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Introducing Tuk-Tuk Seeds

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KRS Juan

Up for Bids!!!

Up for Bids!!!

It may not be SeedBay, but looks like Bubba put a couple packs up on Cbay:

-KRS Juan-


Yeah,in my not-so-humble opinion those aren't adequate pictures of parent stock,not from someone that's making the genetics available to the public....and calling themselves breeders.

It'd also help if they ran under the same nic as at Overgrow,there's nothing like HISTORY to breed confidence.
(Conversely,there's nothing like vagueness and 'Info,Lite' to breed suspicion-)

When a member's new seed venture is upcoming good manners would dictate that one would okay it through admin before posting an intro thread....
We like to do a bit of checking,hereabouts,and having a post history here before doing something like this is ESSENTIAL.
One inherent danger: It might seem to some members that there's been tacit (or direct) IC/SD's approval/ validation of this venture,when in fact,that's not the case.
No 'seal of approval' issued without facts is the Rule of Law.



^^^^I could smell that post coming a mile away. Lets whip it out boys time to measure.



Oh,I'm just the one posting the hard questions,there are many of us wondering....

Blatant,I have nothing to prove,you know that perfectly well.


Its all gravy Rez, I've just seen you lurking in his threads asking about his stock, I was just wondering when validity was gonna rear its head. Hey if your not asking the Q's who will eh? Keep em' honest guys.


KRS Juan

Rezdog: I think a lot of this is my fault, and I have been contacted by Gypsy about it. I have no experience in these matters and simply wanted to help "spread the wealth". If I was stepping on toes by not asking permission, then I am truely sorry.

At no point in time did I ever ask for or recieve permission from any moderators/staff here at IC, SD, or SB.

To be honest I didnt know I had to. But I understand why I should have.

I am glad your asking such questions, as I am not experienced or knlowledgeable enough to do the same.

-KRS Juan-

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
The reality is that the marketing is WAY ahead of the proof. A few modest pics of buds that are 1/2 way through flowering makes me somewhat skeptical, although not irreversibly so.

I've thought of doing large seed runs, but not for many years still because I'm not a breeder. BUT, I have made seeds, and I have pictures of the parents; vegging, prefloering, flowering, ripening, ripe... I think the drift is easy to get. A little provenance, and a lot of patience is needed.

Now, maybe ya'll have tons of pictures somewhere, I've been waiting to see some more - but now I'm asking.


Lotta shit slinging, reminds me of OG and CW when Rez and Fet use too bash each other, now Rez gonna bash here trying too protect his turf, hehehe. Tuk Tuk= not enuff pics/proof . Rez/BOG=too much pics/spam.


SupaDave said:
Lotta shit slinging, reminds me of OG and CW when Rez and Fet use too bash each other, now Rez gonna bash here trying too protect his turf, hehehe. Tuk Tuk= not enuff pics/proof . Rez/BOG=too much pics/spam.

No 'shit-slinging',just simple VERIFICATION.
Read closely,I wasn't vague at all.

"Protect my turf" ?
Are you smoking crack?
Nobody's trying to squash anybody,we just want to make sure all is as it appears to be.

Tuk Tuk:
1)A new nic for someone who purports to be an Overgrow member of some time,who has started breeding.
(Odd,why not use your OG nic?)

2)An odd,proxied introduction, without proper background info or pics,straight into selling seeds.
(We don't think this smells right-)

3)An unsolicited package of seeds sent to Seeds Direct.
(Why do this? Gypsy doesn't eat them on his cereal,and he damn sure won't sell them-especially when this is all so ODD-)

Rez & Co. = Nothing if not discerning.:D


Unsolicited package?

Did he send them in to post on Seedbay? If that is what he sent them for, I was not aware we needed to contact Gypsy prior to sending seeds for listing.

This is an open market in my opinion, just think if Gypsy would have sunned BOG and kept his wonderful strains out of our hands. Everyone has to start somewhere. But I do agree reasearching breeders is a good idea prior to selling their product.

I would also like to see more history & plant photos on these strains, but I say give them a shot, let the results speak for themselves.

Afterall isn't that what a test grow is really for?


Captain Expando


i am doing a test grow... is there a reason "some" people can't watch? i guess we all just do things differently in life ~


Why not take all discerning inqueries and have them settled in the PM's. Or do we have to have a Chimera, Breeder Steve type of flame war here on OUR boards? If I remember right Rez and BOG were ridiculed and flamed beyond belief on OG when they first started. Instead of trying to demean his efforts on a public forum ask those prying questions in private. I sure the hell dont care if he had a different name from another web site because a lot of us OG refugees have a different handle.

He has given out a bunch of Testers/Proof seeds for us to grow and showcase. If waiting a few months won't suffice then ask him for some beans. The finished product is all the proof I'm gonna need. Fuck this is childish!

And who the hell is we?



Could not have said it better myself

The proof is in the pudding !

Let's hold judgement until the seeds produce and we can judge the herb
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I'll reiterate:

Tuk Tuk:
1)A new nic for someone who purports to be an Overgrow member of some time,who has started making seeds.

This is very odd,why not use your OG nic?
Is there something we should know,but aren't being told?
What's the history of the poster?

2)An odd,proxied introduction, without proper background info or pics,straight into selling seeds.
(We don't think this smells right-)

Look,it's a free world,anybody can grow what they like.
However,we (not only me)want some simple questions answered about past work with these genetics,and some info to back up two mediocre pictures.

As far as I'm concerned,feel free to share your shiping addies with anybody you like,but don't come crying to me if things get weird.
Dealing with unchecked entities can be like that.

I've been on the boards for years and years,I've seen em come and go,but feel free to ignore my desire to make sure things are on the up & up,if it suits you.



Bubblegum Specialist
Did anyone say you shouldn't?

Did anyone say you shouldn't?

We aren't trying to protect our turf and I don't know the fellow so I have no dog in this fight but... ;)

In the inside realms of this site there has been some question as to who this fellow really is. Misrepresenting who you are isn't wise because we all have histories we have to live down. :)

By all means do some testing but if REZ says something it isn't because he fears new competition believe me guys. BOG

KRS Juan

This is all being blown way out of proportion!!!!!

Rez "& Co" are asking some very simple, necessary questions that are totally within his right to ask. I am confident Bubba will have no problem answering these in full, but he is currently without reliable internet access from what I gather.

As far as the proxied introduction with no information goes, thats 100% my fault. I should have labeled it as a sneak preview and I guess I could have been more clear that I know next to nothing about breeding.

As for the sample beans I sent out: I dont force anyone to send me their safe address, nor did I share them with anyone, or even keep them for any reason. Everything was handled as secure as I know how, and was only handled by me throughout the entire process.

I may not be a famous breeder, or even have cred as a good grower (yet), But I feel I have proven that I am a trustworthy, stand-up guy. If I had any idea that it could have caused such a mess believe me I would not have started it. I thought it would be fun to give my friends at IC a sneak preview of a friends beans before he released them to the general public.

Bubba has some 'splainin to do, as soon as he's back online I am sure he will.

-KRS Juan-
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