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breeding pitbulls

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NOKUY said:
i hope that wasnt pointed at me?

i know dawgs
LOL,wasnt pointed at me,I own dogs!!

I wish mine was as nice as the pedigree ones,mines just yer basic farm pit.
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norcalikush said:
lol nokuy i bet redds dog can kick your dog butt.... lol
I dont know,LOL,he has his battle wounds and out of the 5 that roam the farm he thinks he is top gun!!So does the two chow's and sometimes the shepard!!I'll tell ya this,it's a scary thing when dogs fight,dont matter what the breed.
My two chows locked up and all the beatin and yellin wasnt stoppin the ferocious fight,out of breath and desperate,also alone,I grabbed the 12 guage and come out shootin!!2 perfectly placed bullets rite on either side of each dog and they STILL were goin strong.....bastards.Finally help came and we pulled them apart...at least once a year theres a terrifying battle with one of em. :wave:

But yeah,my dog can kick your dogs ass all day long!!


ICMag Donor
nokuy,, I's with you on this one :yes:

There is something really wrong with a society that rates its dogs on how aggressive they are towards other dogs and ppl. All totally understandable if you live someplace dangerous like SA, but for the majority here,, this isn't the case.

While assertiveness and a combination of grandeur and courage are desirable characteristics in bullies, they ALWAYS fall second to the dog with a calm, affectionate, but capable of guarding, temperament.

The man/woman that scores a dog on how quickly it bites is an asshole, and understands fuck all about dogs!

DocLeaf :joint:
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Active member
I never said that game is in the bloodline but line represents the dogs of the old days and one should have some sort of baseline. Now with this info you should do some resarch and fine certin traits to look for like small versus big. There are certin dogs that when they lock the roll like aligator hence the name gator. There are dogs that like to use there paws and stand on there back leg and be up right.


evil indica -

thanks for the info but i know quite a bit about game dogs, matching and cajun rules although i dont participate myself !
my dogs are all from proven match dog bloodlines .
there are lots of good dog men in the world but they are the ones you dont hear about , the only ones that make the headlines are the stupid ****s that do all that you said .
the reason i kept a couple of my babies myself , as i would sooner keep them than watch them in the papers in another years time after wanabe dogfighter gangsta did something stupid with them !

i am not sure of the actual bloodlines of my dogs as i dont have any papers but their sire and dam where both proven match dogs and bred for ability and it shows :)

my dogs all co exist pretty ok although i do carry a breaking stick and spare lead at all times as the bitches mostly are tempremental as f**k !
breaking them up alone is bloody hard , i have to put the lead round something then round the one dog and then try and pry them apart with the breaking stick while keeping hold of the loose one :nono:
the easy way i have discovered is to launch them both into one of a few very large animal drinking troughs i have dotted around , they cant fight if they cant breath :laughing:
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Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
og dmc said:
He is a big boy. Looka muscular . A lot of shepards I see are skinny.
true, my other german shepard, she was a mix, died last month.. i have a thread dedicated to her i made.. Just walking aroung her grave out back breaks me up :badday:
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