white skunk

  1. C

    400W HPS DWC 6 Plants 3 Strains (Classyathome & netwerx)

    High All - Gonna start a new thread for the GrowBox that my buddy netwerx and I have going. Netwerx and I are former workmates - he is the first person I have ever partnered a grow with, and quite frankly, it is going better than I could have hoped. He's a good man and a member here, and I...
  2. basscadet

    CFL PC CASE GROW, first and second attempts :-P

    Okay, so this is my first grow having thought about it ever since I started smoking. Looking through these forums gave me the inspiration for the PC grow, from the Nanomachine that blew my mind to all the successful grows that have followed it, I thought it’s the most stealth way to grow a...