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Insane seed posse, cantaloupe skunk


Active member
opps, here is the other pic of her in my closet, I meant to put in that ^^^ post. She's in a 4 gallon square bucket with 3 1/2 gallons of FFOF soil. This closet is only about 2 1/2 feet wide and deep, and about 5 tall. She's under a 400, running a 360 energy saver generic bulb. The pic doesn't do her justice, she's really starting to get thick, and everything is covered in resin. 2 weeks to go.

Looks like nice work from here. Did she bush out on her own, or was she pinched & trained?


Active member
Jhhnn, I waited until she had five sets of leaves and topped her. Then I waited another two weeks, did it again, and put her into 12/12. If you don't top her, she'll grow one huge baseball bat cola. Because I've got low air flow in this closet, I top her to open her up.


Well-known member
Hell yea cantaloupe skunk! I got 15 light brown spotted healthy seeds waiting their turn to grow. Also another 10 should be mine by next month. Their are lots of grow and smoke reports out their thats for sure. If you dont have them yet Get them now!

The Revolution

Active member
Nice, Thanks for sharing. Ive got a pack of raskal Og/Cantaoupe Skunk x Cantaloupe Skunk Im looking forward to growing out after reading good reviews on her. Ive never heard of ISP, so I wasnt sure what to expect of these. I will most likely grow this one outdoors. Is the CS known for mold resistance? At HD the strain description says the lineage is (Afghan x (Acapulco Gold x Columbian Gold)
Also claims "The ISP spent 32 years, locking her down."

If that is true, thats a real shame and Im sorry. Its a seedy business as they say, and it's left up to the customers to weed out the breeders/seed sellers with poor ethics. Its sad when ppl have to claim someone else's work, or rename someone elses work as their own. On the other hand, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Karma is very real, and if this is true, it will come full circle to nip him in the bud.


Active member
Jhhnn, I waited until she had five sets of leaves and topped her. Then I waited another two weeks, did it again, and put her into 12/12. If you don't top her, she'll grow one huge baseball bat cola. Because I've got low air flow in this closet, I top her to open her up.

I asked because bushy varieties seem to give greater yield with my technique, which is just to let 'em grow. It seems to me that pinching sets 'em back, delays harvest. It's not like I'm in a big rush, but I hold to CO legal plant counts & have a lot of exploring I want to do. I figure I'll be able to do more of that if I don't extend cycle time. I've found mixed grows to be problematical at times, so I like to grow one variety at a time.

Baseball bat colas will serve just fine, I'm sure, even if yield isn't spectacular. Mostly, I want to never run out & to never buy cannabis again, other than seeds.

Psyco G

I found a apple smelling indica pheno in my cannilope skunk, as well as the leafy other phenos.

But the apple indica pheno was amazing I wish I'd of kept a cutting now as I believe it's quite rare. It is super mongy.

The leafy phenos do really well outdoors and the love being pinched you end up with the same size colas as if you'd left it, but with more. Sometimes pinching gives you more colas but they are smaller than if you'd left one main cola. This isn't the case with the leafy phenos. And they really need treating well after harvest to keep a decent smell in them. You can easily turn them to grass flavour if your not careful.


Active member
@Psyco G , Dam a apple pheno and it slipped away. I think we've all been guilty of doing that once or twice. I've never had an issue with the leafer phenos, I guess because I really let them fade the last few weeks, and pull off the dead fan leaves ever few days until I'm ready to harvest.

@Jhhnn , Yeah if airflow isn't an issue Cantaloupe Skunk makes big old baseball bat style colas. Almost as big as the Chronic I used to grow, when it first came out.

@sierraskunk , Not to start anything, but I read your posts on THC farmer trashing ISP's Chem D bx3, talking about what crap it is, and on here you're saying it's all your work. Seems kind of odd to me. I hate to see folks fighting over plants, and I don't think your results with their Skunk are typical. Hell on ******** there are all kind of positive threads on it, and I know quite a few people who grow it and smoke it on a regular basis. We all like it.
OneStonedPony- go back and read it…. The cantaloupe skunk is what i said was trash… Ive never grown out his chem 4bx3 f2s or what he calls chemD bx3. Only thing i have against ISP is that he's a lier, thief, and has no ethical values. Not really trying to get back into it.. If you found some good stuff in his gear, then I'm happy for you.

