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the battle flag of Scotland


im a proud scot living in england,but I couldn't agree more! especially the fact that the lion rampart is our true flag!! its the one that hangs on my wall - the other one bugs me a little as it always reminds me of the 'union' & the fact that the english raped our nation, & continue to have powers they shouldn't. alot of the worlds most greatest creations came from scottish minds - so its not as if we couldn't manage to govern ourselves, without halfwitted english toff's screwin it all up for everyone. so thanks very much oldpink, legend for changing it in my eyes - 1 satisfied customer here!!

Rock on Scotland .... love you Clooney!

Mr Mojo Risin

New member
Yeah im loving the flag too :)

Im Scottish and proud but some of the laws we have up here (especially towards ganja) are rediculous. I cant see us ever being allowed to smoke freely in the Uk especially now 'the new europe' EU thing is happening.

Lets face it, theres not many people trying to have it legalised amoungst us stoners - us brits are all a 'roll over and let it happen' nation and cant be arsed even trying to be heard (myself included i guess).
Most stoners are the type to click 'lets get 100000000 names on facebook to legalise cannabis' thinking they are making change but if we all got out our PENS and wrote, demonstrated, do whatever we have to do to get noticed im sure things would speed along a little. Right now is a good time to start with the Prof. Nutt getting sacked and others walking.

Time for a revolution!!!

fuck it, think i'll watch the rest of this prog on ch4 and forget all about it lol. seriously though, when the fuck are ALL the stoners going to unite and show face instead of arguing about lowryders and uk cheese on forums?!

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