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Zanzibar and Santero Repros of E$kobar strains, plus San Fune: A Balcony Grow


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All right folks. This is my first grow entry so bear with me a little bit. I started 11 seedlings:

- 3 Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain (all turned out to be females)
- 2 huge Blue Chems (unfortunately both turned out to be males and this was not a seed run)
- 4 San Fune (Holy Princess x Chocolate Cheese: 3 turned out to be males)
- 2 Rhasberry Truffle (Santa Maria x Chocolate Rain: 1 female)

This is a balcony grow, so don´t expect as much as other grows. I am purposefully restricting their height for obvious reasons and they are growing with the power of the sun. I am using Canna Terra Professional Plus with a bit of hummus. I will use Biobizz ferts and some Silica and Cal Mag along the way.

So far I am seeing very explosive growth from all of them and the Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain are very much uniform, with the exception of one squatty but very bushy and vertical growing extremely thin leaf phenotype which I adore despite liking the other two more. I hope all goes well and that you all enjoy the ride. Ideally, these plants will be moved inside to flower indoors with a 250 watts LED light just when they start flowering, but I have not decided on that yet and they might end up going all the way in the balcony with indoord supplementation (moving them will not be an issue as there is a little room right next to the balcony). The reason behind the idea of moving them inside is so that they can get a better and more constant exposure to light than in the shade, where they can only get 6 to 9 hours of direct sunlight depending on the months of the year- currently they are getting at least six of hours of direct sunlight and in june and july they get up to 8 or 9. This might affect yield and thc production, but I will do the best I can.


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Active member
Thank you for contributing to the thread, my friend. Hopefully, I do them justice. I really long to find a chocolate rain leaning phenotype. I remember getting two really good keepers way back in 2012 out of the straight Chocolate Rain. I lost those two when I got caught by my old folks (I was growing in a very bushy part of the backyard that had lots of canopy on a spot they almost never went to). Ahh here is to independence!!

I agree. Sunkissed flowers are the best.
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Active member
Well folks, it has been 20 days since I last showed you all my ladies. Well, these beauties are starting to stretch and get fat. They are begging for a repotting which will happen this weekend.

First two are Raspberry Haze (Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain). The second one is SanFune (Holy Princess x Chocolate Cheese), and the third and forth one are the Raspberry Truffle (Santa María x Chocolate Rain).

Happy growing and smoking my friends.


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Active member
My friends! Hope you are all doing great! It has been a little over a month since I last updated the thread. From top to bottom and from left to right, we have got the stocky Raspberry Haze, the Raspberry Truffle, the SanFune, the taller Raspberry Haze, then the most affected of the bunch, the Raspberry Haze C, and then a bonus SanFune x Blue Tangie Bean cross I made last season.

These plants are hardy indeed. They overcame a drought while I left for two whole weeks for vacation. They battled the bugs, then the fungus after the heavy rain suddenly started to drop after months of almost no rain and they are happy right now. I have lolli popped some of them to improve air circulation and the light in the balcony reaching their height, depending on the angle of the sun, and I have also done some light pruning.

Can´t wait till september to see them truly explode. Pretty nice for a balcony grow so far.


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It has been a while since I have harvested these plants and boy am I glad that I have bought a second and third pack for all of these varieties. While it may not have been my best grow, I feel that I got a really good impression from these genetics and am very happy with the effects I am getting out of all of them.

San Fune


The high is simply lovely. While it is true that the pheno that I got was a chocolate cheese skunky type, which in my experience tends to have a short buzz, this plant’s flowers simply place you right where you need to be. It enhances the way you feel about your current situation and opens you up to enjoying the little details of life. I needed a full gram joint to get to where I needed, but the high I got was a very very happy high. Sudeenly, daily house chores turned into something interesting and fun and my wife’s silly jokes, which are very bad indee haha she usually enjoys puns and cheap jokes and I never laugh, she knows I either pretend or give her the side-stare, but with this pheno of the Fume I honestly do enjoy her jokes, cleaning the kitchen after making a huge mess kneading kilos of pizza dough, and getting on with things. It lifts the mood and definately makes you feel rested, almost as if the body was massaged, while being very active upstairs but far from being under any psychoactivity related-stress, but more like a dreamy high. Toke more than that and you´ll go to sleep with a big smile on your face after a lot of good times and laughter, specially if you smoke it in the late evening.

Most of all, I enjoyed her terpenes. Tropi Fume indeed! I will repeat and do her more justice.

Rhaspberry Haze


Raspberry- Grapefruit: Longest Flowering pheno




I get funky with it. It is very uplifting and it gets you in the mood to be playful, closer to people, even affectionate towards people, and if you like to dance, you WILL dance. The kind of cannabis that has you singing to the songs over the commercials and that fills you with big expectations of what is ahead to come. You almost feel glad you decided not to give up on life because, suddenly, you feel full of energy and filled with what it takes to tackle life.

