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breeding pitbulls

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do the breeders of cannabis have the answer of how to breed the game into a dog i have a farmers boys bitch very game do i have to inbreed back on her own blood to gain my goal any tips


ICMag Donor
what game? are you for real?

..responsible bulldog breeders ALWAYS use friendly males.

peace dLeaf :joint:

p.s. why not go ask the kennel club?

og dmc

Never inbreed animals , you run the risk of perpetuating chromosomal anomalies. I hope you arent wanting to fight these dogs.
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Active member
breeding dogs is not like breeding plants.

several times in my life I have considered breeding dogs (mainly because i want to do something with dogs, since i love them so much more than people)

there are PLENTY of dogs out there already, and i think maybe you should channel your breeding enthusiasm into animal rescue enthusiam if you really love pit bulls enough to want to be a breeder. (especially pits, since soooooooo many have to be given up)

when i wanted to breed my previous dog (she was a komondor)...i went and talked to a cpl of really good and ethical dog breeders, and they explained what it took to do this right....(please dont do this if your not gonna do it right).

it would have been alot of effort, and i decided that not only was it was more than i wanted to deal with, but it def. wasnt the right thing to do.

I'm not saying that being a "dog breeder" is wrong, but WHY do you want to do it?....if you dont have a really good answer to that question then stay out of the game. (Money is the wrong answer)

I'd suggest that you do 2 things:

1-go visit a reputable pitbull breeder, and talk to them, explain what and why you wanna do this....they will be glad to talk to you.

2-go visit a pitbull rescue, and explain what and why you wanna breed pits.....they will have some advice for you, and can show you what will become of some of your pups....this visit should make you pretty sad if you have a heart.

hopefully youll make the right decision


I recomend you put there back feet in some big rubber boots before you breed them,they cant get away as fast then!!
If you want fighting dogs I assume your doing it for money and if that is the case get yourself a coon dog--you can train these jokers to fight and they will straight up destroy some shit--got the real loose skin all over their body--like more than a mouth full--pits bite them and lock on but the coon dog can still maneuver around to get ahold of the attacking dog--game over. The younger people in dog fighting will totally underestimate these dogs and you will clean up.

og dmc

The Son of Man said:
If you want fighting dogs I assume your doing it for money and if that is the case get yourself a coon dog--you can train these jokers to fight and they will straight up destroy some shit--got the real loose skin all over their body--like more than a mouth full--pits bite them and lock on but the coon dog can still maneuver around to get ahold of the attacking dog--game over. The younger people in dog fighting will totally underestimate these dogs and you will clean up.
Oh thats great advice. Recomending dog fighting on a canabis web site is a great way to change the stereotypes associated with canabis.
og dmc said:
Oh thats great advice. Recomending dog fighting on a canabis web site is a great way to change the stereotypes associated with canabis.

what the hell does weed have to do with dog fighting? Most of the people I know that are into dog fighting are gambling/alcoholics. I am in no way advocating dog fighting--I hate it--just grew up around it. To each his own.


Active member
If you're smart you'll heed Yukon's advice and if you don't know what you're doing you have no business trying to breed dogs.


i would share my knowledge of amimal husbandtry, but i deem your goal unworthy.

I to grew up where dogs, chickens, dogs vs hogs, dogs vs bear, i can go on....fought every sunday wed and friday. i never liked it, but i was dragged along. my grand father built/owned the fighting barn.

pitt bulls are not a problem. dumbasses teaching them to be mean are.


Sorry Nokuy, but I just wanna show how dangerous these games could be

do the breeders of cannabis have the answer of how to breed the game into a dog i have a farmers boys bitch very game do i have to inbreed back on her own blood to gain my goal any tips

There are three possibilities

1. We have not understood Gamehaze's aim.
2. Gamehaze has not understood violence is not a game
3. Gamehaze is a bad person, AKA a mother******

og dmc

First of all, breeding dogs must be done responsibly. I wont breed or buy any dog that has not had its hips radiographed. Doing so can ensure that diseases with a hereditary component will continue to affect their offspring. Inbreeding gives you a great chance that a hereditary trait will be expressed in the offspring. Hip dysplasia is one of the many diseases I am referingn to. Responsible breeders have there dogs evaluated and certified and dont breed their animals with animals that are not certified. Dog breedingn is a lot of work and I sugest anyone thinking about doing it do some research to see what they are gettingn into. I know a breeder who breed a litter of razors edge pits. The blood lines were to close together and all the dogs came out with cleft palates and had to ben put down. That story really discouraged me from wanting to breed dogs. Well now that I am less emotional than I was at the begining of this thread, I hope I have shared something that actually helps.
breeding bulldogs u have to breed best 2 best and cull the rest............ just like breeding anything
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Buteo Jamaicensis
first off, he asked about simple breeding, nothing about dogfighting is implied from what ive seen. ive bred dogs my whole life - pits, boxers, rottweilers, and shar-peis. when it comes to breeding its always the best with the best. when my father would bring in a male to get with a female blue pit it usually cost him 2-300 and the pick of the litter. thats how it went, no dogfighting involved. in fact, the blue male he had was such a puss if you said his name too loud hed tuck tail and run.
i just have 2 words.... micheal Vick!!! find another site to talk about breeding game dogs!! thats the problem with the good ethical people on this site being judge as dope heads and dog fighters.... and we all know thas how this whole thing would be viewed!!!

moderator please delete this thread!!!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: !

yts farmer

Well-known member
the way i read the question is he wants to make the dog viscious towards other dogs=game

if i remember rightly the op is from the uk and pits are banned.

i do know someone that was breeding pit for like the last 5 years and a just over a year ago he had 2 dogs confiscated by the police.

funny thing was that he went to great lengths to get these dogs as they were bought from south america under some type of bulldog paperwork then 6 months quarantine at heathrow and then finally home.fast forward another 7 or so months he's walking the dogs and police pull him to question him about the dogs,tells them there not pits there whatever type of bulldog and have paperwork to prove.the policego back to his check out paperwork and leave.early next morning banging on the door is the police again come back to confiscate the dogs,my m8 thought that the dogs were going to be put down but the case just got getting put back.after just over a year later they are told they can have the dogs back but there balls have to be chopped off and they have to be chipped and or tattoed nd have to be muzzled at all times in public.

dont know much about dog breeding but 2 exspensive male pits from whatever bloodline with no nuts arnt any good for breeding with.lol

the worst thing about getting into breeding pits is you cant be fussy with who you sell them to whereas some legit breeders of normal legal dogs wont sell you a pup if they think you cant give it the care,attention and enviroment which they know the dog will need.

when you come to sell your pups the type of people who will be intrested will be heavily made up of chavs and rude boys and i dont mean to be stereotyping here but these type of people aint getting them as loving pets,more like status symboll and or protection.
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