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Swazi Red (Afropips)


This is interesting for sur. I don't have experience with African strains although I have taken an interest in them recently
However your description reminded me of effects I experienced with psychedelics (LSD etc). I have, on occasions, been overwhelmed by feelings of electric buzzing energy coursing through my body. When I would just sit there, it would become so uncomfortable I would find myslef on the brink of panic, but when I got up and danced, that buzzing energy would bring me focus to my moving body often to an almost cellular lever. After a while, the continuous dancing (LSD used to give me a lot of stamina) it would even transform into an ecstatic feeling that would radiate through the body.

It's interesting to read that some cannabis strains can elicit reactions quite on par with the big psychedelics.

Vibes DDI welcome!

With the speed or amphet ya good comparison, same mind and body benefits and same troubles at high dose. But of course cannabis is softer and isn't a true hard drug with physical dependance etc. However the bridge with speed drug is so serious, this range of notion is important for next studies and research it represents new medicine applications and panacea no doubt! Also about the opposite warning and careful lol cannabis can be really strong and dangerous, no really "death overdose" but hmmm with poison SA weed i think you can have a heart attack ^^ Also weak or fragile people can broke their mind, a lot of psychiatric problems with cannabis no forget... Anyway all is question of dose, and cannabis also cures psychiatric disorders! The eventail of properties is really incredible and imho South African landraces play a big role for that ! :D



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Red October

Active member
Vibes DDI welcome!

With the speed or amphet ya good comparison, same mind and body benefits and same troubles at high dose. But of course cannabis is softer and isn't a true hard drug with physical dependance etc. However the bridge with speed drug is so serious, this range of notion is important for next studies and research it represents new medicine applications and panacea no doubt! Also about the opposite warning and careful lol cannabis can be really strong and dangerous, no really "death overdose" but hmmm with poison SA weed i think you can have a heart attack ^^ Also weak or fragile people can broke their mind, a lot of psychiatric problems with cannabis no forget... Anyway all is question of dose, and cannabis also cures psychiatric disorders! The eventail of properties is really incredible and imho South African landraces play a big role for that ! :D
frail minded and individuals that don't like looking at themselves with that much introspection. This is the type of effect where you can't hide away from yourself but makes you stronger in the end and the longterm

It's crazy how memories fade over the years and when you get reminded of them, the excitement they bring. Like grabbing at a ghost that you can still feel.
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Well-known member
All three moms are in the same cocacola ginger citrus ;) despite their different shapes "gold" and "black"

thanks Roms ... sounds like the kind of flavor i would like....

really need to make some space next run


Au plaisir West-eu! Just knowing that the general taste of Swazi isn't really as good as its aroma and nose. No sweet smoke usually ;)

Vibes i think to compare the Swazi Red line with the old Kauai from Hawaii ; collab project with Kagyu by the way, thank you! Good thing to confirm the electric and red connection... ^^

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Hi roms nice line u have there. The frost looks wonderful.
How long will do u flower your swazi usually?
Thx chilliwilli


Well-known member
Recently harvested seed crop of Swazi done indoors in a microenvironment:
Really lousy yield but great smoke. I let it go a little longer than usual to finish the seeds and buds. See calyxes got quite golden while waiting for the rest of the bud to ripen.


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Enjoy Lolo good thing that you reproduced it "pure" bravo! Hawaiian evolution around Kauai area, Puna near i wonder? :)