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Celebrity Rehab...FOR WEED



OH Yea the only drug that is physically addicting is Herion.... everything else is mental..i guess its just how big of a hold it has on your mind...


Active member
I agree bababooey,
That chick is only on the show to get her face back on TV.
So is china.

weed addiction.

try that in a court of law.
has anyone ever been sent to drug court for a weed violation?

"your honor, I am hopelessly addicted to weed."

the judge would laugh his or her arse off.

sow the seeds

Is there anyone on the show for alcohol or nicotine addiction? Seems they'd be better off trying to help these people rather than someone living in their own fantasy world where weed is the cause of and solution to all their problems.


Active member
sow the seeds said:
Is there anyone on the show for alcohol or nicotine addiction? Seems they'd be better off trying to help these people rather than someone living in their own fantasy world where weed is the cause of and solution to all their problems.
good point.
every rehab show that I have ever seen, allows the patients to smoke.
During the actual intervention they allow them to smoke cigarettes.

this is one of if not the most destructive drugs,
yet the "Rehab" industry just over looks it.

they over look the obvious.


Active member
I seen that show also,and her mom said"she doesn't want to see her daughter dead in a year" what a bunch of BS.Everybody would be dead on here,by now.


med_breeder said:
I think the reason why most people are ticked,
is because Dr. Drew places weed on the same level as heroin.
yes I agree, people can be hooked on anything.
I myself have lost many friends to the world of warcraft.
but for a professional to place cannabis on the same level as opiates is highly irresponsible.
a world of warcraft player, if forced for some reason to miss a few days infront of their screen will not start foaming at the mouth.

a hardcore smack head starts geting "sick" a few hours after last shooting up.

being controlled by anything can't be a good thing.


I just woke up and read through the first page and then came across this which made me uncontrollably laugh for about 30 seconds. I hope I never lose a friend to a video game. One of my friends plays Mike Tyson's Punch out for Nintendo every time he's come over the the past couple weeks and I think he may be on the road to addiction. I think once he defeats Mike Tyson, his addiction will be over. In the meantime, I would have to agree that saying marijuana is addictive is on a similar level that saying video games are addicting


stoned agin ...
you can get addicted to anything, but opiates, alcohol, valium etc. they are totally different, extremely powerful. weed is nowhere near that but that has to always be repeated and backed up.

you don't even need a drug to get addicted, look at gambling addicts shit that's close to coke etc.
What is your anti-drug?
"_____________ is my anti-drug"
(A proposed question from the ad council of national drug control and policy.)

"cannabis is my anti-drug"
chubbynugs said:
Dont believe in the whole rehab thing for the herb but i know how i have felt when i have had to take a break. I do go through withdrawal symptoms very similar to hard narcotics. I grew up a heavy drug user so i know how drugs affect you. Not that different than heroin just a lil more milder. I would get cold sweats and get very nauseas and start getting very shaky. This is no joke i start feeling heavy symptoms around day two of not smoking. Around day five i would start getting better. At that time i was only smoking pot no other drugs and i was smoking around a quarter to a half a day of only primo green. Yes if you are a heavy duty smoker you can get addicted. You will just smoke yourself to the point of not knowing what it is like being sober anymore and when you do get sober you feel uncomfortable. That uncomfortableness is the addiction talking to you.

LMAO BULLSHIT! "I do go through withdrawal symptoms very similar to hard narcotics. I grew up a heavy drug user so i know how drugs affect you. Not that different than heroin just a lil more milder"

...youve obviously never done opiates. I dont understand why you would lie like that...maybe you think *saying* youve done "hard" drugs is cool? I dunno...kinda weird man. LOL!

Anyone saying that pot gives opiate like withdraws is either getting opium mixed in with their hash, a liar, or VERY diluded.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
F Dr. Drew with his own medicine.

F Dr. Drew with his own medicine.

