We are definitely enjoying the Zams, they are so energetic, though my friend finds Z#5 too strong for daily use
I am smoking every day from morning till night, so my tolerance level might be a bit high. Yet I too find Z#5 strangely potent. It's not the usual overwhelming effect, not too trippy, nor paranoid. But it has a subtle psychedelic effect where you feel something deep within you is moving. It's hard to describe, I can only compare it to the inner tension I get from acid and mushrooms. It just moves you very deeply though not intensely like a real psychedelic. I understand why Dubi says Zamal crosses can be extremely psychoactive - I've never felt this effect from weed, it's getting high on a completely new level. Not that it's very strong, but it's very unusual kind of high. After an evening of smoking Z#5, I don't feel like smoking any weed the next morning. Very much like a morning after a psychedelic trip where I feel I definitely had enough for some time.
Z#6 is still drying and I have yet to see if it has this acid kind of high. Z#2 doesn't, it's pure coffee.
We are definitely enjoying the Zams, they are so energetic, though my friend finds Z#5 too strong for daily use
I've never felt this effect from weed, it's getting high on a completely new level. Not that it's very strong, but it's very unusual kind of high. After an evening of smoking Z#5, I don't feel like smoking any weed the next morning. Very much like a morning after a psychedelic trip where I feel I definitely had enough for some time.