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You seen my DOG? im feeling a little dogless ... :( help me find my doggie?


Well-known member

As the story goes, from HT magazine ... I decided to start my search here, looking for my dog... :beat-dead

25 Years of Chem Dog​

byDanny Danko
September 7, 2016


A quarter-century after its debut, HT’s senior cultivation editor investigates the origins of the strain that changed the game.
That the work of his day measures more than the planting and growing / Let it grow, let it grow, greatly yield.—John Perry Barlow
It’s June 1991 in Deer Creek, Indiana, and the Grateful Dead and their entourage are pulling into town for a two-night run. Little does anyone suspect that marijuana history is about to be made. The Dead’s tours had long been known as a nexus for cannabis trades and pot-seed dissemination, but these summertime shows at the Deer Creek Amphitheater are now legendary for more than just their three-hour set lists. Something happened on Shakedown Street that changed the course of cannabis connoisseurship forever.
Because these are the shows at which Chemdog, the man, discovered Chem Dog, the strain. Want to know more? You just gotta poke around ….
I Need a Miracle

As the story goes, Chem met P-Bud and Joe Brand on the lot in Deer Creek and purchased an ounce of a strain called Dogbud for $500. Later, he asked Joe to mail a few more ounces to him in Western Massachusetts, one of which contained 13 magic seeds.
Joe Brand says he got a few pounds of Dogbud from some friends of a friend in Crested Butte, Colorado. Allegedly, the strain originated somewhere on the California/Oregon border. They called it the Dog, but Joe thought it tasted “chemmy” and nicknamed it Chem. Some called it Chemweed and others Dogbud. Chem combined the two names and came up with Chem Dog.
As P-Bud himself recently recounted to me, “It’s amazing that the Chem Dog strains have been preserved all these years. When I first saw the Dogbud in 1991, I could not believe what I was seeing—I’m so glad Chem found those seeds and did what he did with them. And it was never ‘Chem Dawg’—it’s always been ‘Chem Dog.’ It’s a combination of ‘Chemweed’ and ‘Dogbud.’ Joe Brand and I started calling the Dogbud ‘Chemweed’ because it tasted so strong. Chem took the words ‘Chem’ and ‘Dog,’ and there you have it …. ”
When Chem got home from the tour, he popped the first four of the 13 seeds. One plant was a male and unfortunately discarded. The three females were dubbed “Chem Dog” (now known as the Chem 91), “Chem Dog A” (now Chem’s Sister) and “Chem Dog B.” The 91 immediately became the most desirable and went on to serve as a parent for many of the most popular strains of the last 25 years, including Sour Diesel, OG Kush and their many offspring. But these continue to be matters of much dispute, so let’s hear from the folks who were there.
Did Chem Dog Birth Sour Diesel?
Interestingly, another jamband concert played a pivotal role in spreading the gospel of Chem Dog. Phish’s 1992 show at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City is where Chem and Weasel first met. Once they realized they both had the fire, a friendship was forged and cuttings exchanged: Chem 91 went with Weasel to Staten Island, while RFK made its way to Western Mass. Just as the Dead passed their torch to Phish, so did Chem pass the flame to future generations of enthusiasts.
In late 1994, Chem’s New York City acquaintance AJ (short for “Asshole Joe,” though he’s actually quite a nice guy) named an accidental cross of Chem 91 and an unknown hermie from Weasel’s growroom “Diesel”; it was later dubbed “The Sour” by some friends in Albany, and eventually became famous as the NYC Diesel, AJ Sour Diesel or East Coast Sour Diesel. It quickly became the strain of choice for New York City’s cannabis connoisseurs and hip-hop elites. Following a crackdown on urban weed spots by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the city’s delivery services began to thrive and make a name for themselves largely on their ability to provide the real Sour Diesel.
Retailing at $50 for about two grams, the Sour commanded prices heretofore unknown in the marijuana market. It wasn’t unusual to hear of Wall Street types paying $800 to $1,000 an ounce during the late ’90s, and the demand for super-potent strains continued to increase in the 2000s. The inadvertent impregnation of the Chem 91 with stray pollen from the DNL, produced one of the most iconic marijuana strains in history—often copied but never duplicated.
AJ tells me: “In 1993, I was a young, bright-eyed 20-year-old who was lucky enough to be standing in the right place at the right time. I’m eternally grateful to the spirit of this plant for all that it’s done to enhance my life. The fact that there’s a large, ever-growing constituency of people who have embraced the Dog and want to know everything about its history makes me happy and proud to have had a very small part in that story.”

