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Come on in to Tiger's Den - Sweet13 by TRC


Hey Nite Tiger,

i see that things are moving along nicely, it's always nice to see the first buds showing up. how many males did you get? looks like they are all female. only another 6 or 7 weeks to go right? do you know how long they will need to finish, or is it a matter of wait and see?

keep up the good work...:wave:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Heya Gaius!

Outta the 5 that moved into the flower room, only 1 was male. So the grand total from the pack were 3 mutants (2 given to a friend and put outside 1 male, and other is flowering now), , 1 no germ, 1 male, and five females.

It's a 60 day flower, officially. So, if we count from when they started 12/12, we're looking at a November 8th/9th harvest. Hoever, other growers have reported harvests as early as day 50ish.

Of course, as we've seen, I'm not much for counting days. I'll check trichs for my harvest times, as usual. As much as I hate staggered harvests, I'm going to stagger the harvests so I can get a better feel for the plant.

So, I guess that's kind of a long way of saying 'wait and see' :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Last night got a feeling like I'd been stabed in the head followed by a loss of vision in my left eye and an inability to stand or walk.

ER ruled out stroke, tumor, or hemmorage, and diagnosed it as an atypical migraine. Spent all of today in bed fighting off the migraine under the influence of Toradol, Oxycodone, and Naproxin.

Just took the second round of Oxycodone and Naproxin, going back to bed soon.

Why do I share this?

To explain why the clones weren't taken today :badday:

We'll see how things go tomorrow.


ahh man shit, hope you are feeling better soon NiteTiger. sounds like quite a cocktail of pills you've been given. hope they are helping. look after yourself and get better soon.

don't worry about the clones man, they can be taken any time eh? you'll have to reveg them anyway, so a few days more or less will change nothing.

see you :wave:

gm :bongsmi:


Bro, hope you're feeling better soon, quite a mix they got you taking, I hate the side effects from pills.

Keep em green bro, watching with great anticipation, got a pack of those myself I need to grow out soon.


Hi Nite Tiger, nice thread so far... seems the Sweet13 is quite a hardy strain. Nice looking plants there, seems they have benefited from the TLC after their drought :D

I was reading through your thread thinking to myself what does he mean by canaries :confused: then when you mentioned them taking the blow instead of good genes the penny dropped and I had a lil lol to myself :D

That migrane sound fuckin nasty man, so does the load of pills they got you taking to fix it... hope your past it now, my friend suffers from them and they can be debilitating, altough yours sounds very extreme.

Get them clones before yas have to waste time having to reveg them out of bloom...

:lurk: I'll be watching bro :wave:
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Quick update -
Day 18 12/12

I'm past all the doc stuff (had other things goin on besides the migraine), but new meds have me wiped out. So, cloning tomorrow, without fail.

As far as the ladies go, wow. Buds coming in noticeably now, and I was floored to find them actually already triching up!:yoinks: Tried to grab some pics to show em, but my camera has a crappy macro function, so take that into account as you look at the pics.

On with the show!





Til next time!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Ok, got a little more time tonight, so I can answer the replies like a good host :smile:

gaiusmarius- Thanks for the well wishes. It was quite a combo of pills, knocked me out of commission for all of Saturday (got out of the ER about 7:30am Sat), and I had to take them again on Sunday, so I was pretty zonked.

My main concern with timing wasn't necessarily with the reveg time, as those clones won't be hit up again for at least two months. I just wanted to stay within that '2 weeks' from the start of 12/12 that's supposedly best. But I also planned to take some clones from the mother still in veg, and my target date for that was by or before 9/28, so I cut it a tad close :D

My goal for them was to have them rooted and a week of veg under thier belts before moving into the flower room during the first coupla weeks of October so I can get a perpetual rotation started. So, yeah, I'm cutting it pretty close :pointlaug

oldpeculiar- Thanks for the good wishes bro! I'm indeed feeling fine now, but let me tell ya, in the moment, those pills and thier effects were a gift from God :D

Mampi- Thanks for coming by! Yes indeed, these SWT13s have certainly takin' some serious abuse, and sprung back wonderfully. I'm very impressed with the resilience they're displaying. If they follow through on the early trich production (which I see no reason they won't), I think this strain will rank very high on ease of grow vs. result.

And don't feel bad about the canary thing, I've gotten more PMs about my 'Canary strain' than I care to list :bat: At least you caught it :D

User Name- Thanks for swingin' by bro!

Now, onto the update.

