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Swazi Red (Afropips)


definitely, it would work in waves and become more manic for short bursts with an electric body charge. Many thanks for your insights and thoughts, it's given me quite a bit to think about and consider as these affects are what I am looking for.

I'll try and get the correct zamal variety for next year's summer run.

Vibes Red O', here's a pic of Zamal "qualité poivre" by the Hybrid Department, La Réunion.

Nice red pistils connection with the Swazi... ;)


Swazi Red, one of my F2, grow and shot by Mustafunk.

Well the connection is distant and the Swazi is far more precocious but maybe something related between the pepper/red and the cocaine or amphet euphoric high?... :D

Red October

Active member
Well the connection is distant and the Swazi is far more precocious but maybe something related between the pepper/red and the cocaine or amphet euphoric high?... :D
I'm very happy that even though I didn't get to smoke the Thais and Mexicans from the 70's but I might get reunited with the old friend I knew in my childhood.


Well-known member
Indeed the euphoric energy and heart racing are signs of the most potent ones from the Black side i think. A kind of weed to appreciate with efforts and physical moves, like a dope, otherwise it's poison if you stay quiet and relax! I think that this anxiety paranoia effects can be regulate by the physical activity maybe...

Not surprising to know that the Swazi old warriors used to smoke before going to fight. ^^ Personally i experienced funny trippy feelings by making love, swimming, dancing, bike... You feel like an animal power inside almost hearing your blood circulating in the body lol.

What you describe is exactly the effects of the Swazi strain I am familiar with. The first 15 to 20 minutes or so, the energy can be pretty intense and scrambled with Increased heart rate. After that it calms down and the energy is perfect for physical activity. When I was younger (and in shape) I used to smoke it prior to long runs, surfing, paddling. It even seemed to increase energy hiking at higher elevations. In a weird way, the energy would calm you down while doing something strenuous and make everything easier. My only negative experience was ocean swimming in deeper water, where I started getting paranoid.
This strain is hard to smoke and just sit around as the energy can be too unfocused and can bring about really scrambled thoughts. I've had some friends tell me it made them paranoid.


Thank you to confirm Lolo! :smoke:

Your ocean swimm made me laugh, a meet with the great S.A. white shark must calm down! ^^ Here it's more some shark bat and bar who come close... But yeah vertigo vibes too!


F2 tested by Chomba64 : 14.97 THC .04 CBD. a pinene 2.25mg myrcene 5.08mg b pinene 1.01mg
About terps and effects, 5.08 mg of myrcene is high for a sativa isn't it? The combo with pinene a and b should produce its gunpowder earthy metal smoke aroma...

No THCV precision from Kagyu but it must be interesting according the medium 15% THC!...


I think about a high 1% easy.... Next years i will do all lab tests to confirm or not the high THCV % and the parallel combo with dark smoke terpz profile.


I wonder if someone know a "pure" sativa genetic that can be up to 5mg of myrcene like my Afropips line?


Salut Bardo Eagle, first time i hear this, thanks, new thing? Durban Poison renamed?? :chin:


:biggrin: Lolilol indeed that's what i heard at first but the term krakky made me think about the nice Kraken (GSC*Durban) so... Bien bonne joke brotha! ;)

Ya probably like the frostiest pure sativa on earth, thanks to South African extraordinary U.V. hills and special climat!

(However my touch and flair is also another lucky condition to improve the thing!!)

Bardo Eagle

Active member
Thank you Roms for share your work,myrcene if I remember well is a potentiator for the Thc,give a more "pesado" effect right? A more fuller high(maybe for the vasodilatator properties).
Other NLD with a lot of myrcene...maybe mangobiche with the classic colombian effect
Ganja from south Africa zone are more naturally prone to frosty specimen for the latitude and climate
(cold at night(somewhat frosty) and hot day and dry) Dry highland(Lesotho,Swaziland,south Africa).


Ya :) quite heavy understone for some, "Black" line compared to the "Gold" without ceiling clean thing. The more resinous are "Black", more trippy effects too ; almost hallucinogenic ; like the best of Malawi in the 70s.

About myrcene yes prior terp generaly, the potentiomm is a good image ^^ combined with the THCV volume ^^ or the inverse!? :D Thanks Bardo Eagle!
Indeed the euphoric energy and heart racing are signs of the most potent ones from the Black side i think. A kind of weed to appreciate with efforts and physical moves, like a dope, otherwise it's poison if you stay quiet and relax! I think that this anxiety paranoia effects can be regulate by the physical activity maybe...

Not surprising to know that the Swazi old warriors used to smoke before going to fight. ^^ Personally i experienced funny trippy feelings by making love, swimming, dancing, bike... You feel like an animal power inside almost hearing your blood circulating in the body lol.

This is interesting for sur. I don't have experience with African strains although I have taken an interest in them recently
However your description reminded me of effects I experienced with psychedelics (LSD etc). I have, on occasions, been overwhelmed by feelings of electric buzzing energy coursing through my body. When I would just sit there, it would become so uncomfortable I would find myslef on the brink of panic, but when I got up and danced, that buzzing energy would bring me focus to my moving body often to an almost cellular lever. After a while, the continuous dancing (LSD used to give me a lot of stamina) it would even transform into an ecstatic feeling that would radiate through the body.

It's interesting to read that some cannabis strains can elicit reactions quite on par with the big psychedelics.