Did Chem Dog Birth OG Kush?
Less easily substantiated, the legend of OG Kush starts in Lake Tahoe, California, where a member of the crew—since deceased—traveled circa 1994 with an S-1 (selfed first-generation) bag seed of the Chem 91. Chem himself mentions some Dead shows in Tampa as the possible origin, since there were certainly some seeded Chem Dog buds sold on the lot during that leg of the tour. The provenance of the OG will always be in dispute, but its resemblance to the 91, and its proximity to the Chem family, makes this one of the more compelling and believable origin stories.
Might as Well
In 2001, Chem germinated three more of the magic seeds, labeling them “Chem Dog C,” “D” and “E,” with “D” being the keeper and becoming known as the Chem D. Over the years, Chem popped more beans and engaged in some amateur breeding projects, producing several other notable varieties like the Bubble Chem (Chem’s Sister x Sagarmatha’s Bubbleberry), Super Snowdog (Bubble Chem x [Superskunk x Oregon Sno]), Giesel (Chem D x Mass Superskunk) and Dawg Daze, a.k.a. Chem Haze (Chem D x [1993 Sensi Seeds NL #5 x Haze]).
The Power of the Dog
In a recent High Times cover story, “The Strongest Strains on Earth 2016,” my colleague Nico Escondido detailed the astounding potency of the Chem Dog entered into our 2015 Colorado Cannabis Cup by Next Harvest. Extensive lab tests showed the strain reaching a new milestone, coming in at a whopping 32.13 percent THC—the first time ever that a strain entered in one of our competitions topped the 30 percent mark. This will come as no surprise to anyone who has smoked the pure Chem Dog, but it certainly confirms the strength of this sensi stalwart.
Photo Cred: Ry Prichard
Growing Chem Dog (from HT, May ’06)
Chem’s growing mix is regular Pro-Mix fortified with FoxFarm Marine Cuisine. Alternating between FoxFarm and Earth Juice products, he feeds mildly and only vegetates his plants for a week or so in 1-gallon buckets. Upon flowering, he transplants into 5-gallon buckets into which he also adds earthworm castings.
Even Chemdog’s pest-control techniques are all organic. He chooses to use Safer Soap and yellow sticky traps to take care of stray mites and whiteflies. Knowing that vinegar and wine attract fungus gnats, he places the cups at plant level to drown these annoying insects.
In between feedings, Chemdog uses plain water, 1 gallon per bucket every three days and then every two days during heavy flowering. In addition to the regular nutrient feedings, he provides humic acids in the form of Europonic Fossil Fuel once a week. During the last two weeks of flowering, only plain water is used to leach out any remaining salts.
The leaching process causes the fan leaves to turn fall colors, some yellows but also radiant reds and purples, as excess nitrogen and other nutrients are extracted. This results in clean-burning buds that burn to a light white ash, enhancing the flavor and smokeability of these amazing strains.
The Future of Chem Dog: The Music Never Stopped
In 2006, Chem reunited with Joe Brand and gave him four of the last six beans. Joe preferred the fourth one popped (Chem #4) and calls it the “Reunion Pheno.” Chem-related strains continue to entice pot aficionados and make a name for themselves, culminating in an article by yours truly titled “CSI: Cannabis Strain Investigation—In Search of Chem Dog” (May ’06), as well as my selection of Chem Dog as one of High Times’ Top 10 Strains of the Year for 2006.
Unfortunately, the summer of 2011 brought some unwanted attention from law enforcement to Chem’s door, and he was arrested and charged with cultivation and possession, forcing him to lay low for several years while serving his probation. During this lean time—in which Chem lost his home, his car and more—friends like Ben at the IC Collective, Skunk VA and that guy from Maine kept the strains alive and thriving. Ben even won the High Times Cannabis Cup for Best Indica in 2014 in Sonoma County, California, with Chem Scout!
Another person working closely with Chem genetics is JJ NYC of Top Dawg Seeds. JJ changed his strain names to the “Dawg” spelling to honor the original varieties and differentiate them from his own breeding projects, such as the Tres Dawg (Chem D x Double Dawg), Star Dawg (Chem #4 x Tres Dawg) and Black Dawg (Black Widow x Star Dawg).
JJ NYC tells me: “I’m just happy and lucky enough to be associated with some of the people who were involved with one of the strongest strains available today. I would like to thank Joe B, P-Bud, Chemdog, the Weasel and Skunk VA. Everyone had a little role in the creation and preservation of the Chem Dog and its hybrids. I’m just amazed they’ve gone on to set the strain trends that we have around the world today. At the time, we had no idea that we were dealing with one of the strongest strains on the planet.”
These days, Chem is happy to be finished with his legal issues. He’s blowing glass pipes influenced by his mentor, Bob Snodgrass (follow @chemdog_glass on Instagram), and looking to expand the Chemdog brand. He owns the trademark for the name and will soon be appearing at marijuana gatherings, as well as collaborating with the IC Collective on some new genetics. So, until then: “Don’t be a collector of more than you need / Got a lot of things growing, but keep watching your seeds… ”