I really feel sorry for her.It must be so hard to wake up without a blunt???I reckon she's up to more than meets the eye.Let the indian cry a tear for her....
:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:
First off.....isn't that native American ACTUALLY some Sicilian guy like they said on the Sopranos? LOL.
med_breeder said:
Dr. Drew places weed on the same level as heroin.
Dr. Drew makes money off of people that "require" his help. It's the standard medical rhetoric to tell people that are too fat to stop eating alot, if they are smoking cigarettes to stop smoking cigarettes....etc., etc., etc....Plus they are the puppets of the pharmaceutical industry. So what do you expect Drew to say. Plus....look at these half-wits they keep digging up outta the T.V. and entertainment industry graveyard.....these people barely qualify as celebrities. Hell....if they are celebrities...I'm the fucking President of the United States.
guineapig said:
Does this actress have a medical condition that would require 1/8th of cannabis per day? If she is smoking in order to alleviate the symptoms of depression, then i would propose that she is smoking improperly.
All I know is there are days I smoke an 1/8 or more. I think I have about as much anxiety as the next person on the planet. Who doesn't have some job that's a freaking drag somedays...or a family member or friend in crisis....or some other crap that can be a complete buzzkill. I had a friend that insisted he was always "self medicating"...and that weed was his medicine. He was right. Most people find other ways to self medicate...whether that's coming home and downing a bottle of red wine, a couple of beers, a cigar, beating off....playing Xbox...etc. Sometimes I do MORE than my share....if that makes me addicted...it certainly doesn't make me MORE addicted than anyone else. I think if something interferes with your ability to do the normal bullshit you have to do: like work and deal with family/friends.....then you have a problem. Short of that...I don't care if you like to come home and break off a few lines off the naked ass of a brazilian stripper....more power to you.





IMHO - they should drop Dr. Drew, and bring in Dr. Dre'

And then get Wayne Brady to choke a bitch...


Isn't Dr.Drew that guy from the old MTV sex talk show? I wish there were weed addiction meetings.. I'd go there and sell out on fire asap either that or bring ganja brownies :p
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twisted treez

i went to rehab 3 times for acid and weed when i was younger , and rehab is like college, its all good and your doing great then you realize that school and rehab are best for sex, fine biches that think they are addicted to weed, i mean come on celebrity rehab with a video hoe pornstar and your supposed to focus, yea come on,

im older now and i did all the hardcore drugs when i was 13-21 now many years later i have no need but weed, amen to that brother , sometimes i think it is good to get it out your system early when your parents support you (just dont burn that bridge.) insteed of when your suppose to support yourself, or others,
i have been getting blazed so long that if i didnt blaze , then i would be a gateway to do other things, so pass the blunt to the left and put the pills, synthetic dopes out of your brain , stay away from fiends and you will be fine i promiss


celebrity rehab with dr drew

celebrity rehab with dr drew

So, what's the consensus? I'm mixed. I think he's a really intelligent guy and worthy of taking advice from, but I think he's also a pretty shameless exploiter of the weak in our society.



Patient Grower
I think he's a friggin' idiot. You do know he'd toss you into rehab for smoking a joint, right? Merryjewanna is addictive! It's a gateway drug! The entire line of tired old prohibitionist rhetoric.

They opened the first gay brothel in NV recently, and they asked Drew the Clown to comment "Do we really need more places for addicts to act out their addiction?" Get real Dr. Clown, it's better that they act out their addiction in a safe venue than in airport and Interstate rest stop bathrooms. Aside from that, everyone who hires a hooker isn't a 'sex addict'.

He's a clown, and sells a clown show couched in 'moral' rhetoric.


Eric Roberts Celeb Rehab for addiction to medical MJ

Eric Roberts Celeb Rehab for addiction to medical MJ

So I was watching celeb rehab and i see julia roberts retarded brother eric is on this show for being addicted to weed. This is the first I have ever heard of such a thing, i cant believe a rehab facility would waste the space on such a thing.

I bet this guy is someones best custy.

Eric Roberts checked into 'Celebrity Rehab' last week. His wife, Eliza, told E! that he would be treated for his addiction to medical marijuana.

"Eric quit drugs and alcohol in 1995," Eliza said. "He has no interest in anything, other than marijuana."


So I was watching celeb rehab and i see julia roberts retarded brother eric is on this show for being addicted to weed. This is the first I have ever heard of such a thing, i cant believe a rehab facility would waste the space on such a thing.

I bet this guy is someones best custy.

Obviously the weed isn't the problem that they are trying to cure. The weed suppresses his problems, the same reason why probably millions of people smoke (those people should probably get some therapy too). There are millions of degrees and vices of addiction and his seem serious enough. What about the girl addicted to love? The sex addicts from a few seasons ago? What about the people killing themselves by eating chalk all day? Hoarders? They also do pay them to be on the show I believe lol. Cut em some slack ;).

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