Psyco G

Well I quite like c skunk, it was ok, the leafy ness isn't the type you could pull away easily, they are like proper old school outdoor plants used to be, or one pheno is, most of the weight of the bud is made up by sugar leaf mixed with small calyxs. It has a very pleasant high none the less.


Active member
I'm a lousy photographer, but this is 3 weeks into flower-


These plants are not topped. They bushed out on their own under a 1000w dual arc lamp. Fan leaves are very large & they're low odor so far. 8/10 females. 2 phenos, the taller being more open.

My technique has been evolving. These are now in Gascanastan's soil mix with Eighths-n-aces help, 5 gal fabric pots & blumats. They've exploded in flowering. I may have trouble keeping them out of the light. Next time, I'll def flower earlier, no matter what strain I grow. It's kinda ridiculous- I didn't know how lousy a grower I've been Until Ace sent me in this direction. It's freaking dynamite.

Other than that, it's been an easy grow so far.


I'm a lousy photographer, but this is 3 weeks into flower-

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These plants are not topped. They bushed out on their own under a 1000w dual arc lamp. Fan leaves are very large & they're low odor so far. 8/10 females. 2 phenos, the taller being more open.

My technique has been evolving. These are now in Gascanastan's soil mix with Eighths-n-aces help, 5 gal fabric pots & blumats. They've exploded in flowering. I may have trouble keeping them out of the light. Next time, I'll def flower earlier, no matter what strain I grow. It's kinda ridiculous- I didn't know how lousy a grower I've been Until Ace sent me in this direction. It's freaking dynamite.

Other than that, it's been an easy grow so far.

How tall when you flipped 12/12. For me much over 8" to 10" is all I can get away with if there is any Sativa in it. 3x or more stretch eats my lunch every time.

They look beautiful. Looks like those bags and bluemats are working great for you.

Sending you good Karma for a bumper harvest.



Active member
How tall when you flipped 12/12. For me much over 8" to 10" is all I can get away with if there is any Sativa in it. 3x or more stretch eats my lunch every time.

They look beautiful. Looks like those bags and bluemats are working great for you.

Sending you good Karma for a bumper harvest.


They were on the big side, 16-21". The tallest are now 55" three weeks into flower. If they quit stretching now, they'll be at the high end of the advertised 1-1.5X stretch. Seems like they've switched from stretching to flowering. For now, I think I'll maybe use some minor restraints to direct the tops away from the light, hope that's enough. Just getting in there at all has turned into a challenge.

I didn't anticipate the huge gains that this soil mix & blumats in fabric pots provide. Not at all. It's a bit humbling.

I'll put up a pic or few in 3 weeks, then again at harvest.



3 weeks into flower. Hope the stretch is over. By the 30th day they should be blowing up in to some nice big nugs.

You will definitely have a good yield. Glad those bluemats are doing the trick for you.

Cant wait to see as they progress.

keep up the great work.



Well-known member
I grew out Ohsogreens aka isp stuff and it was crap!!! I traded him beans years ago. Not only has he ripped me off with his crap beans but he is now selling my hard work as his own. His chemdawgDbx3 is really chem4BX3 made by ME. I told him exactly how i started these beans and he changed up the story ever so slightly.
The first cross was a skunkVa chem91/bubbaBX3. Ohsogreen says he started with skunkva chem91/old afghani. Then i bx it to the chem4 3X. Ohsogreen says he did the same thing but to the chemD.

Lets see some pics of your so called chemDbx3 ohsogreen.. Lets see pics of the first cross you made. Lets see pics of the mosaic trait the chemD gives off. I bet not one of your seeds that you are selling now has any mosaic traits like the chemD has. I bet your so called chemD seeds actually look and smoke like chem4.

