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cannabis ban in Amsterdam?


Well-known member
You do know cities PAY for a spot on those lists don't you? Valencia was named the best city in the world a couple years ago and it really is not, I can tell you that much from ACTUALLY HAVING LIVED THERE. How gullible can a person be? 🤡🤡🤡

Anyone with half a brain knows those lists are investments made by the city to attract tourism. You can't possibly cite that "article" as any kind of proof clown, seriously disappointed in you 😂


Active member

Is he still trying ? I never click on show ignored sooo....


Well-known member
View attachment 18809744

Is he still trying ? I never click on show ignored sooo....
Imagine being so thin skinned that you have to post a capture of another user as ignored to protect your little feelings 😂😂😂 I have been in forums since 1997 and never once blocked anyone. Keep coping and seething clowneke, and go ice skating on frozen junkie piss puddles some more

Edit - took a quick look at his introduction thread:
awwc said:
I am talking about breeding plants that will preserve thiols and terpenes in sometimes 40 degrees C weather as much as possible

Yep, definitely not lying when he says he is born, raised and currently living in Amsterdam 😂😂😂 That hot hot 40° Amsterdam weather, yep... yeeepp... Really have to look for that shade in that unbearably hot Amsterdam weather 🤡 I swear after so many years in forums, you can almost smell the liars lmao

Last edit - because I don't lie on the internet as there is nothing to gain from it. Literally first result in Google:

Even quora can tell you this 😂😂 check the most upvoted answer:
Quora said:
This observation is correct! I live in Amsterdam (Rivierenbuurt) and the streets and (little)parks are DIRTY. Full of trash, paper, plastic bottles, cans etc… This has gone worse the past few years. The centre is kept clean twice a day but the areas outside the centre (like Rivierenbuurt, Pijp etc..) are only swept once every week/two weeks. That’s one cause of the problem, the second are the people/visitors themselves. They don’t care about the surroundings and just throw away their carbage on the street, without any shame or leave the big garbage for days on the street instead of the day of pick-up.

When I walk during lunchtime in the park opposite my house (I work at home), I always spot trash on my route. Even the garbage bins are within a short distance. The truth is, Dutch people are careless about their surroundings and there is no morality. I am ashamed of this.

Just as I was saying, the city is filthy and the biggest cause for this is tourism.They just clean the places where tourists go lmao. Literally everyone who has been to Amsterdam knows how dirty the streets are and how the canals smell like they throw dead bodies in there. Seriously, what can people get from lying on the internet to strangers, then when you get called out on being a liar, get so offended that you have to block them 🤦‍♂️

As for my life being shitty (I thought you didn't make assumptions?) I have over 600 posts here and you can see for yourself in my post history how unhappy I am 😂😂 Literally the previous post to this thread was pictures of me feeding the birdies lol. Oh no, such a life of misery and desperation! Oh how I wish I could swim in the junkie piss puddles of Amsterdam! I have no need to lie or cope because my feelings are not tied to the perception people have of my city (because I'm not a pussy).
Wiktionary said:
cope (plural copes) (slang) A coping mechanism or self-delusion one clings to in order to endure the hopelessness or despair of existence.

By the way, you went straight for the "bigot" lmao, you really showed your true colors there, of course man, anyone who calls you out on the internet is a bigot racist homophobe misogynist who lives a miserable life in his mom's basement 🤦‍♂️gtfo clown get aboard on the train to Copesville.
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pure dynamite
I remember that during one of my visit to amsterdam I was looking in the phone gps trying to find next coffeesshop to visit, then I look up cause I heard the tram bell and at that moment I was 2 meters away from a cop, with joint in hand looking one at eachother for a few seconds. He laughed at me panicking for a split second, then had a giggle and gone away as fast as he appeared. It was a fun thing to happen, and to hear that now it gonna be illegal breaks my heart a bit. But I can understand locals and non smokers don't want that smoke up their nose, so I guess thats where they are heading to, smoking only in coffeshops or private places. Honestly they might think back on this after they manage to reduce the tourism by laws like this, and they'll find out a good portion of the money exchanging hands in amsterdam was due to this avalanche of tourists on the streets in the center of town.
But they get their taxes and salaries from their citizens so those are the ones that need to be kept happy. We'll see how this goes! There may be a future where its easier to go elsewhere for weed tourism, after all they years amsterdam pioneered it. I mean barcelona sounds better and better. And it's cheaper too. Hopefully other nations will follow their model, or one similar to that.


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Are we back on track now? :cool:

Over tourism is a big issue for many places. If an interesting site/city is within one hour of a cruise port, it will be inundated with day tourists, who – for a large part – don’t really spend much money locally. They come and fill all available space with their ignorant lazy asses and they go back to their ship to eat and sleep.

