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Do Men Assume Women Can't Grow?

lost in a sea

men assume women cant do allsorts of things as well as us, but we are sadly mistaken....

what a pathetic misogyny this world still is..........


Active member
well, my mamma' grew so i don't have that stereotype in my head ;)

however, when i think about the people i have met in real life that grow or have grown, the majority do seem to be males...could just be the females were better at keeping quiet in regards to such activity?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Generally speaking of course.............:D............was recently thinking
why there aren't more women growers online? and why men automatically
assume on various mj sites that the poster is a guy? Can't begin to
count how many messages I've received on other sites that all included
such things as "bro" or "mate", oh yes, and "dude", not that it bothered
me, always got a chuckle out of it. :p Perhaps it's because of all the electrical
work, or if hydro....plumbing too, just the construction/modification necessary of an indoor growing area?????


Time and place makes all the difference?

Our group's most experienced and proficient grower is a 60 year old retired female electrical engineer.

Hard to tell from the avatars sometimes what the gender is and I'm predicting that calling a guy dudette would probably be less well recieved than calling a gal dude.



Women growers rock. This online persona "Green Mopho" is actually a couple, both male and female. Seems to work better that way. Men are good for the grunt work, like building the hydro plumbing, HVAC ducting, etc, but a man touching clones and doing things on the micro level is like a bull in a china shop. Clones especially need a woman's touch, and other than cannabis, women have a reputation for have innate gardening skills and true greenthumbs....

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
my mother had one rule about growing a garden...'failure is not an option'...

...it's an old rule from the Great Depression of the 1930's, wartime 1940's, & take it easy 1950's
I would have a very hard time growing without my husband, as sometimes my health is not so great and he needs to take care of the garden, and the heavy lifting, and the re-wiring and the drywalling and all that fun stuff, and carrying bucket after bucket up and down stairs and over distances. We don't share an account on icmag, but he is also a member here.

I do a lot of research and we do a lot of experiments and now we are getting ready for a massive breeeding project, that was semi unintentional. So far we have created 2 strains together and have 5-7 more waiting to be proven waiting in the wings.

We have got our flowering building pretty automated, which is really nice, but we are constantly upgrading. Over the past month we have gotten new bulbs for all of our lights, a new light system and bllast/hood/light... currently running 2400w in flowering and 1250w in veg, I need some more money to do the upgrades needed next, 2-3 more 6" vented hoods, 2 more 1000w ballasts, 1 1000w mh light, co2 regulator, 220v timer and another thing of ducting.

We are about 99% organic, there is one nutrient that I use for 4 days during flwoeirng that has one thing in it that makes it not organic, otherwise, everything else is totally organic.

With 2 growers though, sometimes my husband and I fight, like when I want to add new genetics to the garden, or when to harvest, when and what to take cuts of, what and when to flip what into flowering, what we're trying to breed... he nixed me doing a cross with the 2 different diesel phenomes and the strawberry cough male pollen we have after I read good things about strawberry diesel. he said to find a cut of it instead of making our own beans and popping them. I can see his point, especially now when we have so many new crosses we just made to grow out.

Could I grow without him, yes. Do I want to.. no.


My girlfriend loves gardening, inside and out.

She loves to smoke in the evening.

And could care less about the actual mechanics of growing marijuana!
Now discussing the proper ph for snapdragons or tulips she finds endlessly enjoyable.

Go figure



however im sure its far easier to nothing but look pretty and smoke some enamored growers weeds :)

debeers or debuds, its part of the natural order of things for a man to shower a woman with shiny babbles and flowers

but on a serious note, due to maternal instinct and focus I think women might actually have an edge

naa im kidding

the only differential regarding our biological makeup that would have a bias on growing is men come equipped with a tiller women do not.

I don't suggest it be used to plow a field, but im sure stranger things have happened

umm yeah this is my mind on a morning buzz

sorry in advance


Active member
Not to play devils advocate,but there are some things that men can do that women cannot, just as there are things women do that we cannot.
But when it comes to growing plants, we are even in that regard.
I have just found that more guys grow than girls, I look at my experience and I can count on my hands the women that I know that grow. I too wonder why?


First of, Let me say I don't believe that women aren't capable or don't like to grow.
I may have a low posting history and recent join date, but have been lurking here since 2004. I have been growing since the early 70's and know my way around cannabis cultivation.
When someone has some success at gardening, is it the male or female that jumps up and starts beating their chest, demanding everyone to look at what I've accomplished. With respect to MJ cultivation and the posts on OG, I'd hazard a guess that it would be the male.

Maybe some of the female growers don't want to be confronted with a jungle of chest thumping gorillas. Take note that some gorillas are warm and cudley and like to snuggle.

Just some thoughts!

This is a strong possible reason. I have watched countless times while "senior members" of this community bullied and forced new growers right off ICMag. These weren't actual staff members or moderators, but individuals who feel they have the right to impose their beliefs and methods on others. Sad but true. Why on earth would a woman want to join and participate in a community where there is a undercurrent of bullying and overt macho behavior. I am not suggesting that we all become super PC metro-sexuals with overt feminine behavior, but just that we check our testerone excesses at the login page and discuss things in a manner condusive to sharing information in an open manner.

In fact I had a negative reputation point given to me with the comment that I need to stop putting my d**k in my reservoir ! Did they assume I had one? What would a woman think about this statement. Many would leave although I know a few that would have knocked any real-world person into the next State for suggesting that. I hate snitches so the individual member info shall forever remain unknown, but I will state that there is a general attitude problem with a small but vocal group, most of which have a sophomoric level of understanding of the material being discussed.

In fact, if I wasn't so stubborn by nature I myself would not be still here, but I refuse to be bullied by the "unknowing" just as much as by the "nazi anti-cannabis faction" in the real world.

I would not want to be a moderator around here. I'm sure they are walking a "razor's edge" between freedom of speech and cultivation of a growing membership and informed community. Perhaps there might be a way of rewarding good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior? If I had a concrete solution I would gladly share it with you all.

In closing, the good outweighs the bad on ICMag, just like the real world, but I see why many women who actually already grow may use this site as a reference, but won't join in the community.


idk seems to me woman who grows and smokes weed has a added +1 to a +3 points in hotness factor

the bonus points are relative to the quality of the weed :)


idk seems to me woman who grows and smokes weed has a added +1 to a +3 points in hotness factor

the bonus points are relative to the quality of the weed
LOL, that cannot be disputed....

Question is why aren't they hanging out here?


My hubby gets a smile on his face when he watches me take care of our girls. Not to mention the quickies in the grow room!

LOL, we are a couple too, and I think the plants love that! HEHEHE...

LOL, that cannot be disputed....

Question is why aren't they hanging out here?

icmaggers are not just growers, but also computer nerds....so that tends to decrease the female presence!

Do Men Assume Women Can't Grow?


Am I wrong?

Yes, you are an idiot. If anything, women growers are much better! Attention to detail. I still thin the best growers are couples. You are a team, you cover each other's faults and abilities!


icmaggers are not just growers, but also computer nerds....so that tends to decrease the female presence!

or people with too much time on their hands... oops that describes me.

Actually your point is well taken.