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:santa1: happy holidays everyone

just wrapped up my grow here. not bad turnout but could dial in better next time. I flushed a lil too early as this casey seems to be more on the 70 day side. Started to see a few mites the last couple days which is also why I pulled a little early so I could bomb the room before the new clones go in. I didn't like the shooting powder at all really. I think it made my buds less dense because of the foxtailing. So I will be sticking with koolbloom. Getting myself a new camera so hopefully I can take some good shots next round and have a more detailed log

here's the last pics from cab (1 day before cut.. day 64)





You vertical guys make it look way to easy! Super grow to date G-Man

thanks immortal!

Excellent work my man, really looking nice in there.... they are a nycd cross right? If so a few are looking alot like some grapefruit pheno NYCD I used to have, nice shit!!

Well done bro

its actually ECSD (oriental express(trainwreckxthai) X ecsd)
but yeah it reminds me a lot of trainwreck as far as bud structure and stretch and the smell of it is straight diesel. smells like candy/fumey


:yoinks: Lookin very good brotha!

Nice skills you got there. :respect:

Enjoy your harvest bro and happy holidayz! :santa1:

Keep it green and be safe!



thanks stevius :thanks:

this next round should be good if I can straighten the kinks out I ran into this time.

ill be back soon with dry bud shots / weigh out


heres a better pic of the harvest(pulled 2 previously).. its 75% dry and about to go into paper bags for up to a week.

here's what i'm tokin on until my buds are ready

green river? that's what its called but never heard of it. smokes very well its sticky icky. not good on describing smells but its a bit floral-hashy with a sweet aftertone. average high feels like a hyrbid not too indica or sativa.

jackpot! this stuff is called gold dust and its very debilitating. looks like coarse kief except very gold and really sticky. bubbles instantly. $60 / gram but worth every penny. :yummy: going to try and take some better macros with my new cam this week!


couple dry shots screwin 'round with my new camera. definitely going to be a while before i get comfortable with it.. plus i really should be using a macro lense. next harvest maybe

casey has about 1-2 days left in the bags they are practically dry




got 3 bags mostly full but i haven't weighed it yet



Congratulations man! nice harvest and that Casey looks so yummi !!
What your going to throw in for the next round?

Got back from the trip and there's some work to be done before I get to start my thread..:)

Grow on man :D


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
loving that old school bud structure man... not all puffy like a boby builder :D

looks "dope" mate :D


Congratulations man! nice harvest and that Casey looks so yummi !!
What your going to throw in for the next round?

Got back from the trip and there's some work to be done before I get to start my thread..:)

Grow on man :D

thanks nukku! hope your trip was all good and everything was in order when you came back :)

this next round i'm going to do 11 casey jones with less veg and more training. I want to dial in casey.. I feel that there is still much to improve upon

that gold dust looks amazing.. Very nice buds also K+ man

thanks SC :santa1:

loving that old school bud structure man... not all puffy like a boby builder :D

looks "dope" mate :D

it sure is strong too! i just tried it last night and 3 hours went by in what seemed like 20 minutes. no paranoia, or anxiety, no couchlock, just a really nice stone!!

thanks mate!


the last shot of that gold dust looks GOLD AS SHIT! Nice, but 60 a gram holy F!?!?!? Gotta do what we gotta do though! Nice pull dude, shame you couldnt let them go longer. You really had some freaking enormous buds in there man, great work! Let us know how it smoked eh?? PEACE


the last shot of that gold dust looks GOLD AS SHIT! Nice, but 60 a gram holy F!?!?!? Gotta do what we gotta do though! Nice pull dude, shame you couldnt let them go longer. You really had some freaking enormous buds in there man, great work! Let us know how it smoked eh?? PEACE

yeah 60 a gram is steep but i figure that it would take more then that in tools / bud or trim to make a gram of it myself. only a few days early but i'll nail it this next round as long as the PM and mites stay eradicated

just shy of 25 oz all 2gether. not bad but should have no problem hitting 2 # next time. smoke is great. smells dank very hard to describe, fuel/skunk with a tiny candy after smell/taste. not couchlock at all kind of inspiring :witch:


Active member
heres a better pic of the harvest(pulled 2 previously).. its 75% dry and about to go into paper bags for up to a week.

here's what i'm tokin on until my buds are ready

green river? that's what its called but never heard of it. smokes very well its sticky icky. not good on describing smells but its a bit floral-hashy with a sweet aftertone. average high feels like a hyrbid not too indica or sativa.

jackpot! this stuff is called gold dust and its very debilitating. looks like coarse kief except very gold and really sticky. bubbles instantly. $60 / gram but worth every penny. :yummy: going to try and take some better macros with my new cam this week!

man those pics look awesome....nice show man....casey jones sure looks like a winner! great greenatik! That gold dust looks insane...never seen that before....looks kinda like bho! Awesome show cant wait for the next one!~


Greenatik that is an excellent harvest! I was on the fence on whether or not to add CJ to my stable. You made my decision much easier.:respect:

B. Self Reliant

Thanks for diligently updating. I hate it when folks leave us all hangin'!

Spectacular grow and final product! A true inspiration.