gaius, they have indeed made lots of progress, haven't they? The multiple colas came from topping them way back for clones, the first set that died. No complaints though, I'm pretty happy with the results :D


i bet you are happy Nite Tiger, lol. i mean they are already as full as trichs as some strains are when they are done. it seems like you have some very interesting genes there, by the time they are done, they will be crusty with trichomes lol.

hope you have some bubble bags ready, or at least a brewers net and some coffee filters when the time comes, hehe.

good to know you have the genes backed up. is it getting particularly cold in there at night? that also tends to cause more trichomes to apear.

what ever ..... keep on keeping on, things will only get better now :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Thanks Gaius! No bubblebags, unfortunately, don't have the cash. Things are a bit tight 'round my way right now. I have, however, put my mother on notice that her sewing skills may be required :D

If nothing else, I do have two large cans of triple refined butane waiting in the wings :joint:

Yeah, if these clones will take root, I'll be very happy indeed. Haven't had one not take root in that simple system, but with these being the hopes of preservation, I'm a bit more on edge :smile:

My night is during the day, and I've recently added a window A/C, which has indeed brought thier nighttime temps down quite a bit. Was floating around 70 during dark cycle, now down to about 60. Lights on temps have gotten cooler too, because our actualy nighttime temps have dropped. Down from about 75 to 68-70. Hoping to get some color out of 'em, but if trich production is 'all' I get, I won't be exactly disappointed :D

But, we're on the downhill slide finally. I'm looking at about 2.5 to 3 weeks before it's time to start paying close attention to the trichs. Nov. 8 would be 60 days, so Oct 24 would be day 45, and I was told that's when the harvest window starts opening up. 60 days I understand from the guys at the TRC forum is a bit long. I'm looking for about an 80/20 ratio, so I'm thinking probably around the weekend before Halloween. But, once again, the trichs will tell :D


if you want a cheap way to make ice hash let me know, all you need is a brewers bag, a bucket, a sheet and ice and water. it will only give you one quality, but that quality will be shit hot. mind you some bho is fun too, if you have enough butane already then i suppose you might as well use it eh? hehe those will be fun times and decisions :D

Underground Man

Active member
What is a brewers bag?

Hey nitetiger, have you ever considered hanging your lamp vertically in the middle of the plants? just a thought that occoured to me

looking great. the frosting looks tasty


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Indeed I have, Underground Man. The second 1k HPS in my room is set for vertical, but unfortunately, went out on me. Still working on getting it repaired, but once it is, yes, they'll go around a vertical 1kw.


a brewers bag or net, is what they use to filter the fruit from the wine when making wine. basically a fery fine kitchen strainer will do as long as it's a big one. it's what you use instead of the 220 working bag. so you chuck everything in a bucket, i.e. trim, ice and water. then you mix it all real well with a cake mixer for about 15 minutes. then you pour the bucket into another bucket through the strainer or brewers bag. now you have a bucket of green or golden looking water, pour it through a bed sheet or a coffee filter. the water will run through and the trichomes will get collected on the sheet or in the coffee filter. you might need more then one coffee filter as it will get blocked by the hash its collecting. when the bucket is empty give the coffee filter a very gentel squeeze to get rid of the lose water, then crumble the hash out of the coffee filter on to some cardboard plates and let it dry, the smaller the pieces the better for the drying procsess.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hmmm, I wonder if that's why my hydro shop is also a home brew store... :D

Thanks for the info Gaius, sounds like just what I was looking for, provided the cost of the brewers net isn't $100+ :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Just some fun pix, not an official update. Nothing fancy, although I do see some potential if I clean up the first one a bit...

From 'gardners view' :D