The Raspberry Syrup pheno:


This is the only phenotype with a slightly sedative effect peeking its nose at the otherwise dreamy high. There is no heavyness, only full relaxation, while having a powerful psycoactive effect. Perfect for long saturdays lounging about the house while intermitently active on the kitchen and the house in general.

Raspberry-Cherry pheno: Shorter flowering pheno


This phenotype is done after 9 weeks of flowering. You could say that it is my favorite out of the three in terms of the loudness of the terpenes. It is just great. The high is the cleanest and without less ceiling, but it is also simpler than the longer flowering phenotype- aka the raspberry-grapefruit haze- in terms of how far you can get away from earthly centered thoughts. This one keeps you grounded. You can even use it to think in creative ways to optimize things in life, like daily chores, and I actually use it to work. It keeps me motivated and focused. I listen to Palace, specifically Have Faith, and I truly just focus on the essential and let go many things that bother me, small and insgnificant things like my football club being on a bad streak, and am able to enjoy life as it is. It helps me accept the present. I would imagine this has therapeutic effects for people with neurodivergent conditions.

On the next post: Raspberry Truffle last grow pics, some decent bud porn, and a smoke report as well. This was the lady just before the chop:



Active member
Oh! They are so worth it. Terpene wise there is NOTHING like this on the market. Very unique. In terms of the high, these blow the Amnesia and Amnesia Hazes we get in cannabis associations in Spain. I believe my phenos, even the shorter flowering one, has a lot of the Highland Oaxacan through the Chocolate Rain via the Chocolope, and that this Highland Oaxacan is the element that might be distinguishing it from regular Amnesia cuts. Suffice to say that it blows right through it when I smoke it after Amnesia. The Raspberry Truffle, on the other hand, while excelent, has a lot of the Cocoa Kush present in it. Thus, I use it for the evening.
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Active member
Update on the Raspberry Truffle:

This is her well into flowering




And some cured buds





Raspberry Truffle

Man I am not going to lie. This particular phenotype of Raspberry Truffle was, at first, the least of my favorite of this year. I found it to be jittery, like plain chocolate rain is said to be, and given that I am naturally a hyperactive person I did not find myself going to the jar as often as with the more creative raspberry hazes. That is, until I eventually learned to read the effects of this powerful medicine.

Life surprises you, even in the dullest of times, and you find yourself in very interesting and fulfilling situations for which the effects of this medicine, which are both sensual and very sexual, should be enjoyed. If I were single, I would definately ´go on a hunt´ smoking this weed during the night

Alternatively, you can also use it to study. Great cross.


Well-known member
That turned out really nice those buds look sweet. You did a killer job on your balcony. Thanks for sharing friend. Keep us posted.


Active member
That turned out really nice those buds look sweet. You did a killer job on your balcony. Thanks for sharing friend. Keep us posted.
Thank you for joining me on this trip. It has been a challenge and I miss dearly the old days when I lived back home in the caribbean antilles (PR) and I had all the sun in the world, but you gotta do what you gotta do with what you got and so I did. Smoke on this Raspberry Truffle has been getting particularly much more psycoactive since it has been nearing the two month cure phase. I tested it again yesterday and got some tachicardia, but it settled after about half an hour. I just realized I had to do something to forget about it and it just settled nicely into a two hour trip watching Fargo flipping out at the randomness of that series lol.

Again, thank you for being here my friend.
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Active member
Nice to find you here as well! We have been chatting back and forth on another board.
What's the smell of the rasberry truffle or have I missed that one?
Yes! I have posted these on OG too. The smell is fantastic to be honest and keeps getting stronger as it cures. It is a Raspberry-Cherry smell, but with a lot more acidity to it than the Raspberry-Cherry 9 week phenotyope I found in the Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain aka Raspberry Haze. It is not acrid though, but there is a pleasant acidity to the cherry on the 2 month cured buds. When you grind them or brake them up, a very subtle dry aged meat aroma hits you after the cherry. To be honest, it is a completely different beast when cured but smokes really well just after a 10 day dry. With the 2 month cure however, it is the bomb.
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Active member
This grow log was great. That grapefruit pheno of the Raspberry sounds absolutely incredible. This girl I know once grew out some outdoor and the finished product smelled so strongly of grapefruit and the effects of it was exactly what you described with your grapefruit pheno


Active member
This grow log was great. That grapefruit pheno of the Raspberry sounds absolutely incredible. This girl I know once grew out some outdoor and the finished product smelled so strongly of grapefruit and the effects of it was exactly what you described with your grapefruit pheno
Thanks for the kind words. The Raspberry Haze is something special. I am going to have to pop at least two beans on the next cycle and am hoping to get at least one female. It will be worth the space. Terpene and high wise, it was my favorite strain in 2023 according to my current needs (no ceiling hazes with cristal clear highs: alive and productive).

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