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Do Men Assume Women Can't Grow?

I always just thought they were good for cooking, cleaning and for a good nut.

Just teasing ladies your good at nagging, guys would never get anything done without a good woman behind him.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
when i look at the house gardener, out doing their thing with gardens, it's always women. When I took horticulture college it was 60/40 ladies to men. I would see more men as head growers usually dutch and taught in holland. On the other hand many women love to do the work and are said to have greater attention to detail. So I don't know, i always thought of nature as a femine ora.
I have "heard" of guys who had 10 grow houses and all of them where worked by women.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I think the women on ic need to get this woman's forum pumping... I know theres ladies out there that want to support womens growing movement(so I call it)
I'm really stoned and forgot what I was saying after that.....
oh yea, support the womans forum!!!!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
needa find me a sexyy ganja queen to hold the garden down.. bet my shits better tho. =)


Hi Peeps,
This is how I look at it. Us men tend to be egotistical bastards and like attention. It's not that women can't grow...it's that the men would rather do it so they can take credit when everyone is smoking the ganja.

It's very much like cooking. men rarely do their share of daily cooking, but come time for a backyard party and a BBQ, then the men get out their expensive grilling tools and high-end steaks and impress the guests.


Active member
I've never seen a bad female grower... haven't seen many, but all were great. seen lots of bad male growers, myself included.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
my wife does a great job at growing,

chicks that grow are HOT (well my wife Mellomel is) she is the only Female grower i know in person...

Patient 957

Only hetero men think such things. Some of the best damned gardeners in the world have always been women - regardless of what they were growing. Plus in my experience, most women gardeners/patients I've met don't seem to have the ego most men have as trying to impress others with the mere fact that they're growing. :)




Active member
I'm straight married with two little kids and my wife is sexy, beautiful, and a kick ass gardener. There are a lot of woman growers out there; I think the reason we don't see a lot of them on forums etc is ladies tend to not need the ego stroking we get from people replying to our posts.


woman can grow i have seen some damn good woman growers,kk is just starting out give it another grow and she will be good to go.
If I may add my two cents here. I apologize if I am repeating anything post previously as I didnt read the entire thread.

Why would we assume that growing/gardening would be any different than any other thing women do but men are held up as the "experts". Take cooking shows for examples,all the top chefs are men and they are the ones who have their own shows.Yet who does most of the cooking (along with cleaning,washing...sorry I wont get into the whole second shift thingy) in a domestic setting.Cooking shows are only one example of many. In my experiences when I go to regular garden centers I see mostly women.I know this is anecdotal evidence but I see this everywhere.We are seeing a new awarness developing that asserts that half the population offers solutions to the problems developed by the other half.Take care and be well my friends,but most of all be safe.


Well-known member
Idk, my patient is a female and she's as much responsible for the health of our plants as me, if not more so. She's a better grower than a lot of guys that I know.


There are many female growers.You just gotta look in the right places.When it's legal the paranoa goes away for moms.I would guess 20% or more of medical gardens have females caring for plants.My 2 cents
It's funny. My husband and I are teaching this one guy how to grow, and he'll have us over and ask us advice. I will tell him my opinion and he will look at my husband to see if I'm right or not.

If I say to do something without his back up my advice will not be heeded. Even if the problem gets worse will he take my advice. But if my husband tells him something then it's law. Weird.


Growing has nothing to do with gender or age its all about reading your plants and knowing how to fix issues that may arise ..I see no reason why women would have any problem doing this I personally have never thought of growing as being hard its only difficult if you make it that way................ST


Around Humboldt it is pretty well know that women grow the best herb.


It's funny. My husband and I are teaching this one guy how to grow, and he'll have us over and ask us advice. I will tell him my opinion and he will look at my husband to see if I'm right or not.

If I say to do something without his back up my advice will not be heeded. Even if the problem gets worse will he take my advice. But if my husband tells him something then it's law. Weird.
I'm not a woman but I've seen that sort of stuff before. It's not all that common but then I suppose that depends on where you hang out. Some guys just don't regard women as being a legitimate source of information. It's mighty sad too as women are great company and often see things that men don't, often supply information that a man would never have otherwise possessed. Most men know this though and are great company for women too but still, some men regard women as the source of babies and that's about it. Idiots.