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:::::::USA Set to Reschedule Cannabis::::::: HHS Releases Recommendation Documents:::::::


Well-known member
Another state committee unable to form consensus. This is due to lack of knowledge by legislators.
sometimes it is "lack of spine". they know what they should do, but are so scared of losing their next election that they refuse to do the right thing....which shows the lack of dedication to their constituency they SHOULD have. :confused:


ICMag Donor
I contacted all my representatives to put this issue before the general assembly to allow discussion of it. The little study committies are not squaring up to this issue. Seem like they are not preparing well, delaying running down the clock, and calling the meeting pertaining to workplace safety and teen use rates to pre-load the discussion.

They just simply ignore all the supporting arguments. Its a fillabuster, just another form of it. And the governer has the veto power, he says he'll use unless its legalized federally.

Trying to find it, but there is a group of 5 state governers who sent a letter to President Biden asking him to reschedule by the end of the year.


ICMag Donor
There are several lawmakers and groups such as veterans groups saying this is urgent, but its interesting, it may take a while because of these weak leaders we have. The representatives gave their power away to the un-elected beaurocracy, the federal agencies. Its up to the DEA to make a review right now reguarding people using a MEDICINE.

The DEA is a drug enforcement arm, and works to stop drug abuse, but they are not doctors or medical experts. They may consult some medical experts for their review of FDA and HHS memo on their study's conclusions, but they can make what ever determination they want, whenever they want. This is at the expense of the people.


ICMag Donor

Pharmacies can distribute Marinol, a synthetic THC pharmaceutical pill, why would herbal THC be any different? Would think that pharmacies would be the safest place to distribute medicine for patients.

Big pharma doesn't want their toes stepped on.


Well-known member
sometimes it is "lack of spine". they know what they should do, but are so scared of losing their next election that they refuse to do the right thing....which shows the lack of dedication to their constituency they SHOULD have. :confused:
some of these things are apt you get them voted out of office, keep listening to a corp. . donor and not the voters!


Well-known member
I contacted all my representatives to put this issue before the general assembly to allow discussion of it. The little study committies are not squaring up to this issue. Seem like they are not preparing well, delaying running down the clock, and calling the meeting pertaining to workplace safety and teen use rates to pre-load the discussion.

They just simply ignore all the supporting arguments. Its a fillabuster, just another form of it. And the governer has the veto power, he says he'll use unless its legalized federally.

Trying to find it, but there is a group of 5 state governers who sent a letter to President Biden asking him to reschedule by the end of the year.
it should be deschedule complietly


ICMag Donor

A message from the founder…​


My name is Jeff Staker I have served 11 years in the Marines as a Scout Sniper/DI, approximately 4 years as a Basic and Advance NCO Instructor at the Indiana Military Academy and finishing out my military career as an Air/Crash/Fire/Rescue with the Indiana Air National Guard, Ft. Wayne.

For the past 22 plus years I have worked at the Grissom ARB, as both a DoD Security Police and currently as a DoD Civilian Firefighter and am looking forward to retiring within the next year.
As a longtime member of the VFW, American Legion and DAV I have been involved with many issues that affect our Veterans’ health, rights and privileges and this endeavor is by far going to be the most controversial and beneficial as I and hopefully “we” attempt to change our States’ Laws as it pertains to the medical use of cannabis and at the same time inform and educating our citizens of the misconception cannabis (or marijuana) has had on our society for the past 75 years.
As most of us military men and women are familiar with the five paragraph order (or SMEAC), I am formulating the bylaws of this non for profit organization Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis, Inc.(HVMC) in the same fashion.
The Situation is: Within the US one person every 20 minutes dies of either an accidental and or intentional overdose to prescription pain medication. Doing the math that’s 3 every hour, 72 a day and so forth. It has been report that our Veterans are overdosing at twice the rate of civilians….in other words 2 of the 3 causalities within the above hour time frame are Veterans. This shouldn’t be, nor does it have too, especially within our great State of Indiana.
The Mission of HVMC is: To inform, educate, lobby, support and maintain legislation for the “legal” Medical use of Cannabis within the State of Indiana. In addition, when we have fought and won for the legalization of Medical Cannabis, HVMC will work with our legislators to continuously review, revise and update legislation as may be necessary from time to time. i.e. recognizing residents from out of State that are Medical Cannabis patients …and so forth.
On a national level HVMC will fight to petition our Federal Government to reduce Cannabis from a Schedule I (fraudulently noted) to a Schedule II rating under the Substance Control Act of 1970 and to petition the Veterans Affairs in making policies to more freely prescribe and recommend Cannabis to our Veterans in lieu of the fatal prescription practices we have been so accustomed too.
Execution: As of 25 July 2016 The Office of the Secretary of State of Indiana did certify that Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis, Inc. as a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation. HVMC did receive a Federal EIN through the Internal Revenue Service and has applied for a 501 tax-exempt status.
Administration and Logistics: Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis is self-funded through the contribution received through its’ web site, donors and or received via mail that is publicly posted.
Command and Signals: Though I am placing myself on the skyline (which is a no no for any infantryman but a necessity for this campaign) I have not placed myself as a President or CEO, but my status, as when I applied for the above corporation is only as an “Organizer.” I can only picture myself as one of a hundred thousand fellow Veterans that believe that it is time for our State to legalize the medical use of cannabis. HVMC thus plans to network through our States’ military organizations such as the VFW, American Legion, DAV, AMVETS and their Auxiliaries etc..(and for the benefit of the general public as necessary) in the desire to recruit at least one HVMC volunteer/supporter from every post throughout the State in petitioning their Indiana State Representative and Senator to enact State Laws in support of Medical Cannabis.
The volunteers/supporters should identify him/herself to the HVMC and their affiliation. Identify both elected State official from their area and the approximate number of other patrons that would support forthcoming laws in favor of Medical Cannabis.
Volunteers/supporters should think of (but not limited to) the following:
  • Talk to local Media/Newspaper publications about HVMC.
  • Get a consensus from their State Representative/Senator as to their support and or opposition to State Medical Cannabis Laws.
  • Develop hand written petitions and signatures of patrons that support HVMC.
  • Emphasize support of any means to the HVMC movement (and from the general public).
  • Contact your local medical community or doctor for a written opinion of Medical Cannabis.
In closing may I say that, the cost of the freedom we share is buried under the battle grounds We and our fellow Veterans fought upon, paid with our blood and of all who deserved to bare the torch on our States’ Flag for this campaign can be none other than you the Hoosier Veteran.
Thank You for Your Support/Semper Fi.
-Jeffery P. Staker


