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What kind of animal would you be?



so what would you be?

there are so many different forms of life across the planet - if you could choose to be one other than yourself, what would you be?


my answer ;) I would probably either be some type of whale, or possibly a lion. They both seem to have very interesting lives, and are pretty high up on the food chain. I'd consider being a dog, but it would suck if you were stuck with a shitty owner. Or even worse, the pound :eek: Yeah, I'll stick with whale or lion.


maybe a walrus, gonna hafta think on it more



Anita Bonghitt
A Cat

A Cat

they are so independent and they preety much do what they want.I have one that bosses me around and gets away with it.

oh, and they have cat nip:D :D :rolleyes:


Active member
I would be.....

I would be.....


actually i always wondered what its like to be a migrating bird.... you know that my a special gland with metal in their heads where our pituitary gland is so they can use it as an internal compass.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Sorry to say it, but id be a red spider mite munchin sum1s ladies, just to experience the little bastards point of view, bastards, attacking my single solitary outdoor girl. anyway, bought some safe bug spray, the plant isnt flowering yet so its ok, and the spray is a pyretrin based 1 which is ok im told, it sez its safe 4 edibles, and i figure, shit if its safe 4 edibles, it must be cool for ur smokeables, and as i say, its only vegging right now, just starting to show primordia. the spray sed its safe to eat fruit which was sprayed the same day, so it shoukld be ok, i think................ i hope.
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I've always thought....

I've always thought....

If I was an animal in this world, I would be a Puma. It's not the biggest or strongest animal on the planet, but sure can hold it's own....


Id have to say a Bald Eagle.
For one its our national bird.
Its also endangered or was last time i checked.
It can fly anywhere it wants to go and eat the little animals that we all know and love.


I would love to be my dog. That bastard has the life of kings.

In the real nature world I might be a Whale. Just chillin, swimmin around real slow, diving down for 30-40 minutes at a time, eatin fish all day. Aside from the whale hunters, a pretty tranquil life



Bakin in da Sun
A Parrot! Id'e be chillin up in the rain forest, and a couple times a year i would a pay a visit to the local's grow ops to snag me some. :D



New member
i'd be a koala. thats the life, just chilling in a tree all day eating eucalyptus. sucks they could become extinct in the coming decades


If things keep going the way they are so will humans. I wanna change my answer to a Ram. Just imagine my hard headed ass having a headbutting contest. Mountain Dew aint got shit on me!



New member
my choice

my choice

a lemur, no questions, big ass tail swinging from trees, but still be able to just chill and walk around on the ground...yeah