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Well-known member
There's me thinking - judging by the thread title - that someone had lost their canine - good fishing - lol - and interesting thread -
:love: :ROFLMAO: With the best vibes, makes me happy to be able to do this one. Thank you! Its a great period in time we are experiencing!


Try to get this off to a good start and stay on track celebrating the dog bud :groupwave:
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Well-known member
:love: :ROFLMAO: With the best vibes, makes me happy to be able to do this one. Thank you! Its a great period in time we are experiencing!

Try to get this off to a good start and stay on track celebrating the dog bud :groupwave:

Hehey amazing find if Danny Danko's got the date and place right.


Well-known member
In ’91, chemdog popped the first 4 seeds. From these seeds, one male was found and disposed of (chemdog was young, you can’t blame him).
The 3 females were labeled "chemdog" (now '91 chemdog), "chemdog a" (now chemdog's sister), and "chemdog b".



check out good ole dogs thread ... some good examples of dog bud ^
feel free to add your own pics and ic links along the way,

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Well-known member
Hehey amazing find if Danny Danko's got the date and place right.

JJ - Deer Creek Ticket post 6.6.1991 - 6.7.1991

Looks like the right show :greenstars: can you believe they have the show live performance '91 video and listen in flac quality downloads pretty amazin people used to casette record alot of shows
Had ticket RFK '91 wish I still had it to show... wish shows were still 21$ :dance: right ?

From the man himself GK aka chem hes got some stickers, T's etc.. @chemdog_glass :artist: posted some art glass more to chem than just the dogbud !




Traveling in a fried-out Kombi
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie :cool:


Bob Snodgrass blowing glass in his VW Bus at DFO in Oregon 2019. (Photo by Connor McHugh/PYROSCOPIC)
If any yall have some awesome snody bubblers throw em down on the thread for us to admire man :pimp3:
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Well-known member
As the story goes, Chem met P-Bud and Joe Brand


Photo By: @Pbud


Photo By: @JJ-NYC

FB Page


Wetlands Preserve, commonly referred to as Wetlands, was a nightclub in New York City that opened in 1989 and closed in 2001.
It was located at 161 Hudson Street in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood.
Wetlands has been called "ground zero for post-Grateful Dead jam bands",

fostering a community of semi-improvisational rock bands who went on to achieve mainstream success in the 1990s.

A contemporary of Chem Dog, Weasel and The Albany Gang, he was one of those kids in the 90s,
barely out of high school on a mission to find the best weed in the city.
Dead Heads and Wetlands,
a downtown club where jam bands played and the best weed was brought to market,
figures in this story as does genetics,
seeds and the persistent search for the best weed that money can buy.
Under the radar for years,
AJ wants to keep the record straight on cannabis culture and how we got here.
39 minutes | Oct 23, 2019 light culture

HT: When did you have access to the Chem Dog strain?
TDS: I was always in the loop since around ’92. I was getting the flower since 1992,
but I didn’t start growing it until I got the Chem D cut from Chem Dog himself.
I got the Sour Diesel sometime in around 2000-2001 then traded it to Chem Dog for the Chem D.

