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Celebrity Rehab...FOR WEED


Some people just can't handle any substance what-so-ever, be it sugar, alcohol, or a real "drug."


Active member
I love how Viacom the parent company of vh1 and mtv play both sides.
It is 01/05/08 on mtv right now, there is a show about people who suffer from panic attacks. This one chick in miami was freaking the F out, so her boy friend drove to the spot and picked up some weed. The whole scene was portrayed in a positive light. the chick was losing it, so they got some weed, no big deal.
on Viacom's other network, Dr Drew is comparaing weed to smack.

when you play both sides, you always win.



Active member
I take that back.
at the end of the show, the chick gives a long speech about
how she meditates, eats a great diet. she has healthy coping mechanisms now.
He states that she doesn't smoke any more.

her words
"pot is not the answer,
it's just not healthy."

oh well


well the true life doc that is starting now on mtv is about young alcoholics,
I will see how they portray the lover of booze
VH1's CelebrityRehab for MARIJUANA!

VH1's CelebrityRehab for MARIJUANA!

Last Sunday VH1 aired the first episode of "Celebrity Rehab" where so-called celebrities like porn-star Mary Carey, Chyna Doll, Bridget Neilson and others with addictions are in a "real-world" type rehab with Dr. Drew from lovelines. Yeah, I think its pretty ridiculous too!!!! :nono: To get to the point....the youngest girl from "Family Matters" is on the show saying she's addicted to POT! She says she can't get out of bed without smoking, or even function through the day! WOW! Look, I love pot too, and I've been smoking all day, everyday for 20 of my 29 years on earth and I have NEVER had this problem! Sure I would love to smoke and do nothing else all day, would'nt we all! BUT responsiblities are a PART OF LIFE! Sorry for the RANT :rant: but she's not addicted!(Although DR. Drew says he treats MJ addiction all the time) She just don't know how to balance her proirities! Has anyone else seen this show? How does this situation make you feel? :cuss: A PRIME EXAMPLE OF MISS-INFORMATION Dr. Drew needs to smoke a joint, or better yet become a pothead, THEN he can chime in about "so-called" MJ addiction and that Marijuana is just as addictive as COCAINE! TOTAL BS!
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New member
ughhh :cuss: i'm soo tired of the media trying to claim that all "potheads" have addictive issues. glad they have no fking clue what they're talking about.
they should probably read a book. or just go to erowid. just a thought.


haha i dont understand why the media always has made weed look like the worste thing in the world. Everyone knows it isnt really bad, im sure the government know that it isnt really bad. i just dont understand why they make it look bad with there is hard evidence saying otherwise.
The problem is that people like DR. DREW are stating "we have concrete proof that MJ is an addictive substance that is ruining the live of so many americans" WITHOUT HAVING ANY PROOF!!!!! Wake up America, think for YOURSELF, not what people TELL YOU TO THINK!

The reason MJ has such a bad rap is because if it were legal, big cash companies would be out of business and the gov would'nt make money. Fuel, food, clothing, HOUSES, etc can be made from HEMP/Marijuana and the USA knows this. BUT $$$ makes the world go round and god forbid if a PLANT helps mankind rid its dependence on fossil fuels. Just like IRAQ, the WAR ON DRUGS is for the GOV's own benefit!
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Someone else had a thread up about this but yeah... I think it's absolutely insane that she thinks she is "addicted" to marijuana. She just doesn't have a grip on reality and she needs to get her priorities straight. I'm guessing she has some underlying mental conditions she needs to handle.
Dr. Drew is a total fuck job anyway. He's about as bright a doctor and Mr. Suess.

She's just a lazy, pot oriented cum dumpster


the Revenant
Did you head how many blunts she smokes a day? then she told Dr. Drew that she uses an 8th a day, hah!
Yeah an 1/8th a day......hehehehe I'm still laughing bout that. I would like to see her in A.Dam at the cup! :bashhead: :muahaha:

Yeah the guy from Grease is REALLY ADDICTED though(not to pot). He took $1000 worth of xanax, and pain pills before he went. thats why he was so F'ed up. Do that everyday and its no wonder he can't walk or hold a straight conversation with anyone. very sad. sad indeed. :badday: He is someone that REALLY NEEDS REHAB, not some dumb 1/8th a day smoking whore. IMO she just needs some sense :spank: into her!
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She ain’t an addict! Jeff Conaway is a mother f*cking addict. That guy did like the most f*cked combos of drugs before entering rehab. Oxycontin, benzos and booze with a ton of coke! Most people that are reading this would probibly not live if they did what that guy touches in a given night. That is a f*cking addict. In the first show all those wannabe addicts are just sitting around and he starts to mumble incoherently, that was priceless. You could smoke a pound of bud a day for 50 years strait and not even be close to that guy!
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Listen, pot can be addictive. After abstaining from it I've noticed complete loss of appetite. Sometimes 3 days will pass and I'll have 3 meals. Going to sleep is hard. Then moodswings and bad attitudes. It's obviously not too physically addictive, if at all. But it can be addictive and I can totally see how *some* people may need rehab for it.

Obviously the show however is a pile of shit, we know that.


journies said:
Listen, pot can be addictive. After abstaining from it I've noticed complete loss of appetite. Sometimes 3 days will pass and I'll have 3 meals. Going to sleep is hard. Then moodswings and bad attitudes. It's obviously not too physically addictive, if at all. But it can be addictive and I can totally see how *some* people may need rehab for it.

Obviously the show however is a pile of shit, we know that.

It's not physically addictive though... it's all a mental thing. It's not like the actual stoppage of THC consumption, be it smoking or ingesting, causes withdrawal symptoms. It's all in the head man....


Horse-toothed Jackass
An eighth a day of the good stuff would be a lot for anyone. She's smoking blunts though, which although it gets you high as !@# also wastes a lot of weed.
Obviously, she's only on the show in order to get back on tv.
And madhacker83, you've been smoking everyday since you were 9 years old? WTF!!! Who are you, Drew Barrymore?
I mean, it probably hasn't affected you too much, since you know how to work a computer, but I don't think any 9 year old should be smoking up every day.



PIRATE- hahahahaha shes like yea I smoke 13 blunts a day... then hes like how much you smoke a day about and shes like an 8th! HAHAHA
That was so funny.
I hate when people say im addicted to marijuana and I need to quit. Its ridiculous....... anyways peace everyone and dont ever listen to the media!!