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UK Prices


Active member
Just been to Sheffield for a funeral nothing has changed price wise for more than decade. Physcocindy and grapefruit always available for 150£, few people said they would like something different but won't budge on price. Only one person buys flavours had sour skittles, it tasted nice but wasn't as strong or as well grown as either commercial line.


Well-known member
Don´t count on the current government legalizing it. those guys don´t give a sh*t about sick or poor people or about doing the right thing.
If they were clever, they would make it legal immediately as it would make a nice distraction from all the corona crap. If more people started to get stoned then fewer people would care about how incompetent the PM and his cronies are.


Well-known member
Ah think the time is right for the argument tae be made. The pub trade is on its arse an looks like it willnae recover. It's been in decline for a while an demographic changes plus what we know about booze now, means that's unlikely tae change.
Loads of younger folk don't drink for various reasons, includin religion, but plenty still take a puff. Ah barely touch the stuff now an am ex-CAMRA an a home brewer - it's just does me wrong now sadly. At least wi ganja the negative effects disappear an it doesn't impact on me mentally later on whereas booze can fuck me up for days on end now.

So a coffeeshop shop culture seems like a good choice right now. Big boost tae the economy, tons of new jobs plus a safer recreational substance for folks tae enjoy instead of booze. Only issue ah can forsee is the drivin thing but wi medical use on the rise, that'll need sorted anyway. Plenty of us that vape daily who can attest that a bloodstream full of THC makes fuck all impact on drivin provided you don't blaze up just before settin off.

Ah wouldn't even say the Tories won't do it - naebdy thought the republicans would go for it but they pitched it as a freedom and personal responsibility thing an that plus tax revenues won them over. Wi Brexit an covid, a push for personal liberty (one of the few things this anarchist sees eye tae eye wi the Tories on) could see a big shift in the right direction.

Interestin times for sure.


Well-known member
Legalisation won’t happen for a long long time for no other reason that it would be an absolute nightmare for civil servants to implement. Brexit and covid will be the priority for years, even if the powers that be want it to happen no ones going to open that Pandora’s box
I don't do much posting on here, but I got sent a menu this morning and spat out my cornflakes

Cali Zeds with packaging

Blue Zushi £500
Cookie Cereal Milk £470
Pink Sandy £500
White Runtz £450
Tropical Nerds £530
Zheetos £450
Z41 £450
Space Monkey £550

UK Oz's averaged out £250

Loads more, but you get the jist


Well-known member
I don't do much posting on here, but I got sent a menu this morning and spat out my cornflakes

Cali Zeds with packaging

Blue Zushi £500
Cookie Cereal Milk £470
Pink Sandy £500
White Runtz £450
Tropical Nerds £530
Zheetos £450
Z41 £450
Space Monkey £550

UK Oz's averaged out £250

Loads more, but you get the jist

Is this per ounce)

this is insane!! Those prices are like a months rent for me (roundabout). How can any student afford to pay this?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
500 squid for an ounce of 'erb - bloody bonkers!

- used to get a quarter of good Blond Lebanese hash for £7 (if my memory serves me right) - well it was 1975 -


Well-known member
A man would almost swim across the channel and set up shop for those prices.

Exchange rate might not be the best at the moment, but still.


Well-known member
Ahh the good old days eh.. 20p for an henry

TJ: You were lucky to have a LAKE! There were a hundred and sixty of us living in a small shoebox in the middle of the road.

MP: Cardboard box?

TJ: Aye.

MP: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!

GC: Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, go to work at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY!

TJ: Well we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife.

EI: Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.'

MP: But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.

ALL: Nope, nope..


Well-known member
A man would almost swim across the channel and set up shop for those prices.

Exchange rate might not be the best at the moment, but still.
Don´t worry, the ol´Pound is still stronger than the newer Euro :)

Btw, how much is a pint of Fosters or Newcastle these days?

If anyone wants to swim the channel I´d wait for the summer months though , it´s too cld right now :biggrin: mind you, you´ll probably get shot or arrested.

Thank you Brexit voters and the wankers who caused this mess. Really BIG thanks!!!!.........................NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Fosters or Newcastle? You got me mixed up with some poor aussie...
Nasty stuff..

Its a pint of the black stuff here. ( Guinness) I'm in Ireland and as happy as a pig in shit.

Sterling notes are great, at least it looks like real currency and smells like it as well.
Must be those expensive inks they use for making it.


Well-known member
Hi superx, I take it you´re not a lager or ale man :) I love a pint of the black too. Trouble is where I live it just ain´t as good.

so how much is a pint of lovely Guiness In IrelandO

Btw my question was mmore directed at those living in England :) ( coz I reallly miss being there)


Well-known member
The pound is stronger but not by much, wonder how that will pan out when brexit kicks in.

You won't get much change back from a 5 euro note for a pint of the black stuff.
Sure isn't it worth it.

Guinness does not travel to well.

Thats the thread brought of track, apologies.


Unfortunately pound ahs been loosing value, slowly but surely :(
Is that gonna affect the prices? normally this and video games is one of the more stable markets....
Is there like an intuitive equalization of prices globally?


Well-known member
Is there like an intuitive equalization of prices globally?

I hope not! In Japan watermelons cost a small fortune

About those nutty prices for weed though, the thing is, if people refuse to pay those prices it could bring the prices down again. But I guess that won´t happen.


Well-known member
Thank you Brexit voters and the wankers who caused this mess. Really BIG thanks!!!!.........................NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your welcome :biggrin: thank goodness for democracy, and the majority voice, 28 days to go :jump:


Well-known member
Cali weed in UK, it does make me smile. Not that I ever say anything or try to correct them. They don't seem to think of the insane logistics involved in it......

You know sometimes the logistics simply involve a desire to do something, a postal service, and a vac machine, no insane logistics whatsoever :tiphat:

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