HT: When did you get into cannabis? When did you start growing?
TDS: I first started growing in 1999.
That was in New York City at the time.
One of the very first strains I grew was a Jack Herer cut that my friend gave me;
there was some other Amsterdam strains that were also given to me.

Did Chem Dog Birth Sour Diesel?
Interestingly, another jamband concert played a pivotal role in spreading the gospel of Chem Dog. Phish’s 1992 show at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City is where Chem and Weasel first met. Once they realized they both had the fire, a friendship was forged and cuttings exchanged: Chem 91 went with Weasel to Staten Island, while RFK made its way to Western Mass.


JJ Original NYCD

Pbud from OP interview
He then went to Western State College in Colorado, and that is where he says he fell in love with growing weed. He experimented with different flavors and types like Indica’s, Sativa’s. “There was the local strain that was grown outdoor called P-Bud; that’s also how I got my nickname. It was grown in Paonia. Which is a town which is right over the pass from the ski town of Crested Butte, just over Kebler pass was Paonia. What made that place, so great growing outdoor was that it dropped the elevation and around 5600 to 6000 feet. They were famous for growing apples, and all different kinds of fruit were also grown there. Real hot days and cold nights so you get those sugars producing at night trying to protect the plant, so it spits out a lot of resin on the plant. Some of the best outdoor marijuana I have seen even to this date. Sad that it isn’t around anymore,”

The Summer of 91. In June, a friend of his named Joe met someone from Oregon that had weed called DogBud. The guy said he named it DogBud because after you smoked it, you would roll over like a dog, and you were done. “We never saw this kind of bud before. The smell and the taste of it were absolutely insane. The fuel … that pure chemical smell that would make your eyes water. It was called Dogbud, but because it was so Chemy, we changed the name. We were young, we thought they put so many chemicals in it, and that it was grown in chemicals. We didn’t realize that the Chemy smell was all the terpenes and the flower terpenes… We didn’t know what any of that was back then, so we just started to call it Chem Weed,”
Pbud from OP interview

:unsure: Pure speculation
P91 is a native strain to north county San Diego. The "P" stands for Poway, a small north county San Diego town, and the "91", meaning 1991, the first year it was introduced.
P91 is a clone only strain, it is a cross of Northern Lights (Thai x Afghani) cubed. Which bascially means males acquired off the original mother plant where crossbred back with the mother 3 times. P91 has a very strong body high and almost hallucinogenic at times. It has a distinctive potent flavor, and a brain freezing citrus odor.


Picture from: BweedifulLadii
'91 - 2003 highest THC content ever recorded

According to the most credible source, Northern Lights was originally bred by a man known as “The Indian” on an island near Seattle, Washington, in the USA.
Making its way from the Pacific North West to the Netherlands in 1985, Northern Lights seeds, allegedly, arrived in the possession of Nevil Schoenmaker. How they got there is still of some mystery.
There is also some mention of a private Northern Lights cutting that is said to be the real thing. It is known as P91, which stands for Poway Class of ’91. This version of the plant, which originates from Poway San Diego, is supposedly an inbred or cubed version of Northern Lights #5, but this was impossible to confirm. It is considered to be one of the few true and pure Northern Lights plants left in the world.

History SSSC
The Super Sativa Seed Club is one of the very first seed banks in the world. In the mid eighties every grower knew the SSSC. It all started when ‘Sam the Skunkman’ gave Karel Schelfhout, one of the founders of SSSC and former squatter, the original Haze and Skunk#1 after he moved from California. Karel used Sam’s genetics to create some of the very illustrious strains that later became Super Sativa Seed Club.

RFK - AKA Massachusetts Super Skunk
Famously known as the parent (along with Chem ’91) of the original Sour Diesel strain,
Mass was a rare and outstanding phenotype discovered in an ’86 seed pack from the Super Sativa Seed Company by a grower named Weasel.
  • Massachusetts Super Skunk - strain from RFK dead Shows 90-91
  • DNL » {RFK x Hawaiian} x Northern Lights
  • Lemon Thai was obtained from some folks out of Hawaii.

