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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Active member
Well - I've been a grumpy 😠 old git today - thats for sure - after having this 2nd enema - and noticing that my arse was bleeding - I've told 'em that I'm not doing any more of their bleed'in painkillers - because it leads to a bleed'in arsehole -

- Said to the main Doctor that in this day and age - when they can put people on the moon - or even Mars - WHY CANT THEY GIVE ME A PAINKILLER THAT DOES NOT LEAD TO CONSTIPATION! ?? - cannabis would be perfect for me right now - and also negate the need for sleeping pills 💊

* do you know what? - I reckon that the pain meds people are hooked up with the enema people - and the suppositories hawkers -

WooHoo! Getting off Opiates SAVED my life!

Well, that, and this Miraculous Medicine we grow! I couldn't have done it without it!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
My work in the grow is done. I am holding off on potting the maters until tomorrow. Can go another day in the dome.

To crappy to do much outside. No chores to run to I guess I will watch some tube. I don't like daytime tv but it is Saturday .... might be something on.

I could run downtown to the 420 festival but Blah! Just don't enjoy that stuff anymore. Would love to have a few of you all come by for a smoke fest but you are scattered around the country. Used to be a bunch of us within driving range the they have slowly left and gone elsewhere.

These gatherings were a lot of fun....miss them.



Well-known member
Thanks SubGirl - it'll do right now - just missing my wife atm - getting wet in the eyes -
This song is for my wife Leah Nirvana - see ya on the morrow gal - XXxxxx

Awe, I’m sorry Gypsy. You’re making me a bit weepy too. You will be going home before you know it. Hospitals get old quick no matter how pretty and nice the nurses are. Soon she will be helping you recover then you can pay her back when you’re feeling all new again. You are lucky to have someone that you miss so much. 💕💕💕

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Awe, I’m sorry Gypsy. You’re making me a bit weepy too. You will be going home before you know it. Hospitals get old quick no matter how pretty and nice the nurses are. Soon she will be helping you recover then you can pay her back when you’re feeling all new again. You are lucky to have someone that you miss so much. 💕💕💕
I'm sorry to dampen your spirits SubGirl - they are gonna give me some Melatonin as a sleep aid tonight 😴


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Sorry Gypsy! At least the surgery is over. All you have to do is heal now. Slow process but the worst is behind you.

Time for me to party. What to smoke.....all these choices.....I haven't smoked any Lemon Betty and it is a day time smoke so that is on the menu for this afternoon.

Daughter and Mrs Pute are getting their nails done. Then coming back here to look at some old family albums. Should be interesting. We have boxes of memories from her childhood. They always make us laugh when we get this nostalgic stuff out.

Then out to dinner and a Nuggets/Lakers game tonight. I plan on staying loaded the whole time. Yup, A pothead lives here.

I am currently down in the basement sparking one up.


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