I am flattered, but you really shouldn't be such a DOUCHEBAG!!! Be a man, If your going to use my hard work at least give me credit for it!!

lol he made a post on cnnazon. check it out;

ohsogreen said:
Those " Chem Players " , sure are special.......
Especially Backyard Farmer aka - DaAnimal, who repeats thing's he's heard (from a friend), like they are facts. He's a real >> Dumb Ass Mother Fucker <<.... Always has been, always will be..... You just can't fix Stupid.....
Yes, I'm a bit red faced right now, as I really dislike folks that simply repeat things, like another asshole being a parrot, adds credibility to a weak story line...... Especially when all they are doing is repeating a LIE and bashing someone.....
Now for all the " Chem Players " who want to know who your weak link was ? Read on, read on.... This Old Man is going to enlighten you.....
Your weak link brought the snow for Christmas Celebrations in 1993 and New Years 1994, and had extra to $$$ to spend, thanks to Chem's sharing & trusting him.... Opps, sorry Chem you got punk'd..... It happens, especially during White Outs...... That was the downfall of Anthony Spilotor's crew in Vegas..... Too much dam snow....
Man ain't that a bitch.... You think you know a guy, some Asshole, and behind your backs Joe's off making side deals...
Cha Ching $$$$
AJ's a player rubbin' elbows with the suits.... Big Players.... I bet he forgot to mention that.....
As for Sha, Shabud, aka - SierraSkunk. Yes, I made the horrible mistake of accepting some seeds from him.
When Sha heard I had Mendocino Joe's Skunk, he was wanting to get on a plane, fly here, see some, smoke some, get cuts, yada yada yada... Seemed kind of creepy to me, since we didn't know each other from Adam.
Like I'd say sure, grab a flight, come to my house, let me show you all my grow houses, rooms, and outdoor runs. I've spent all this time putting together, it will be fun. Yes folks, it kind of made my Noid Meter jump a bit.
But other folks I knew better, said he was " Alright, maybe a little too intense, but generally a good guy for the most part. "
I didn't ask for his seeds, but after a few pm's of him offering them repeatedly, in return for the seeds I was trying to just give him, I said why not. I thought maybe that would make him feel better.
I also thought if he sends me some seeds, that will put my mind a little more at ease. Plus I just like running seeds, no secret there... Who doesn't know that ?.
So I sent Sha some Mendocino Joe's Skunk seeds, he sent me some various seeds. I shared his with Jammaster because my rooms were all full at the time. A month or two later I sent Jammaster some of ISP's Chem D BX3 seeds, I had made to vend on TKS Auctions. Jammaster made F-2's of both. He also gifted both out to folks.
Those seeds from Sha came with " no restrictions ", and I did what I've always done, shared them with friends. Sha labled them Chem D A & B, I didn't know his were actually Chem 4.
So, when I sent them to Jammaster I said here's Sha's Chem D (thinking they were Chem D <-pheno), and here's my Chem D BX3. Have fun....
Next, Sha starts growing out the Mendocino Joe's Skunk seeds I sent him. .
We start selling seeds on TKS Auctions. Cantaloupe Skunk, Chem D BX3, A-Dawg and Orange Diesel.....
Next thing I know, Sha starts a thread saying he cut the Mendocino Joe's Skunk at 6 weeks into flowering, because they were crap.
The truth is, Sha got popped the week before with a few pounds by the PoPo, freaked out, and cut down everything outdoors, over his numbers. His Noid Meter spiked..... How did I know that, because I asked him the week before he posted that nasty thread, how's it growing ? & he told me about getting busted.
Then in some sick, yet sad cosmic joke, Sha convinced himself, I had ripped him off, starting making threads to bash me, my work, posting on forums I rarely ever visit, etc..for maximum effect. Real childish shit.......
The light came on, I then fully understand why folks said he was a little too intense, and a good guy for the most part..... That combo of words, rings true, especially those last four words..... Now I get it.....
That's how that LIE got started, that ISP's Chem D BX3 was really Sha's, Chem 4 BX. Sha ran to the internet mountain tops, and shouted it far and wide..... Claiming ISP's was not Chem D because, of this or that, but it is, always was, ours just has a Pre-Invasion Afghan line in it that others do not, along with the Real Chem 91..... Our combo of genetics is the main reason ours is so easier to grow......