Clones were taken tonight, FINALLY:joint:

'A' - 'D' are the clones from the flowering plants. The big bushy cup marked with an 'F' inside a 'U' are from the Unflowered Female. It actually contains 6 cuts. 2 are small incidental clones, and 4 large primary clones. Obviously, I'm looking for four clones, but I'll take six if they all take :D

My cloning procedure is actually fairly rudimentary. I use a sharp pair of scissors to make the initial cut from the donor plant, and they go straight into a cup of plain tap water. I then use the razor knife with a fresh blade to make a sharply angled cut. Then, using the razor, I gently scrape between a half-inch to an inch of the outer sking from the stalk above the cut. A good dunk in clonex gel, and then back into the cup they go, but with the addition of a pool noodle life preserver. Then the go into a converted dresser lit by a single 20 watt fluro 'Grow Light' ($10 from Wally World). There they stay until they get roots, which usually takes about a week.

ABCD will go into soil pots to begin thier growth into mothers, even though only one will make it. The UF clones will go into hydro for a quick veg, then move into the flower room.

The original plan was to move the plants currently in flower around the vertical bulb in my room, and the new clones under the horizontal. However, the vert light has gone kaput on me, so I'm not really sure how it's gonna work now :D Hopefully I'll be able to get the vert light firing before it becomes an issue.

On with the pics!




Thanks for stoppin' by all!


hi ya NiteTiger

prety simple cloning methose you got there. no air pumps no dome. i like that clonex cloning gel, its superb stuff.

anyway glad to hear that you are better and that you have those clones done. may i ask why you didn't just take all the clones from the vegging plant? i thought you had to take them from the flowering plants? or are they different strains or phenos?

keep on keeping on, not much longer and they will show some nice bud coverage

peace out


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I took the clones from the flowering plants so that I can preserve the genes. The clones I took from the vegging plant are going to be flowered next run.

Each of the plants is the same strain, but each come from a seperate seed, so I'm preserving all of the genes until I've flowered out all of them to determine the best plant out of this seed run, and that one will be kept as a mom.

Out of the plants in the flower room, I'll select the one I like the best, and the other three clones will be culled. Then the clones from the one currently vegging will be flowered, and I'll compare that one against the one I choose from this run. The best one will stay, other will go :joint:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Day 22 12/12

Day 22 12/12

Update for day 22 12/12

Budding is in full swing. They got thier first dose of flower nutes tonight, as well as a trim. Nothing drastic, just culled som bud blockers. Vert light is still down, I'll be working on that here within the next coupla days. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it's just a cap or ignitor.

Remember that great triching I was talking about? Well, it should be just a tad more evident :D

On with the pics!

Here's the girl I've really got my eye on, plant 'A':

Here's a closeup of plant A and her trichage:

And finally, a group shot:

I promise by next update I'll quit being lazy and adjust the settings on the cam to filter out the HPS.

Ti'l next time -


ever try taknig pics with the light off? I do that exclusively now, just too much easier for me.

girl A is lookin good :bandit;


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Thanks for coming by lorax!

Yeah, I've taken lights off pics before, I don't do it for a couple of reasons.

My night cycle is during the day, which means I've got kids running around, clients coming over, and various couriers coming by, so I stay out of my room during the day.

The second reason is, I'm lazy :D I knock out all my growroom stuff at once, including pics. Otherwise, I leave 'em alone.


hi Nite Tiger

it's nice to see the girls filling up with buds, :yes:

i like the look of that plant A, nice trichome coveraage for this early.

the lorax is right about the pics though, try taking them with your hps off. it gives a much truer representation of the colors. use a flash even in the dark, just point and press lol. if the pics are important to me i will unplug my hps lamps for the pic sess. or make sure to arrive a few minutes before lights on and take the pics then.

by the way, thats a cool tip on removeing the hps glare from pics. see you....:wave:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, I may shut down the light for later pics, just up til now I haven't been to concerned about the pics. Can't go in before lights on, kids are still up then. I make it a firm rule not to go in there while the kids are around.

Tell ya what, I'll grab you guys some good pics tonight :joint:


for what its worth, I totally respect your reasons for not wanting to take pics.. its important to adhere to your rules. don't break them, especially over something so trite.

that being said, with my last batch of pics I just unplugged the lamp for like 2-3 minutes, took them, and plugged it back in.. doubt it will make a lick of difference in the long run :wink:


Go Tiger Go!!!
It's good to see some TRC gear bein shown around here,looks like your headin towards a healthy harvy!!! :wave:


oh yes! lovely job Nite Tiger. it really shows how healthy and lush they are when the hps is off. superb macro too, just look at all the trichomes lol. seems early for such coverage, surely a good sign.

about the light, turning it off for 10 minutes does no harm what so ever. much worse to go in in the dark and turn on the light, while they are flowering. but turning the light off has never had any visible effects on my plants and i do it a lot as i hate being under the glare of the hps, so tend to unplug them until i'm ready to leave again. i think you are totally correct to stick to your rules. its a danger nowadays for kids to know some thing like that. better be the only one in the know. so i can totally respect your sticking to the rules.

keep up the great work :wave: