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YouTube Continues Its Cannabis Purge and Nobody Knows Why


Well-known member
I am reading in assorted forums that most of the cannabis channels are coming back up???

Pretty fucking weird.

I wonder, are the gun channels coming back up also?


Elite Growers Club
At any cost? Maybe a totalitarian left wing government vibe is ok as long as the money is good. Maybe censorship is good too. It doesn't matter what they do as long as the money is good. Right?https://thefederalist.com/2018/01/12/dont-be-evil-google-is-trying-to-become-a-police-state/
left? right? enjoy your fake bipartisan system, one hand controls both puppets, just open the box below the puppets, there is no left, there is no right, its one guy holding both.
left? right? enjoy your fake bipartisan system, one hand controls both puppets, just open the box below the puppets, there is no left, there is no right, its one guy holding both.

Ahhh someone that actually understands how our 2 party system really rolls. Sort of like the wizard of Oz, who is really behind all them smoke mirrors and loud voices.......... Great post man.

The new boss, is the same as the old boss and both parties all want the same thing. personal enrichment and profit while forgetting the people and catering to big biz and multinationals to the point of treason I may add. But you will never see the truly wealthy do time, die in wars fought for the elite or be held accountable for crimes that most of us would never see the light of day again...….. Thats why we keep a system of poverty alive and well.

They have other fodder to fill the privatley owned prison systems. (us) You just got to love "privatization" Every nation this method has employed over time becomes rife with poverty. Create instability throw down a few economic sanctions, send in the shape shifters...…..to run back door guerilla opposition support lol and then you have justification to invade/occupy blow them the fuck up and then in comes the IMF and World Bank to offer loans of good will to rebuild them and then that nation spends the rest of its life in debt with massive amounts of poverty.

Great reading for anyone TGAF is titled " The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein………. check it out it is an awesome read. I never looked at things and the system the same way after reading it. Was certainly my Ahh Haa moment.


Active member
Greenhouse Seeds Company channel is back up.


What did Youtube think they were going to accomplish by doing this? Other than make everyone weary of spending any time making Youtube videos? They are just harassing content producers.

It's a classic shake-down without demanding your wallet.

They want to control the information flow. Their analysis show a pipework of information and closing off valves helps the controllers slow down waves of people from learning information and changing legislation and the corporate masters paying for prohibition. Prohibition is more about textile hemp than medicine:artist:.


New member
It is the issue of free speech it is either free or not and currently all sorts of speech are being censored on the internet it hes started out with "gunnuts" then moved to "nationalists" then "right wing" then "drug promoters" soon they will ban your mother's cooking channel for "politically incorrect" cookies!


Well-known member
It's their site. They can do anything they want with it. It has nothing to do with freedom of anything.

You are all ENTITLED to use Youtube, aren't you.

Fucking morons.


New member
It's their site. They can do anything they want with it. It has nothing to do with freedom of anything.

You are all ENTITLED to use Youtube, aren't you.

Fucking morons.

You have admitted in your signature that you are a moron so I will lay it out for ya. Youtube is a platform that owns nothing. All videos are uploaded by content creators. In the beginning youtube was happy to allow any content (except porn) to build the fanbase. Now that youtube grew to gigantic proportions it decides what to allow or not allow on its platform which is a form of internet censorship and an outright assault on the right of free speech.


The Paranoid/Cautious side of me wonders about alternative motives besides marketing.

What if .. as part of big brother-NSA internet “security” they were to make people sigh in for guns, bombs, drugs, any black or grey area stuff. They would have a cell # attached to the acct which would 99.999% of the time be attached to a real name and location.
What an easy way to red flag and track certain interests. But ahh, I'm sure it is just to prove people are18yrs old.

Just a thought.

soil margin

Active member
It's their site. They can do anything they want with it. It has nothing to do with freedom of anything.

You are all ENTITLED to use Youtube, aren't you.

Fucking morons.

Simply not true. As soon as you allow your service to become a platform for political speech and campaigning you are now subject to the same rules of the First Amendment that any public or government organization would be. Youtube can't let Hillary put up campaign videos while blocking Trump's videos. Twitter can't block one candidates account and allow others. That would be an explicit violation of America's free speech protections and the court rulings so far have been very clear on this.

Don't take my word for it though, here's an article written by a practicing attorney and law professor clearly demonstrating that you don't know what you're talking about.


"Television and radio stations have the option to not broadcast any political advertising. But if they choose to broadcast campaign advertising, they cannot refuse to broadcast campaign advertisements from any candidate. Radio and television stations also do not have the right to censor the advertisements of candidates. However, along with the inability to censor the candidate’s message comes protection from liability for any misleading or libelous statements contained in the advertisements."


Well-known member
Well, I didn't even think anyone would notice my post but since you did... please, allow me to retort...

YouTube is not a PUBLIC anything. It is a private site just like ICMag. And, if I start making comments about Gypsy's family or personal life, watch how fast I'm out of here.
And, when you joined that PRIVATE site by registering (just like you joined ICMag (A PRIVATE SITE) by registering... in both cases, you agreed to the terms of service and the rules of the forums.

Now, you are bitching because this PRIVATE site isn't doing what YOU want it to do.

Hey guys, start your own fucking youtube and you can do whatever you want. You can call it fuckingidiottube.com

Geeze, you guys really are fucking morons. LMAO First for even answering my post. And then, for being incorrect in your answers.

Wow.... LMAO


Well-known member
Hey guys, sorry for the name calling. That was mean.

Everything I said was true and you really are what I said but I didn't need to call anyone a nasty name. I apologize.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Youtube is a Limited Liability Company, meaning yes, it is a private company and doesn't owe you shit. And if you have any idea why google gives you free services you should be very disturbed.


Active member
About a week ago, I saw a change. All the channels that people were complaining about having gone dark? They seemed to be back; most of them at least. I can't be sure if they are all back.

Was there a change at Youtube? Or is this perhaps a region based policy? I'm in Canada and of course, laws have changed here.


Comfortably numb!
About a week ago, I saw a change. All the channels that people were complaining about having gone dark? They seemed to be back; most of them at least. I can't be sure if they are all back.

Was there a change at Youtube? Or is this perhaps a region based policy? I'm in Canada and of course, laws have changed here.
Nah! Some are back some are not. Some that are back are still missing a shitload of content (the good stuff). What pisses me off are the channels that are nothing more than folks getting high. Thank you kind folks. I already know how to do that :tiphat:

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