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Zenith feminized limited edition


ACE Seeds Breeder
Glad to see you starting a new Zenith indoor grow @yoann :) Plants look very happy with your current coco feeding and setup, with strong branching and structure to face a great flowering stage :yes:


Glad to see you starting a new Zenith indoor grow @yoann :) Plants look very happy with your current coco feeding and setup, with strong branching and structure to face a great flowering stage :yes:
thx @dubi , I currently find a lot of health benefits to zenith, and I believe I have selected 3 good plants. I keep more clones of thoses to refine which plant have the best properties for me. I have grown many varieties by the past, and I'm having good tines with zenith. Other variety that has worked for me was Satori from mandala seeds, otherwise I experienced bad side effects from most other strains, especially in the memory and anxiety field. So I may really keep those clones for long term.

On those 9 plants photographed, 5 are from the fastest plant I found in the seeds I bought last year, that one have high THC profile and slightly lemony profile. 3 are from an another fast with more candy smell, only thing with this one is that it have had several males flowers (although that may have come from stress from the previous batch). And 1 is from one plant that I reveged, since result was so good and sticky. It look very small on picture because it is, reveg has taken more time so it is like it is. However the stretch of this third plant was much more importasnt during the first session, I estimated it at 700% and perhaps more because I topped it before it was too big. Since the plant #1 had a stretch of around 250% and the #2 about 400%, this #3 may be in the end tall as its sisters. And let see if the #2 give some male flowers again... I don't mind few seeds if effects ared tremendous. Indeed the best pheno from other strains I selected have had some males flowers too and I don't even qualify this as being herm. So let see.

One difference from the first batch is that on those clones I didn't took more cuttings, so they are like untouched branches taken from previous plants. Therefore all the lateral branches are here and reaching the central stem high level, like a candlestick not like a christmass tree. So in the end there should be more buds and natural expression of the plant.


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Ras Kali Rasta

Well-known member
Shit, that sucks man.

I feel for you

Hey Hombre,

Thanks for your commiserations. It does suck, but such is life. I've still got one Panama fem going that hasn't succumbed to the botrytis. I've dragged her partially under the shed that opens to the north. She's a bit tall to fit completely under the roof but hopefully by keeping some buds dry I can get enough to keep me going until the winter grow comes in. I think I will do an outdoor SCROG under the the protection of the shed. Once bitten twice shy, as they say.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hey Hombre,

Thanks for your commiserations. It does suck, but such is life. I've still got one Panama fem going that hasn't succumbed to the botrytis. I've dragged her partially under the shed that opens to the north. She's a bit tall to fit completely under the roof but hopefully by keeping some buds dry I can get enough to keep me going until the winter grow comes in. I think I will do an outdoor SCROG under the the protection of the shed. Once bitten twice shy, as they say.
Fingers crossed for the Panama; good weed.

I'm a bit of an outside scrog man myself, although thinking of attempting Main lining this year.


Well-known member
2 types of Zenith at 9 weeks bloom
Hi @dubi ! finally got to the zam x pan fems . what a lovely sativa hybrid, they look and smell exquisite !

of the two plants: one is very Panama influenced... constantly pushing out straight pistils and stacking flowers, pistils are starting to yellow and oils are increasing...this plant is getting a reddish pink hue as well...smells are lemony and bubble gum with a floral note
.....the other plant seems more Zam influenced...all green, no red....smells are more spicy and incense-like and structure is less dense than the other.... this plant slowed its flowering for a week or so but is now re-flowering with some vigor...






oh man, i have been looking for a banana scented sativa for 15 years now... had some buds years ago that had a great fruity bouquet, banana on the front end... and the high was so uplifting and laughter inducing. we ran around the woods laughing our asses off after seeing a rock we thought was a bear.

i assume now that it might have been a thai dominant hybrid, maybe along the lines of a juicy fruit thai type? juicy fruit is another hybrid i miss from the early 2ks.

anyway, i hope to try zenith someday. seems like the bomb diggity.

Brugmansia suaveolens

an ally of mine, well brugmansia in general and the other datura kinds in solanaceae.

with microdosing, it's good for ibs (not to get too graphic)... but one must be VERY careful because not only are they deadly, they can cause very life destroying delirium. and even the same plant can have wildly differing potency.

stay safe!


oh man, i have been looking for a banana scented sativa for 15 years now... had some buds years ago that had a great fruity bouquet, banana on the front end... and the high was so uplifting and laughter inducing. we ran around the woods laughing our asses off after seeing a rock we thought was a bear.

i assume now that it might have been a thai dominant hybrid, maybe along the lines of a juicy fruit thai type? juicy fruit is another hybrid i miss from the early 2ks.

anyway, i hope to try zenith someday. seems like the bomb diggity.

an ally of mine, well brugmansia in general and the other datura kinds in solanaceae.

with microdosing, it's good for ibs (not to get too graphic)... but one must be VERY careful because not only are they deadly, they can cause very life destroying delirium. and even the same plant can have wildly differing potency.

stay safe!
Those brugmansia suaveolens are for my collection, not consumption. Brugmansia are not for anyone living in the modern world, indeed it makes people cruel and dangerous, just have a look on mechanic societies who used it widely and what they did as a regular and normal actions: eating other people, cutting heads and miniaturize them, thinking they are talking to animals in their dreams before going to hunt them... Most "famous" natives for their brugmansia use were the Achuars, aka jivaro people :p I used datura once, and my way to perceive the world went twisted for a scary lenght of time :/ I would not dare to absorb such materials, indeed just breathing under their leaves for more than 10 mn can change the mood and the way to think so beware.

eating such plants can just lead to the shrink and the loonys house :(

Any thoughts when zenith will be anew available ?


Any thoughts when zenith will be anew available ?
well if their first repro failed, and they have a bunch of projects on their plate, it may be awhile (a few seasons?), but i'm patient when it comes to this stuff... especially cause where i am has yet to legalize weed. and i don't want my dogs shot and my toddlers handcuffed (by the brave, brave swat team... true men among men);

anyway, i just wish i got myself excited for this one when it was first released. seems super popular, and for good reason. it's like all roads lead to zamaldelica mixed with panama.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Holy. Shit!

For anyone that has grown this out and was only kinda happy with the results of some plants, like I was with 4 of mine out of 6…
Let them cure longer. I just opened a bag of what I considered the most mediocre plant out of the 6 I ran, and I’m so screaming ass high right now! 10 month cure and it’s intense compared to what it was at 2-6 months. I’m actually kind of uncomfortable with how high I am off this one and have to keep moving around to not get super spinny. If I sit down the whole room seems to whirl around me.

I had given a bunch of it to a friend of mine and he called me back raving about it yesterday. I got into it this morning and Jesus. 😆

Nice work @dubi I hope this one makes a return to the store. I wasn’t 100% sure about this strain before, but after 2 bowls this morning I feel like I need to run it again and hold clones for a lot longer before making decisions on keepers. I do have some friends I gave my initial selections of both phenos to, my #2 and 6 plants. I’m going to revisit the bag of #6 tomorrow and see what a longer cure did to her. She’s always been a very blissful creeper feel. Might just have to get a cut back and run her again.
My #2 plant is the super racey pheno. Has an intense incense and lemon taste to her. She was good from the get go after 2 months, but she never got intensely better after 8 months. I got into that one last week and she felt the same as ever, extremely energetic, positive, get busy weed with a killer old school incense taste.
This one I got into today was another racey pheno, my #5 that wasn’t kept due to big mold in one cola. I only managed to save a little bit of bud from that one but what I did manage to save has become something crazy intense like I haven’t felt in a while.