Chem was sent some Pbud a long time ago from co and it had lots of seeds. I guess he still has some. That dude can save seeds! Some batches of pbud had quite a few seeds in them and then some batches had none or just a few. Pbud is a old colorado strain grown outdoors. I believe it originated in northern calif and brought to Paonia, co in delta county in early 70's. Lime green popcorn nugs with a very unique smell and taste. Things grow well there. Great apples!! These crosses look great!

breeder: ChemDawg

First of all, I go way back to the begining 92-93. my good friend from NY, was the one who got the Chem Dawg and Super Skunk first. And yes the Chem was first called Diesel because people did not like the name and because it was the "Cock Diesel" But you don't talk about the next strain created from the Chem Dawg. Also known as UnderDawg, Daywrecker, Diesel no.1 (Chem Dawg x super skunk/NL) from this the Sour was born hermied from the DNL(skunk).


past tense: convoluted; past participle: convoluted
  1. make (an argument, story, etc.) complex and difficult to follow.
  2. technical
    intricately folded, twisted, or coiled.
    "walnuts come in hard and convoluted shells"

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Well-known member



Photo by: Joe Brand aka @wankanobe / verified legit cut by @Pbud

Chem 91 "Skunk VA"
I got a bag of real deal Chem91 that he's held since 95

Josh D (Florida OG) separate bag seed not chem91
Josh’s devoted passion to OG Kush dates back years. Josh has been exclusively cultivating OG Kush varietals since 1996!

OG’s mysterious Florida roots​

OG Kush’s story starts in the mid-’90s with Los Angeles grower Josh Del Rosso, who challenged his buddy
Matt “Bubba” Berger to prove Florida was growing better weed than LA. then,
remote northern parts of Florida (“the triangle”) had growers as skilled as the best of California.
More famously known as “Josh D,” Del Rosso is widely credited with preserving the OG lineage, after Berger made his Florida run.
Of the five, tiny OG plants (cuttings, or “cuts” for short) that traveled west, only one survived, Josh recalled.

The Bubba

In 1993, during his time visiting his friends and attending concerts in Tulane, New Orleans,
Bubba acquired seeds from a friend, Fat Larry,
which was told to Berger that they were of the Northern Lights strain.
Larry was from Northern California and would have cannabis sent to him regularly.

Bubba brought the seeds back to Gainesville and planted them.
A short and stumpy plant was selected from the batch,
and Bubba named it The Bubba after all his friends.
The Bubba has been cloned several times since.

The birth of Bubba Kush
The Kush was a temperamental plant with a tendency to have strange responses to stress.
One of the responses was to hermaphrodite and become a pollen-bearing male plant.
Male plants are only useful for breeding.

It was in 1997 that Bubba and Josh D gave some Bubba to B Real and Kenji from the legendary band, Cypress Hill.
They received a call from Kenji informing them of seeds in the bag.
The growers collected the seeds and planted them; this was the birth of the Bubba Kush.

The Bubba Kush continues to be a favored strain still to date.
It is also sometimes referred to as Pre 98 Bubba Kush,
which some believe was a name given by a breeder who had multiple phenos or clones of Bubba Kush
but had one clone from 1998 which he labeled Pre 98, and the name stuck.

A timeline of the OG Kush family (on a side note)​

  • Pre-1996: OG Kush’s mother plant is bred in Florida along with a strain called Bubba. Many people point to the Triangle Kush as the closest to that originally. High Times editor
  • Danny Danko later theorizes Chemdog as the parent of both OG Kush and Sour Diesel.
  • 1996: Matt Berger tells Josh Del Rosso the weed in Florida is better than the weed in Los Angeles. Del Rosso challenges him to return with some cuttings. He did. All but one of the OG Kush cuttings die. That cutting is the original, clone-only OG Kush plant that rocks Southern California. Matt and Josh cross another Florida import—’Bubba’—to the OG Kush to make “Bubba Kush” or what is now called Pre-98 Bubba Kush (aka “Kush Bubba,” or “KB.”)
  • 1997: Following Josh D distributing the cut to a close circle of friends, B-Real eventually gets his hands on it from Wonderbrett founder Brett Feldman. That year, Josh D personally brought OG Kush to the Bay Area.
  • 2001: Before the first large-scale indoor facilities coming online, demand for OG Kush in Los Angeles drives the price of OG Kush up to the highest ever confirmed prices of $8,000 per pound.
  • 2004: OG Kush arrives in the Emerald Triangle. Variants are developed to acclimatize the strain for various climates. The most famous of the pack at the time was Mandelbrot’s OG Kush.
  • 2006: DNA Genetics breeds what’s called Kosher Kush today. It will eventually become the first OG introduced to the European market in seed form, according to those that were a part of the Dutch cannabis scene at the time.
  • 2008: Swerve from Cali Connection released the San Fernando Valley (SFV) cut in seed form. Cali Connection then released Larry OG and Tahoe OG not long after. Also in 2008, now-California Treasurer Fiona Ma valued the Humboldt outdoor crop at $8 billion. Some believe more than half that amount was OG.
  • 2010: Kosher Kush wins Best Seed Company Indica at the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. Various local Master Kush variants had placed over the years, but this was the first true OG win. Kosher Kush wins Best Indica again in 2012, and again in 2015.
  • 2015: Rapper Wiz Khalifa debuts a premium OG Kush type, Khalifa Kush. Jet Fuel OG comes out the same year.
  • 2019: Fire Cut’s Fire OG wins Leafly’s Best OG Kush of California contest, besting Marathon OG from The Cure Co., Diablo OG from IC Collective, and three others.

