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400W HPS DWC 6 Plants 3 Strains (Classyathome & netwerx)



High All - Gonna start a new thread for the GrowBox that my buddy netwerx and I have going. Netwerx and I are former workmates - he is the first person I have ever partnered a grow with, and quite frankly, it is going better than I could have hoped. He's a good man and a member here, and I hope you all get a chance to do a chat w/ him.

Previously I had a thread about selecting strains, and had gone thru basic info on seedlings, etc.. But this grow is now well on it's way, and the parameters have changed quite a bit, so...

A little background - out of all the beans and varieties we had started out with back a few months ago, we ended up with 6 strong ladies. They were put back into veg. for a couple o' weeks once they were sexed, we took a batch of clones (17 - all but 3 made it), and have been flowering the girls again for about 3 weeks. We have 2 each of the following - White Label White Skunk, Mandala Hashberry, and Wallyduck C99 x GF.

The grow box is a heavy plastic utility box, 30"w base, 24" deep, and 40" high. It contains a 400W HPS, with a McGyver'd hood/reflector that is air cooled. One rubbermaid dwc that has approx. 7 litres of solution, each plant is in peat pellet, put into 1 1/2" net pots. The rez is cooled with a small cpu fan blowing into it, and rez temps hover around 71 - 72F. This really is a ghetto grow - I like to make my own stuff, so we even only have the dull side of BBQ foil for reflective surface. The back and both doors are lined. 2 bathroom exhaust fans supply a steady 50cfm intake and exhaust.

The box - door closed

Door open

Some of the Ladies

The flowers

Root porn


Remaining clones

Using house brand hydro nute A & B, rez change approx once a week, and netwerx tops up the rez a litre or so a day due to the plants, and evap from the cpu cooler fan.

We did a rez change today - also took the time to clean up some of the dead/dying lower leaves, and to clip off the lower, immature sucker branches. Now that the ladies are flowering good and strong, we need the airflow, and we took quite a bit of lower foliage out. Some stuff for netwerx's lovely Mrs. to puff when they are out (there were some nice lower buds that had to go).

I'll definitely keep this thread active - and I hope netwerx will chime in with his thoughts, and add his details...

Thanks for taking the time to view - I know there are a lot of threads and grows on here, and we appreciate you reading ours.


Actually it's 2 Liters a day.

Past that, its a good report.

Its always a good time with the "classyman". Being my first grow, I must admit, I appear to be catching on. Mostly due to Classy's expertise as well as the mound of information to be found in these forums by all of you awesome people.

I may not post much here, but I read a ton. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge!

Time for a smoke, later!


Spoke with netwerx earlier today - he told me the ladies drank the rez almost dry in one day!!! :jawdrop:
7 litres of fresh nutes, down to a puddle on the bottom of the rez. Thankfully, the cpu fan/cooler was stirring up the liquids, so the roots were still wet, but still...

He also said that 2 of them (one was a White Skunk) have exploded in bloom since yesterday. Literally puffed right out, thickened noticeably. He was almost giddy, and I'm over the moon...

He's gonna send me some pics, and I'll post as soon as I can.


heavy dank nugg

beautifull roots ... i have my 1st dwc plant coming down sun. its a 10 headed monster cplus shes all flopping all over herself.


Update - one of the C99xGF might be toast. After last rez change, it somehow lost contact w/ liquid, and has wilted so badly netwerx thinks its a goner...


Update - She's a goner. 5 doing fine. Still not sure what caused it, but whats done is done. Move on to my other 5 women ;) Anyways, whats left of the C99 is in a jar curing as I type.