We are still a long way off from real cannabis tourism. It seems that when governments legalize they have to appease the masses by making it impossible to smoke cannabis in public or in any and all open to the public businesses and venues.


Well-known member
I love Amsterdam. Have spent a lot of time there without experiencing these problems (to an extent you would expect from any big city). At night even the center can actually be eerily quiet. But I have only really been there during the last 10 years or so, maybe it was different before. The south side of the city is really nice and peaceful even during the day yeah, I would happily live and raise a family there.


Well-known member
I love Amsterdam. Have spent a lot of time there without experiencing these problems (to an extent you would expect from any big city). At night even the center can actually be eerily quiet. But I have only really been there during the last 10 years or so, maybe it was different before. The south side of the city is really nice and peaceful even during the day yeah, I would happily live and raise a family there.
Different people have different standards for living mate that's fine 🤷‍♂️ have a nice holiday.


Active member
Dam hasn’t been the same for years, herb price went up, quality took a nose dive…. I still think is a cool city though, one thing the Dutch stepped up their food game, nice restaurants at last… instead of fries with mayo ☺️🤩

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I remember the Bananaanbar in the Red Light District fondly. Decades of whackoff material. Blonde chick with awesome body had me massage her oiled up ass for 10 minutes. She was awesome. Bananaanbar. Boner time


Well-known member
Cannabis is legal everywhere in Canada! Tourist can have it delivered to thier hotel legally but the hookers are illegal. But in BC Canada MDMA, Opioids, Meth and Cocaine are decriminalized up to 2.5 grams for the next three years.
Those in the know and with the cash to splash it's party time in Vancouver as well as the rest of BC. And a great place to live!
"Earlier this year, the U.K.-based Economist Intelligence Unit listed Vancouver as the fifth most livable city in the world. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Livability Index 2022, Vancouver in Canada scored highly in stability, health care, culture and environment, education and infrastructure."


Active member
Cannabis is legal everywhere in Canada! Tourist can have it delivered to thier hotel legally but the hookers are illegal. But in BC Canada MDMA, Opioids, Meth and Cocaine are decriminalized up to 2.5 grams for the next three years.
Those in the know and with the cash to splash it's party time in Vancouver as well as the rest of BC.
When you got money you can get anything everywhere pretty much, I mean I wouldn't try funny business in saudi arabia but you get what I mean.


Well-known member
When you got money you can get anything everywhere pretty much, I mean I wouldn't try funny business in saudi arabia but you get what I mean.
You can do drugs anywhere you want if your willing to risk jail or worse that is. Its a lot less stressful and a lot more fun when its legal!
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Active member
You can do drugs anywhere you want if your willing to risk jail or worse that is. Its a lot less stressful and a lot more fun when its legal!
I think if you grow a certain plant like opium then process into dog food you will realize that some plants just really use it as a defence mechanism more than anything, same for mushrooms, drugs are grossly misunderstood and abused all over the world, synthetics don't make it any better.

IMO you can either do two things, absolutely ban drugs around the world with every country equal participation so that it literally goes extinct, natural drugs that is like cocaine and opium, mushrooms. OR do research on how to actually use those plants to better human life instead of abusing them.

Heck even weed can be abused and if you do she will 100% come for you. Tbf regret comes afterwards never before and I don't know a single person (I mean I wouldn't know) who's like ''Man I'm so glad I took some dog food for the first time man, I am richer than ever, I am helping more people than ever best choice of my life.)

You know there are plants that would have the effect of opium etc, that are so strong if you take even 1 mg of it you will probably die, now that's what I call evolution lol. Not that any of this matters these days, I think most opium users for example are just using fentanyl/abusing it.


Active member
LOL lots of people say that about cannabis, abuse is in the eye of the beholder.
I mean if your teeth are falling out and you lost 70lbs in three months I would say that's abuse, if you don't agree we don't share the same life philosophy.


Well-known member
it seems kinda strange that Amstedam wants to ban weed just when Germany is trying to legalize/decriminalize it.
Could they merely be just finger pointing to cannabis and trying to blame weed for any of the citys problems?


Active member
it seems kinda strange that Amstedam wants to ban weed just when Germany is trying to legalize/decriminalize it.
Could they merely be just finger pointing to cannabis and trying to blame weed for any of the citys problems?
No it's more of like things are just out of hand, if you spend any time in the inner city you would know why. Btw I talked with some german people that kind of know how the law works (really well actually) and they said Germany will take at least another ten years and on top of that some spots like Bavaria might legalize like some kind of weird municipality thing but others are not obliged, kinda like the US but not really which will result in an even bigger clusterfuck, France will most likely not legalize and if they do it will be done in one year I think the main issue will become people from France or wherever will flee to these legalized countries and inevitable get into some sort of ''lifestyle''