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Your first time breeding, what was it like? A thread for sharing memories. Anyone and all. Share your first experience.


Well-known member
Years ago I remember pollinating one plant with 5 different males. Using a tiny paint brush I transferred pollen separately to five different lower branches. Marked each branch and let the plant mature. I ran all five varieties in one grow and was blown away from the differences.


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Around 2012 I started a journey that touches me to this day.
I had an opportunity to set up a grow space and I found myself with a choice.
I could grow for product or seeds. That's when I found this forum. I quickly found you don't just pollenate a plant and get stable, carefree seeds....
It takes time and effort and so much more to create something special.
I was up for the challenge and with much help, came up with a 5 year plan to create something I could begin to really work with and be proud of.
Being in Southern California and a smoker of Mexican brick weed, rare landraces and such, since I was 14. Talking 30 odd years.
I had connections to some incredible strains. SSH,GSC,ATF to name a few. I had access to unique
unknow strains from Mexico. Not to mention the connections made here.
Thanks to ICMAG I was educated, encouraged, supported every step in my journey.
Yes, I had my miss steps here and there but I also had the opportunity to send my work out to testers and others and they shared what they found in my seeds. Incredible opportunity to gather information much quicker than I could do myself. Much of that information can still be found here for myself and that's incredible to me.
I used 2 Kiddie Pool versions of the PPK System with Jacks and ended up growing Vert.
I managed to get 2, what I would call, chasing grows and 3 focused grows in. These are grows with males and producing seeds. I was allowed to share my work with others through Seed bay as Cannafornia Seeds.
Which helped me connect with others on their own journeys.
There are so many other things I could fill pages with but will spare you, most.
I fell in love with Super Silver Haze during this time. I had always liked it but I managed to cross it with a Mexican stain and I can still taste the SSH with a spicy undertone. I would love to pull the SSH back out, btw.
I have never had a SSH that tasted as SSH as the original clone I was given. This, given she was grown during my learning curve and I didn't really know what I had at the time. Needless to say, she was not even at her best at the time. This thought has persisted over the past 11 years in my downtime and It's still alive due to the fact I still have all my work and samples of others from the time.
They are in different vacuumed sealed packages and placed in blacked out large sealed jar. A picture of which can still be found in my archives. Incredible that ICMAG has saved all this for me.
Yes, they are still 11 years old... Tell me I cant get a few going. I dare you. lol...
Unfortunately my journey came to an abrupt crash as I chose to support a alcoholic wife and lost everything. One day, I tore everything down. Lights, fans, tents etc. and tossed it all in one dumpster.
Can you image the person that found a grow room in a dumpster. 3 weeks later we lost the house and found ourselves living in an RV at Walmart. I never drank or did any other drug yet, I lost my self for a long time and all the while I had my limited experience and dream of breeding as a escape when I needed it.
11 years later...
She is finally, strongly sober. We are stable in life. We have rebuilt most of the things that matter and more and more it looks like I might have an opportunity to chase a dream once again...
In the time since I have been dealing with life I have only allowed myself to come here and look around 3 maybe 4 times. Recently I have been going though my and others post and it really feels good.
Knowing that I still had this forum to possibly come back to one day and continue my journey.
Helped me more than I realized at the time. Though, it may be some time before I have the space to really do anything interesting.
I have started my 1st grow in years with really nice seeds and I have allowed myself to dare to dream.
I sure hope I remember things sooner than later. lol...
Your timing with this post is awesome.
Thank you stinkybudz420.
I will enjoy reading the others stories as well...
Good times-Good Grows...

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Well-known member
my first experience of breeding is connected with my first experience of growing cannabis. At the time when I started growing, it was difficult to buy varietal seeds in our country. I was lucky to get to a free seed distribution, a comrade was distributing Diesel rider, he sent me 5 seeds and I multiplied them, simultaneously pollinating the seeds of local cannabis, we got cool hybrids.