Well-known member
Why did any of the document need to be redacted at all? Doubtful it named specific people that would be a security risk if they were doxed. Certainly not a letter related to "national security". Totally bizarre that any of it was redacted let alone so much of it.

Moving from Schedule I to Schedule III seems to me that it could lead to more regulation, not less. Can a person make their own Schedule III drugs at home? Nope.

Is there any legitimate reason why cannabis couldn't or shouldn't be descheduled and treated the same way that alcohol is? If there is, I'd like to hear those arguments.

The current cannabis "climate" in the U.S. and how it's changing at the state levels first but also federal is interesting. Why does federal seem to be willing to ease up or seemingly change its stance and power? I think part of it has to do with the current young generation coming of age. This is the first generation in my lifetime that as a rule, supports and hell, even loves the government and gives it full faith and loyalty. "My government loves me. This is evidenced at how concerned it is over social justice issues, etc!" Playing the angle of being an ally of the generation coming of age (e.g. social justice, etc) as the government does conflicts with a heavy handed iron-fist control over cannabis. Continuing to have a heavy-handed control over cannabis but appear to be "all in" for supporting the young generation's other causes, concerns, etc would make it apparent that the "ally" approach is just a ruse.

The government has been using the angle of being a "cool parent". Imagine a "cool parent" in real life that was pretty much permissive of everything their teen/young adult child wanted, thought, believed, etc but then at the same time required, even forced the child to adhere to some archaic, authoritarian rules that were in direct conflict with the appearance of being permissive. It would be blatantly obvious at that point because of such a significant conflict that the "cool parent" act was bogus.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

Pharmacies can distribute Marinol, a synthetic THC pharmaceutical pill, why would herbal THC be any different? Would think that pharmacies would be the safest place to distribute medicine for patients.

Big pharma doesn't want their toes stepped on.

The DEA moved it to Schedule II just long enough for the FDA to get Marinol and its analogs approved and quickly moved it back to Schedule I because they're bastards.

Evil bastards.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
That would make home grows illegal federally if I understand the scheduling.
They're already illegal federally, even in states allowing it.

While there may be a lot of b.s. with schedule III, the facts remain:

1. It's less than schedule I
2. It's an admission of 'being wrong' about the subject.
3. It allows proper research to be conducted.
4. MILLIONS more people will begin growing, especially in the non-medical/recreational states.

ANY admission of being wrong on this subject is a 'significant' improvement for the quality of life for the population of the US.


ICMag Donor

Shows the corruption, the only ones against legalizing are UNELECTED prosecutors groups and chamber of commerce. See how this is top town enforcement without representation of the will of the people. This is so obvious.

Don't ask the Doctor. When they do have doctors speak up on the issue, they are ignored, WTF?????

This is a fillabuster type situation where they will delay and block in any way possible to please their OWNERS in big business circles. They want to make sure they have a pool of laborers to hire without increasing "positivity" in cannabis testing.

They acknowledge a positive test does not correlate to impairment whatsoever. They just make a complete generalization and say that IN THEIR STUDY, workers who test positive for cannabis METABOLITES show slightly higher levels of some workplace issues, but they don't give proof of a cause/effect correlation. Don't you think there may be other factors involved?
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Well-known member
only to be expected of former prosecutors. they don't relish the prospect of facing up to the fact that they spent their entire careers putting folks in jail for no purpose except keeping assholes happy and prisons full. easier for them to say "no, the people and voters are all wrong! we imprisoned them and ruined their lives for their own good! well, and to keep them from voting. " :whistling: :angrymod:


ICMag Donor
Everyone should be phenotype hunting and breeding as much as possible. Unique and locally acclimated strains will certainly be valuable.

Thing is, states who are failing to adopt a legal cannabis law are ensuring that cannabis business which come from their state will be far behind more mature businesses in other states. They won't be able to compete in the market if it goes on long enough because of cost efficiencies of large businesses and price points will have already been set.