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the battle flag of Scotland


Un - Retired,
I've had it put in for our country flag as I think its more the flag of scotland then the saltire cross (part of the union jack)
I think we should fly the battle flag as a sign of rebellion against the English imposed laws on Cannabis

its time they let Scotland decide whats best for us
even our own parliament can't change laws on cannabis without the English parliament approving it

time for another Scottish uprising (where's william wallace when you need him)
oh well lets gather round the Lion Rampart and fight for our freedom and sing
Oh flower of Scotland when will we smoke your buds again (cannabis flowers of course)

Slange Var


Herbal relaxation...
Respect for all the "underdog" nations worldwide, we may be underdog and small in numbers, but we stand united and we have the will power!!!!!

High from Finland :wave:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I've only known a few people from Scotland...but, I've always admired them as friends...

...that was 40 years ago...and I can still hear them talk...Rock On!...Scotland


ICMag Donor
Scottish lochs are full of positive energy,,, really wish to return one day to fish on flies. The combination of wild brown trout,, shortcake,, midges,,, Oban scotch , make for memories of a real holiday. Jah bless :D




Rock on Scotland. I love my home country! And good choice of flag! Do you know theres a skating company called England that uses the lion rampant as there logo lol
aye we are needing to rise up & get weed legalized/allowed to grow ur own/medicinal access ect & i think it is more chance of happening up here than rest of uk,i think it is more in wide spread use in scotland (correct me if im wrong) & non tokers would prob not mind either!
we could get trailed first just like the poll tax!!:)
what is the status of the legalization campaign in scotland right now?
the more states in america that pass it for medicinal use & the more these states make in tax revenue then hopefull UK will look at these positives & take a LEAF out of these states books,it would certainly balance the chancelors books in a hurry!


The Tri Guy
Scotland has its own judicial process, if the powers that be in scotland wanted to no longer prosecute for cannabis, or to handle it with on the spot fines, they have that choice.
It annoys me when I see people talk about england raping their countries. The vast majority of english people had, have, and will never have any part of such actions. Its like when black people start talking about the white enslave ment of their ancestors, yet stay on their comfy couch watching tv, living their lives with decent jobs, rather than going to africa to live in poverty. We are where we are, and even more importantly, we are when we are. Wallace is long dead, and so are the english soldiers that he fought. That battle is long over.
The english prime minister is scottish! Look how much he has cost our country. I think if there were any old grievences by the scottish against the english, they have been more than settled over the last few years.


Un - Retired,
Scotland has its own judicial process, if the powers that be in scotland wanted to no longer prosecute for cannabis, or to handle it with on the spot fines, they have that choice.

acctually Scotland can't change the law on Cannabis even if it wanted to
yes we can make or change certain laws but anything to do with Alcohol & tobacco and tax etc is still set by london

what was funny was when they made cannabis Class C in England you got a police caution
if you got caught with what was classed as a personal amount but in Scotland theres no such thing as a police caution
what you got was reported to the procurator fiscal who then sent you a letter saying
that you would not be prosecuted but it would be noted on your record and if you got caught again within a year
they would prosecute you on both counts and a possible prison sentence



The Tri Guy
Hi OP, while Scotland can't overturn english laws, they do have to power to set their own penalties. If scotland chose to, it could easily impose a spot fine of £1 to anyone caught with cannabis. Also, lets not over look the fact that it was an englishman who reduced cannabis from a class B to a class C drug, and it was a scot (gordon brown) who then, against the wishes of all of the govt/ advisors on these things, regraded it back up to a class B drug. So really, if anything, it is scotlands fault that tokers in england still have to hide. Hmmm, where's the english battle flag lol.


Mourning the loss of my dog......

A popular battle flag from the American revolutionary war. We have a similar problem in the USA, our federal government seems to think it has a right to infringe upon rights guaranteed by our states(medical marijuana). Its totally illegal, but the mechanisms they use to get around the Constitution have been in place so long, its doubtful we will get free.

I'm proud to see the Scottish take pride in their unique culture, and the fact they still are a nation apart. My closest Scottish ancestors originated in the Loch Ness area, one of the Clan Chattan confederation.


Un - Retired,
scotland fights any unjust law
problem is england has certain rights over certain matters the does not allow scotland
to change certain laws
that includes any drug's laws,


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Has there been in recent history any precedent of Scotland defying England's power on any issue?