i was let down by black domina, very boring smoke,,,,,,probably why you dont see much of it anymore......bd
what a mug. BD is a brill smoke. Big happy grin.
i was let down by black domina, very boring smoke,,,,,,probably why you dont see much of it anymore......bd
the shit list (on my experiences)
dutch passion
DNA and reserva
barneys farm
i dont think these people should be allowed to sell ganja seeds..
yea well the guys that run nirvana dont ask much for their wares....
when your paying £200-300+ on wack ass DNA or DP gear then you get a bit pissy...
Running GH bunk ass so called cheese was enough to turn me off of GH.
buddha's cheese, grew it out 10 weeks of flower and was a low yield and pooey
I think this thread is half retarded.
I'm not saying that all seeds are awesome, or all seeds suck, but I mean really, it bascially comes down to personal preference.
Just because a seed doesn't germ doesn't mean it was the breeders fault. Sure, it could be, but not 100 percent of the time. If the jackass on the other end doesn't know how to germ seeds right ,then of course they won't germ.
I got a little off track but people lets quit hate'n on breeders hard work. Karma, One Love