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Introducing Tuk-Tuk Seeds

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Touchy arent we Herb? Relax brother i have no quarrell(sp?) with you or the owners of the site, and youre the one who found it necessary too lecture me, Im the one who should upset not you. Take Care


Yes good point Hybrid and my mistake for not including JLP and CC in my previous statement (mainly because neither one of them have an established retail seed co), however, JLP is KNOWN and TRUSTED....for anyone to question the legitimacy of JLP, well, it's just common sense to arrive at a positive conclusion where he is concerned based on his long term history, amoung other things. Like Herb stated, JLP's been around for a LONG time and has proved himself through his philanthropic actions time and time again both here and on other sites. Also, before JLP ever gave away any free seeds here, he still (after having so much tenure at other sites and known to us and has been sending seeds out for YEARS) sent a request for approval to do so here on IC Mag first before sending out anything.

As for CC...if he sends something out due to an 'arrangement via PM', that's his call....just as it is for anyone if it is kept off the forums and entirely via PM, he is aware that his seeds (testers & auction items) are to come through SB for mailing to prospective growers thus relieving him of the responsibility of security to member addy's.

What any of you do via PM is up to you....it's when it becomes a public issue by being posted in a thread where one might not always know who's on the receiving end of their personal information that creates possible security issues. If members make friends amoung themselves and decide to share something via PM that's up to you and a chance you take on your own.

Have you ever thought how easy it is for LEO to create a handle here, to become a 'nice' member, a 'helpful' member, post garden pics to give an illusion of a grow, fully integrate themself onto the site....only to fill their intelligence files with addy's????? When we take a stance on an issue like this....it's for the benefit of our members.....YOU!

Thanks, dg
Thanbks for begining to understand, i had no intention of thsee things being the case, juast having a bit of fun, getting some test growers so we can sell a few seeds on a few auction sites. however we do of course see wher all went wrong (horribly might i add :) ) no please werein this to make people happy, not start trouble!! lol!
we actually pmed gypsy a few days ago, and will be hopefully meeting with him over the next few weeks.

as for landrace hybrids from california, yes, but we call them mexican :) our sat came from california, and was bred there buts thats about it we think, to be honest the man we obtained it from was very secretive about its origins anyway, it was the smell/taste and high she had that made us us her! not the name.

as for pictures, we dont have the skills brother!! :) and dont take many normally either! but this is another thing that seems to be important round here, so ill start to document the next stages of the strains we have, and any new strains we are working on. we will just have to work on the quality, very sorry its not good enough.

As hybid pointed out, there some very respected members testing the seeds as this is written (although again were sorry that it wasnt through the proper channels, thta will not be the case again, and we appologised to gypsy about this several days ago)
so please watch as the genes unfold.


: LEO - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :
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Bakin in da Sun
Dutchgrown said:

What any of you do via PM is up to you....it's when it becomes a public issue by being posted in a thread where one might not always know who's on the receiving end of their personal information that creates possible security issues. If members make friends amoung themselves and decide to share something via PM that's up to you and a chance you take on your own.

Thanks, dg

DG, I know I fall under this category. I was never asked publicly to test the beans I received.

KRS-JUAN said:
"The seeds are being inspected and packaged as we speak, but in the meantime I have asked 7 different IC users to grow and show off some of the beans. Over the next 30 days they will all be starting threads to show off what they have recieved right here on IC. I have only asked people who I know will do them justice, and I do not have any more to give out so please dont ask. I will be doing some giveaways after everything for the company is set up and running."

No where is he publicly asking for Seed Testers. Everything was conducted in a secure manner, through PM, or, at least, in my case it was. Everyone he asked had the option of sendin' out there safe addy. Besides, if the addy wasn't "safe" i wouldnt be giving it out in the first place.

The only difference I am able to discern between Tuk, and Capt. Crip, is that Crip. mailed out seeds to a much larger population of ICMAG members, and was on the boards frequently to answer questions and provide support.

Tuk, you got my stamp of approval, although I know it doesnt mean squat :) Thanks for sendin' the beans, and I hope to do em' justice.

this post is not meant to promote disparaty, just my humble views on the whole thing
Hybrid- You can't turn this on me. I'm not supporting violations of the rules you and I and everyone else agreed to. We are both members of a wonderful place where we can say pretty much what ever we want about what ever we want within some guidelines and a few Important Rules. I doubt the rules are there just for assholes like me to spit them out. They made sense when you joined didn't they? I read the terms and agreed to them. Did you? Touchy? Yeah when it comes down to things like this. Peoples freedoms are at stake here. I've been in and don't want to go back. I do everything I can to prevent it. I don't live in fear of it obviously because I grow weed where it is illegal to do so. It sounds like you might need that lecture (which hasn't started yet). I would hate to hear that ANY member went down because they didn't use common sense (even you) and no one is immune to bone head moves. Ask around. Some of the best are facing charges because they let 1 thing slip. Tuk and Juan have been told what to do in order for them to continue this here at IC. Lets see if they catch the drift. I'm sorry if I was hard on you but it does take 2 to argue. I don't think I was arguing the wrong side. Do you? Wouldn't you rather be too careful than locked up? I would.
rhanks for the support and info bartender, mcuh appreciated, it does mean alot! but please everyone stop bickering, it peace and love were all about not fighting on the internet! so please everyone take a toke and all your fears will go up in smoke!


and to all this is no ones fault (including juan, who was just a 3rd party trying to help!!) but ours so please ^^^^ alright!! :)

to all have accepted the testers, please accept my appolgies for the big mess, i can assure you anything further will be agreed by the proper channels. but i do hope you are all happy with the results!!



No Sweat Tuk, no need to apologoize. The more people talk the more I'm on board. I'll be wearing my Tuk Tuk shirt in Amsterdam during the cup. I'll do your genes justice. So now that formalities have been addressed and all SHOULD be out of the way lets get to business at hand. Show me the weed!

Dutchgrown.......... Right on Girl...!!! I am with DG stop all the back and forth talk.. NO harm thou.. I been gone awile but this is a wonderful site.. Let's not change that for a fast buck & possible security issues.. Do as NEWLINES did when there was question here at ICMAG & OG on there legitimacy.... Grab a sub-fourm are something... I love the name DIVA-G as will as what went into them... BUt hey... No fighting around here.. When are strong and better to be alot of trusted then alot of spam... Hint.. Hint.. CW & OG.. When are looking here for the best genes? Best systems?Best Nutes around here? Ano't no clowns round here... We get down real hard all the time if you down for fun at Icmag. For the pounds are the zones of kind round here. NO harm just.... Been real...

NICE ONE BROTHER!!!!!! (anyone seen human traffic?)

glad to see that looks out the way for now, so lets get down to some growing ey?!!! i want to see some buds, and now blatent wants buds too!!! :) we should have some of our own to show you all sometime soon!!

im high, and you should be too bubba
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