Info on the different cuttings of OG Kush:

* Tahoe: cut brough into the community by Swerve. The grower that Swerve got it from had sourced the cut in the Lake Tahoe area in the 90's.
* SFV: There are a million O.G cuts grown in the S.F.V, however the cut that goes by this name on these forums and in medical disp. came from forum member Swerve
* Raskal's OG: Another cut sourced in the San Fernando Valley. Cut was bought for several thousand dollers from ******* ***** members by a friends of forum member OGraskal
* Ghost: This cut came from ORGNKID, ORGNKID had sold a O.G cut to a Overgrow forum member named "Ghost" who further distributed the cut.
* Abusive: This cut was brought into the community by an overgrow member named "Abusive", believe it or not Abusive claimed to have got the cut through the rapper Snoop Dogg.
* Poison OG: Cut came from O.Gkushman, he grew it from seed found in a pound of O.G back in ‘96
* HA OG: Cut came from an commercial H.A room in Orange County, grown by the same crew that brought the Orange County Larry cut into the medical Disp.
* Larry: The Orange County Larry cut that is availble in the medical scene came from the same Orange County crew that the H.A O.G Kush came from
* Apothecary: O.G cut brought into the scene by the apothecary seed co's Brett. Brett got it from a high profile Medical MJ activist in L.A back in 1999
* Diablo: This = cut came from the R.D.C disp. In the San Fernando Valley
* P.R OG A.K.A Private Reserve O.G: Another O.G cut that ORGNKID brought into the scene. The cut was sold to Med patients as Private Reserve O.G through the now defunct C.A.L.M disp. of Malibu.
* Tripple OG: This cut came from ORGNKID. This cut is A.K.A Triple X/XXX O.G Kush. Triple O.G was popularly sold to medical patients by the now defunct C.A.L.M disp. of Malibu.
* SAC#2: Cut brought into the scene by forum member O.Gkushman, O.Gkushman got the cut from DJ Muggs.
* SAC#1 & SAC#3: #1 came from G-Thumb in the San Fernando Valley, #3 came from San Fernando Valley but is very popular in Santa Barbara and sometimes goes by the name “Purple O.G Kush”, the cut was brought into the scene by the owner of the now defunct Hortipharm in Santa Barbara
info from:SF

Another story researched by High Times Cultivation Editor Danny Danko contends that OG Kush is descended from Chem Dog,
seeds from which were grown near Lake Tahoe. He writes: “The provenance of the OG will always be in dispute,

More info on that here Original Gangster but for now back to the chemdog!
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Well-known member
... can you imagine smoking reef grown by chemdog in a pipe made by chemdog ? :bongsmi:
reflecting on the end of a age, how things have changed

JJ "Sorry but the story ends with Dogbud. Only JoeB and PBud would know more. But they don't."
JJ "I would like to thank Joe B, P-Bud, Chemdog, the Weasel and Skunk VA." - agreed :smokeit:

One things for sure anyone who ever had the chem bubba og sour etc, give thanks for the experience
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New Riders of the Purple Sage is an American country rock band.
The group emerged from the psychedelic rock scene in San Francisco in 1969 and its original lineup included several members of the Grateful Dead


