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Zombie drug xylazine found in cannabis THC vapes in UK

I Care

Well-known member
Yo, seriouslu, I saw it in the heart of Dublin in 2018. I knew it wasn’t opiates cause it wasn’t the typical nodding. This was like walking to staggering to crawling. Was unrecognizable at the time, it is possible that this is why there are some policy makers making cannabis more accessible to adults.

They’re still trying to make it profitable for themselves which is where even legalization is being employed with political and corporate corruption.

I Care

Well-known member
Grow it for our youth, grow it for our family, grow it for our friends. There’s no drug out there legal or illegal that will ever compare to the desirable natural compounds that well grown and dried cannabis offer. I don’t care how big of a drug addict anybody has become. They want light green hydro weed but they just end up doing something else. The gateway is in the classification and control as a drug. It’s just not that, it is used in completely unprocessed form, there’s no equipment or labs or special equipment. Just the 4 elements that man has known for a million years.

Earth, Air, Water, Fire that is all!! Not a drug in it!

I Care

Well-known member
That’s actually a good idea, maybe we could donate some of that stuff to the people you see in the free media committing and publicizing violence. Calm all them folks down a bit, maybe they wouldn’t be so sensitive about things causing them to act like wild animals.


Well-known member
hey, sorry about the snarky juice comment from earlier, i was meaning to poke fun at someone.
never heard of zombie stuff in fruitjuice before. really sorry

If you haven't seen it first hand it's hard to imagine how bad it can get. My city of Portland Oregon was once one of the most beautiful cities in the United States. This is it today. I'm not exaggerating how bad this stuff is.




I Care

Well-known member
Damn, that dude was hot in his sweats and couldn’t get em off.
Poor guy need some light green and he’d straighten right out.
Wow that must be quite the cocktail there.

Just American weed. Sharpie Marker is all the rage now. Since the weak minded masses have been easily convinced that improperly grown cannabis is normal.

You know, that "pheno" an old friend you haven't seen in years stops by with, trying to unload at a discount price. Xylene toluene ethanol, my favorite terpenes..

I Care

Well-known member
Weird I see this still up as the last thread in the worldwide cannabis guide.

Wellness check everybody!!!

I just heard something up at the grocery store…somebody overdosing from a laced joint. Stuff you’ll hear out there in civilization. What do you do there? Like if that was your loved one? or like if this stuff was happening when we were kids… this stuff is out of control!!

What the fuck? Like I can’t even accept a joint from somebody? Holy shit? At this point, the government needs to hand out grants for people to grow more cannabis to combat drugs and stop calling it a drug so the youths are less confused.

And one other thing I want to add after being kinda disturbed, really, thinking about what I heard the other day. I still think we need to decriminalize cannabis, one of my greatest pieces of literature I ever produced was on the decriminalization of cannabis. This was before legalization was even on the table and was shot down on the way around the table to me for current issues we wanted to write about. Between that associate and me expected her to tell me know when I mentioned decriminalization.

Since I wrote that article, I have witnessed a opioid epididemic, the add real epidemic and a fentanyl epidemic and since I wrote that article marijuana has only really become more like California, and so has the rest of the US. That goes for industrializing cannabis through legalization, the epidemics started in cali too. The one that currently affects me, the housing crisis. That’s a California connection too.

I Care

Well-known member
Just saying fuck the law man!! That’s all I’m saying, I love Cali, I just don’t like their approach. Never improving on the approaches even though cali is obviously a mess.


Well-known member
Yeah it's all a conspiracy against cannabis. They "whoever they are" is just claiming that xylazine was found in illicit cannabis vapes as part of their master plan "whatever that is."

Read the article since it doesn't look like you did. It's not a hit piece on cannabis use but about xylazine entering the drug market and that it has now been found in illicit vapes. The article talks about how it's being found mixed with other drugs as well.

People with critical thinking skills don't refer to public health warnings as bullshit driven by the mainstream media. Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored or dismissed. The fact is that xylazine is a public health risk and is spreading across the globe. You can look the other way if you want but some of us can't because our cities are infested with addicts addicted to it and it isn't a pretty sight.

So tired of hearing the "Mainstream Media" nonsense. It's become nothing more than a cliche used by those that find a conspiracy under every rock.
Was going to say the same thing.
That if people actually bothered to read the report, and followed the links to the actual study, they'd see there's nothing to this story at all.
I guess it's 2024 and critical thinking has all but disappeared.


Well-known member
It's funny stuff isn't it. A year from now when the streets of London look like Kensington Avenue It won't be so funny.

This isn't something to scoff at. It's serious. People can make fun and jokes. But it's not funny. This stuff is destroying lives. Not just those using but those associated with those using and forced to watch the destruction.

It's going to get worse before it gets better. Get ready for the ride. I'll preemptively say I told you so. Revisit this thread in a year or two and I'll sound like a prophet.

Less than two months later. Get ready for the ride. Sorry for your misfortune.


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