For folks wanting to dig into that info, feel free. I had shared ISP's Chem D BX3 with several West Coast Cats before Sha ever sent his Chem 4 BX seeds to me.
A little looking, and you'll find threads here and there. So, have at it, please, all you " Truth Seekers " knock yourselves out........ But do your own leg work, the whole " Prove it " thing just annoys me.....
Now, it seems to me, after reading this > https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=234671 < ICMAG Chem 91 thread from SkunkVA (aka - Good Ole Dog), all those " Chem Players " do (for the most part) is argue with each other, make up, argue some more, make up, and conveniently back each other up. Even though they don't have a clue what the other person has done, or is doing, with the cuts they are all suppose to be holding onto " with restrictions "...(excluding both SkunkVA & Nspecta)
Backyard Farmer has used more handles than a mop factory, and will parrot anyone he knows. Lies like a throw rug, and is always trying to hustle the next hot thing.....
Ashame, because I hear he's actually a decent grower, ashame he can't be trusted, and is a parrot to boot....
*** Heads up guys, IMHO he'll be the one to worry about, should a crew ever get busted..... ***
Sha seems to have some " Ego Complex " . He feels he's one of the Only 7 Choosen Chem Angels to ever have had the real cut, just ask him, he'll tell you..... It's his, all his, and he's the man......
All most (but not all) of these Cats have done is hustle, self-promote, and take turns lying.....
Out of all of them, I respect what SkunkVa did and says, and Nspecta.
The rest, well they're just too dam special for me.....
IMHO they need to be riding the short bus, and maybe given some meds......
Someone feel free to ask AJ about his Christmas of 93 betrayal..... I bet there will be some long pauses, some " huh, huh, well I don't know what he's talking about moments." Like Bill Clinton, expect some " Denial " before the truth is confirmed..... I can hear it now " I did not sell cuts of Chem 91 to that person, it's a lie. I wasn't tyring to get in with some Big Players, that's just not true... "
Same with Sha, and the Mendocino Skunks he cut & composted at 6 weeks into flower. Claiming they were crap. Who grows, then cuts 40 plants, 6 weeks into flowering, without having even sampled them ???
A guy who got popped by the PoPo, and is scared. Those were seeds I gifted, and asked for nothing in return, like thousands of other seeds I've gifted..... Well, I guess he had to take his anger out on someone, unfortunately it was me......
Isn't having more of the story fun.....
Now someone can copy & paste this, and go blow up some Chem threads...... I have no interest in going on their pathetic Chem 91 " Fight Club " thread on ICMAG..... so please don't ask, but do have fun....
Folks like them, are what make the Seed Business, so dam seedy......
Why now you ask ? Well I'm old as fuck (in mileage), more than half dead, my wife's dead, my former employers from long ago are gone, his people are out of that business, and I can plainly see there is no honor among those self proclaimed " Chem Players " so, why not.....
Fuck it, let the truth make their ears burn, and their brows sweat......
Fuck the people that have lied, betrayed their friends over a plant, a dam plant, and fuck the people & parrots that have repeated those lies........
Unlike them, we offered some things for folks to run starting in 2010, no ads in High Times, no claim's of special shit no one else had. Just here it is, run it, smoke it, enjoy it.......
No $ 500 seeds in fancy cigar boxes, no drops demanding $ 200 up front a pack, and then you can wait until later, or any of that other shady shit.....
Oh and let me add " Being online sure has given me an education in the shit folks will do for plant & profit.....
Sad shit, really sad shit....
Peace to the Good Folks, Grief to the Canna Cons...... Always !!!!!


Active member
Man that's a hell of a light catcher there. Can you smell anything yet ? Are they frosting up ?

Day 27-


They quit stretching & are beginning to bulk up. Quite frosty. Not much aroma at all, faintly cat pissy (sorta) & sage-y when the stem is rubbed. There's no thick bottom end underfunk, none of the overripe apple/pear smell, either. It's way too early to say anything definitive.

Under what are apparently favorable conditions they've been vigorous & easy to grow so far.

In the end, it's the toke that tells the tale & that's a couple of months out after harvesting, drying & a couple weeks' cure.

Aug 1 is the harvest target, near the middle of their 58-65 day estimate. I'll evaluate further as that date approaches.