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Your Cannabis Stories

We want your cannabis stories.

Are you a budding author? Do you have a cool cannabis story that you want to share? Here is your opportunity to show us your stuff.

Everybody loves a good story so this new section has been created to give IC Mag’s closet authors a platform to showcase great stories about cannabis. The story can be true or you can make it all up - just make it fun and interesting.

Anything goes but it has to be a story and it has to involve cannabis.

We don’t want just a paragraph, we need a real story. A typed page is around 700 words so that’s a good start. But we also don’t want a manuscript – although a multi-part story could be interesting from the right author. Show us!

  • A travel drug story. Who hasn’t smoked pot and gone adventuring?
  • A crazy buy or sell or import or grow story.
  • An amazing or miraculous high story.
  • A festival – Woodstock, Glastonbury, Coachella, Burning Man.
  • A cannabis cup story.
  • Stories from the 60s. The 70s. The 80s.
  • Stories from Amsterdam. Sydney. Thailand. Durban. Miami. Marrakech. The Emerald Triangle.
  • We want stories from the genesis of our cannabis era to stories of the present.
The Rules:
  • No porn.
  • No hate.
  • No malicious violence.
  • No real names. Absolutely no identification of anyone doing anything even remotely illegal who is not the author. In other words, self-recrimination is OK but don’t get anyone else in trouble. Some leeway is possible for a historical person – e.g. you were on the bus with Timothy Leary, or partying with Keith Richards . . .
All stories must be approved before they are posted publicly. This will ensure that the story is on topic and that it follows our simple rules.

If you want help editing, just ask and someone can offer assistance – with your full approval and control - but otherwise it will be your content in your own words unaltered and uncensored.

Let’s have some fun!


Well-known member
someone should make this an entry...
:) One of my favorite threads i wasnt here for.


Well-known member
Premium user
Sadly, I have many stories but am not a writer. I'm hitting the watch button, this could be epic.


I read that thread as the posts were written. I and a bunch of other members waited eagerly for more
posts from masamaaso.

Thanks for the memories.

peace joe


Well-known member
Sadly, I have many stories but am not a writer. I'm hitting the watch button, this could be epic.


I read that thread as the posts were written. I and a bunch of other members waited eagerly for more
posts from masamaaso.

Thanks for the memories.

peace joe
Wow Joe, good to hear from the living pages!!! Your one of them now. :)
I re-lived it almost as if i were yall, taking it a few pages a day as i knew it wasnt a new thread. and was grateful to all who asked for more, and pictures...
Because of this story alone i found out what 1 plant his tribe used to heal all kinds of open wounds. ground, and bound over with a covering leaf.
Im proud to post Masa's thread here. -Cheers, Sneezy.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So gonna use the ol way back machine for this these.. I have a bunch of hilarious fucked up stoner shit.
Back in High school, we all hung out at the local house that had a pool(1972 ish).. We were getting high like we normally would. A buddy was taking bog rips and wanted to see how long he could hold it in.. At about a min he had a whitey and face planted right into the small waste bin which got stuck on his face. It took 30m for us all to stop laughing at this one.

My buddy's brother was super stoned and was beating up on us. We were in the garage at the time, He started doing his attempts at martial arts lol.. He stepped back to get a running start and jump up and hit his head into a 2x4 which knocked his ass out. We went and smoked the rest of his weed after that :D.


Well-known member
i went to Italy with a friends family at 15 years old. the first day i arrived at night 10 pm. travelling during the dark to the accomadation , i did not have any bearings or idea where i was. i didnt even know the name of the street or village as i was with a friends family. the first night we arrived my friend , his sister and myself ,went to a night club in the middle of nowhere.... to cut a long story short, we got drunk had a fight, i got deserted alone at the club and had to find my way home at 3 am in the morning in middle or rural italy not knowing where i was staying or what any vital imformation haha. i was put on the missing list after two days of sleeping rough in fields , i had no food,money or i.d. I found a random bar or restaurant and would order an orange juice just for some energy and some water and just leave without paying[ i was young and m.i.a] ,eventually i decided to ask a local police man that i stumbled across , if he could help me. With the language barrier , my age , my ripped clothes and dishevelled look about me , he thought i was crazy and decided to search me instead of helping me. In my pocket i had about 12 grams of hash that i had smuggled with me .... i got arrested and put in a cell for another day , before they took me to a hospital for some reason , probably to drug test me or some bullshit. i was cuffed in hospital waiting to see a doctor, only for an english family sat opposite me to start asking me questions about my situation, to which they replied 'you're the missing boy" , and they bearted the police in italian and they released me immediately .... fucking traumatized me that holiday. moral of the story , always take a note of what the town is called where you are staying when you go away , and better still , make a note of the fucking address and have better friends that don't just leave in you in middle of nowhere and stash your hash better. do not carry it loose in your pocket
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