The Grateful Dead in 1970, in a rural setting – Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart, and Phil Lesh
Jerome John Garcia (August 1, 1942 – August 9, 1995)



Panorama of the Fare Thee Well performance at Soldier Field, Chicago on July 5, 2015
In 2015, Weir, Lesh, Kreutzmann, and Hart reunited for five concerts called "Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of the Grateful Dead". The shows were performed on June 27 and 28 at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, and on July 3, 4 and 5 at Soldier Field in Chicago. The band stated that this would be the final time that Weir, Lesh, Hart, and Kreutzmann would perform together
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Round Records To Release Jerry Garcia ‘Before The Dead’ Box Set​

By Scott Bernstein Mar 8, 2018 • 9:49 am PST

Photo by Sara Katz

A collection of Jerry Garcia’s earliest known performances will be released as the retrospective box set Before The Dead on May 11 via Round Records. As the title implies, all of the recordings come from the period before Garcia co-founded the Grateful Dead. The compilation is available for pre-order as both a 5-LP limited edition collection and a 4-CD set.
Longtime Grateful Dead publicist and author Dennis McNally produced and curated Before The Dead along with documentarian Brian Miksis. Brian contributed extensive liner notes, which are part of a 32-page book included in the collection that also contains track by track essays and listening notes by musicologist and bluegrass historian Neil V. Rosenberg, essays from Sara Ruppenthal Katz (Garcia’s first wife) and Stu Goldstein (former owner of The Tangent) and rare photos and memorabilia.

Before The Dead starts with eight tracks featuring Jerry and Robert Hunter recorded at Brigid Meier’s 16th birthday party in Menlo Park, California on May 26, 1961. Then, Garcia and Hunter are joined by Marshall Leicester for a pair of tracks recorded at Boar’s Head Coffeehouse in San Carlos, California in July of 1961. Listeners next hear five songs laid down by Jerry and an unknown musician at the same location around the same period of time.
The compilation continues with a recording of Jerry as part of Sleepy Hollow Hog Stompers in San Carlos on June 11, 1962. Also included are Hart Valley Drifters’ studio set at Stanford University’s KZSU Studio A from Fall of 1962; The Wildwood Boys at Top Of The Tangent in Palo Alto on February 23, 1963; a Jerry and Sara performance from the same venue on May 4, 1963; a bevy of Black Mountain Boys recordings spanning Fall 1963 – Spring 1964 and four tracks laid down by the Asphalt Jungle Mountain Boys during the Summer of 1964 at Top Of The Tangent. David Nelson, Norm Van Maastricht, Sandy Rothman and Geoff Levin are among the musicians who perform with Garcia during at at least one portion of Before The Dead.

Before The Dead Cover

Glide Magazine, Doug Collette wrote,
If Before the Dead proves anything,
it is that this man's passion for playing,
as well as his insatiable curiosity about a diversity of styles,
traditional and otherwise,
was well-established long before the coalescence of the Grateful Dead." :smokeit:


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Well-known member
Found some more Gems from the IC collective to add to the chem buzz
:plant grow::groupwave:
In 2001, chemdog and his girlfriend attempted to germ 3 more seeds,
labeled "c", "d", and "e". the "e" seed never germinated,
"c" turned out to be junk (according to chemdog),
and chemdog "d" was the keeper.

SmokeyPufmaster Apr 9, 2007

Hey Raskal, I've got some Chemdawg d pics. But you have seen them before. Here's the motivation you asked for. It's the best in my garden. Glad to see you bro.

In 2006, chemdog and joebrand reunited and joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans:
Chemdog phenos 1-4, "4" being the chosen keeper.
Joe thought the "4" was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the "reunion pheno".

