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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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My work in the grow is done. I am holding off on potting the maters until tomorrow. Can go another day in the dome.

To crappy to do much outside. No chores to run to I guess I will watch some tube. I don't like daytime tv but it is Saturday .... might be something on.

I could run downtown to the 420 festival but Blah! Just don't enjoy that stuff anymore. Would love to have a few of you all come by for a smoke fest but you are scattered around the country. Used to be a bunch of us within driving range the they have slowly left and gone elsewhere.

These gatherings were a lot of fun....miss them.

I think I see Subbie waving and winking at me.☝️


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Sorry Gypsy! At least the surgery is over. All you have to do is heal now. Slow process but the worst is behind you.

Time for me to party. What to smoke.....all these choices.....I haven't smoked any Lemon Betty and it is a day time smoke so that is on the menu for this afternoon.

Daughter and Mrs Pute are getting their nails done. Then coming back here to look at some old family albums. Should be interesting. We have boxes of memories from her childhood. They always make us laugh when we get this nostalgic stuff out.

Then out to dinner and a Nuggets/Lakers game tonight. I plan on staying loaded the whole time. Yup, A pothead lives here.

I am currently down in the basement sparking one up.

FFS! be careful☝️


Well-known member
My friend gave me some of his infused ghee. It is in my fridge. I do not like bullet proof coffee. My son made me try it. Yuck

I don't care for ghee either and agree... yuck!
Can't imagine how awful it would make coffee taste.

I had an interesting edible/liquid dose a while back. i had made a batch of butter, which just sitting in the freezer. Some people at work were talking coffee, and the subject of putting a small amount of ghee, or clarified butter in your coffee. Following weekend I was making coffee. The idea hit me to put a glob of canna butter in, and i did. wasnt the best cup Ive ever had, but hit me in about 10 mins or less and hit strong.

I don't care for cannabis in my coffee either, it seems like it causes more bitterness.
About 1 1/2 years ago in an effort to still drink coffee but with out my customary use
of flavored sweet coffee creamer, I began using black coffee, a pinch of salt (kills
the bitter) and a Tablespoon of unsalted butter. I don't use one of those whimpy
frothers though, instead I use my stick blender to emulsify the butter.
Makes my coffee nice and creamy... just no longer sweet yet tolerable.

I discovered that when I take my canna caps before I drink my hot coffee that
the buzz seems to kick in quicker. Might be my imagination but perhaps not
entirely :)


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
This is the first time I have celebrated 420. Been stoned all fargin day.

congratulations Unca!…

being high is one of the side effects of cannabis….along with happy , hungry , and sleepy

i just got up from an epic nap!…..my naps are usually short , 30 minutes to an hour , at most..

this nap?

3 hours!….

holy sleep Batman!…this evening should be interesting

Unca Walt

Well-known member
boy do I remember that time in my life when this came out...I was standing on Broadway after seeing a movie with my high school sweet heart...we looked up and saw 2 billboards...one was the Marlboro man blowing smoke, the other Grand Funk Railroad...memories...
I wonder when the sign changed. My daddy took me to the Automat -- which I thought was ever kewl -- when I was about five or six. (Late 40's) There was a guy blowing smoke with Camel cigarettes.


ICMag Donor
Well unfortunately since my wife passed a few years ago because of the pandemic and we never had kids, I'm not getting much breaks in the expectations department. The weird thing about this slowing down stuff is mentally I still feel younger then my years. Somewhere in my 30's I stoped feeling like I was aging mentally and I still want to and feel like I should be able to do all that I could back then. For the most part I can too, it just takes me two or three times as long for a lot of things
I’m a 16-year-old in a 63 year old body


Well-known member
Premium user
I don't care for ghee either and agree... yuck!
Can't imagine how awful it would make coffee taste.

I don't care for cannabis in my coffee either, it seems like it causes more bitterness.
About 1 1/2 years ago in an effort to still drink coffee but with out my customary use
of flavored sweet coffee creamer, I began using black coffee, a pinch of salt (kills
the bitter) and a Tablespoon of unsalted butter. I don't use one of those whimpy
frothers though, instead I use my stick blender to emulsify the butter.
Makes my coffee nice and creamy... just no longer sweet yet tolerable.

I discovered that when I take my canna caps before I drink my hot coffee that
the buzz seems to kick in quicker. Might be my imagination but perhaps not
entirely :)
Wow ! another use for a emersion blender!

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Congratulations Unca. You doing the rebreathing thing on that nasty bag?🤣 Happy 4/20 💞
Absolutely. And it ain't like those kids in the olden days all climbing in a packing carton.

I take a single hit from a two-hit glass tube. Exhale into the bag.

Then I just breathe normally, mebbe do some dishwashing of the other glass tubey things... then pick up the bag, take a hit, and exhale back into the bag.

I have found that the best (visible) results are about 8 repeats to the initial hit. <-- Not like the 50+ when I was working out the end points. At the end of 8 hits, the bag is completely empty.

So I get two hits from the glass tube, and 16 more from the bag in two stages <-- These two stages may be a half-hour apart.

So it is quite straight-engineered for maximum use of weed with minimal loss.:smoker::greenstars::smoker:

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