Not mine but how often you get a look at '06 chem 1-4 together ? Lucky if you can grab a #4 cut

I'll start off by gettin' some pics up & a few details...any ?'s...feel free ta ask.
'06 ChemDawg #1 @ 67 dayz


The #1 like Joe has mentioned is a sativa leaning girl who reminds me of the ChemDawg's (S1's...???) that *** grew awhile back...nuthing to memorable about this girl...kinda a spicy thang...nuthin' special at all really after two trial runs...will be giving it a 3rd trial before dropping it though...just in case.
'06 ChemDawg #2 @ 67 dayz


The #2 has a few qualities that are very nice...a pleasant Bubblegum/Diesel smell, which unfortunately isn't that strong when finished & dried...the potency doesn't seem very strong though ta me...this one may or may not be a keeper...time'll tell.
'06 ChemDawg #3 @ 67 dayz


The #3 is tha Kushiest smelling/tasting one out o' tha bunch...at least that's what I get from it...however, on both trial runs so far it has hung ballz by tha dozens...it will be canned after tha third trial more than likely.
'06 ChemDawg #4 @ 67 dayz


The #4 is without a doubt tha best overall plant out of tha four...seems ta have good potency...a Kushy/Diesely aroma & flavor...and...it also 'could' be a decent yielder as well.

SF notes
In ’91, chemdog popped the first 4 seeds. From these seeds, one male was found and disposed of (chemdog was young, you can’t blame him). The 3 females were labeled "chemdog" (now '91 chemdog), "chemdog a" (now chemdog's sister), and "chemdog b". In 2001, chemdog and his girlfriend attempted to germ 3 more seeds, labeled "c", "d", and "e". the "e" seed never germinated, "c" turned out to be junk (according to chemdog), and chemdog "d" was the keeper. In 2006, chemdog and joebrand reunited and joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans: Chemdog phenos 1-4, "4" being the chosen keeper. Joe thought the "4" was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the "reunion pheno". Chemdog still has two seeds left in his stash.:groupwave:
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Well-known member
.Somewhere there is a 1980's terpene report of skunk I was looking for that and found this... while it had the terpenes theres some new scientific reports available
You'll probably notice the chem 91 profile in the graph below


Skunk smells in cannabis not caused by terpenes but sulfur-based compounds: study

Terpenes are only part of what gives some types of weed their unique smells and other related properties

Natalia Buendia Calvillo

December 3, 2021
That skunky, gassy scent that some cannabis cultivars emit is thanks to recently identified scent-producing sulfur compounds that are almost identical to the ones found in garlic and skunk spray.
That’s according to a recent study published in the journal American Chemical Society that took a deeper look at what causes the distinct skunky smells in some types of weed, given that no combination of terpenes seem to produce this particular odour.
Researchers from terpene-specialized extraction company Abstrax Tech, identified that the skunk smell comes from a family of seven scent-producing molecules called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs).
“The combination of multiple detectors, in tandem with two-dimensional gas chromatography to analyze cannabis, gave us the tools needed to parse through data and identify trends between certain compounds and the aromas of various cannabis cultivars,” lead author Iain Oswald said in a statement.
“Our data conclusively establishes a link between this new family of VSCs in cannabis and its pungent aroma.”
VSCs are part of a family of volatile organic compounds which also includes the terpenes and terpenoids that are responsible for stimulating your nose when you sniff dank buds of weed.


Graphic via ‘Identification of a New Family of Prenylated Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Cannabis Revealed by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography’
The study found that production of the skunk-smell molecule increased significantly toward the end of the flowering stage, peaked during curing and dropped substantially after 10 days of storage.
“It confirmed everything I had thought about some cultivars I have bred — that they are some of the most pungent and medicinal on the market. These compounds are the reason Gelato and subsequent crosses are some of the most highly sought after out there.”
For the study, researchers analyzed 13 cannabis cultivars using two-dimensional gas chromatography (2DGC), coupled with other techniques to analyze substances such as mass spectrometry and sulfur chemiluminescence, a method that detects only compounds with sulfur.
A panel of four people smelled and ranked the pungency of the cultivars on a scale of 0-to-10. The panel found that the most pungent cultivar was Bacio Gelato, and had the highest concentration of VSCs.


The skunky secent-producing compounds in cannabis are chemically similar to those found in garlic

VSC3 is the skunkiest compound​

The study discovered seven kinds of VSCs that gave cannabis its skunk-like aromas, but VSC3 was most abundant in the cultivar with the most stank.
To confirm that VSC3 was the main source of the skunky smells, researchers added a mixture of 10 other major aroma compounds from cannabis and were able to reproduce a weed-like aroma.


Cannabis cultivars have various levels of VSCs

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Well-known member
the #4 was one of the first 30%, then came the 35% chemmy jones

it's cute that a gelato is at the top of that olfactory list, going by those standards I've had some chem de la chem that would be a 20/10