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Yield increasing planting method


This sounds like a variation of air layering, except that you aren't removing the portion with new roots. Interesting


Active member
I want to try this method with my guerilla grow this season.. But since I'm not using female seeds, and I'm strapped for cash, time, and space, I'm afraid if I should do this outdoors!! I don't want to dig a huge ditch for plants that will end up turning male! :eek:

Maybe I'll just try it out with 4-5 of my 14 plants.. What do you guys think?


Active member
I want to try this method with my guerilla grow this season.. But since I'm not using female seeds, and I'm strapped for cash, time, and space, I'm afraid if I should do this outdoors!! I don't want to dig a huge ditch for plants that will end up turning male! :eek:

Maybe I'll just try it out with 4-5 of my 14 plants.. What do you guys think?

Silverback said to grow them for 30-45 days before transplanting. Alot of indicas and indica/sativa crosses will be showing preflowers by day 45, especially if vegged outdoors on a natural photoperiod. Pure sats and sat doms can often take longer than this to show sex though. Hope this helps.


Active member
i'll hope so, they're just over a month old and will be going outside within the next week.. if no pre-flowers show (which I'm guessing none will), i'll just try this method with about 1/3 of my crop and hope the ones I use this extra soil on are females!! sound like a good idea? :joint:


Active member
What photoperiod do you have them on inside? I'd drop it down to 18/6 and then wait until atleast day 42, if they haven't showed sex before that. That's exactly six weeks, which is often enough. What strain is it out of interest?


Active member
I've had them in my window getting decent sunlight pretty much since they were born, so they're currently getting about 15 hours of light per day. And they are BOG crosses I accidentally made during my guerilla last season, forgot to pull a few males.. I'm growing a mixture of BOG's SourBubble, BlueKush or Blush, and SourStrawberryDiesel: all crossed amongst eachother in random/unknown order. :D


Active member
Ok, I think that preflowering is partly to do with developmental stage aswel as chronogical age, so yours might preflower later if they're less developed than they would be under lights. Maybe they're getting enough sun though. Wait until day 42-45 if you can but don't let them get root-bound.
did this the other day to my outdoor trainwreck after reading this post, so far she is healthy as ever looking, sounds so logical to me cant believe i havent heard of this sooner, thanks for this tip.


I want to try this method with my guerilla grow this season.. But since I'm not using female seeds, and I'm strapped for cash, time, and space, I'm afraid if I should do this outdoors!! I don't want to dig a huge ditch for plants that will end up turning male! :eek:

Maybe I'll just try it out with 4-5 of my 14 plants.. What do you guys think?
No huge ditch with this method. As long as you're not spastic or 200 pound overweight shouldn't take you more than a minute to dig one plant in.

Thanks for bumping this Silverback thread. Bring's a smile to my face every time i see his name, he was a big help and big inspiration for me.
Apropos inspiration, anybody know what's up with Julian, hasn't posted since forever!?

2 Legal Co

Active member
This is a most interesting thread. I should have realized that this method of propagation was useable for weed, as I've used this method for years on raspberries. DUH! My brain fade is sometimes frustrating. lol

If you read the book mentioned early in the thread ( and I Have NOT), I'm sure you'll find that it is recommended to cut the 'main' stalk in pieces (after they have rooted), and repot/transplant, the now individual plants. This will restore the 100% harvest ratio.

The repotting/transplanting is the reason for the increase. i.e. the roots will have the 'normal' amount of rooting area, rather than becoming 'root bound'.

In other plants, it is a surefire way to propagate additional plants. Sure fire in that the 'new' plants continue to be fed until they are self sustained from their own root systems. Unlike 'cloning' that requires cuts, rooting, and causes 'shock' to the cuts, as they are not being 'fed' by a root system.

I'm glad this thread has been kept open, as it's most educational.

Props to all who have contributed..........RIP Silverback.....................


i posted this in the side by sides .. ya this is a great idea for outdoors..


Active member
Im gonna test this out on a couple Sativa hybrids ....... See what we get

As I was reading they said not to top it but just not sure if they said that bc it'll get TOO big ... idk


Active member
This sounds like a great way to bloom a vertically vegged plant. I notice one side gets these long arms coming off it while the other side is pretty bare anyhow. When I bought my veg buld I didn't realize most people were vegging horizontal and then switching to verticle in bloom. Now I just need to get some 12" x 4' containers to stack in a stadium like setup. Thanks for sharing!

2 Legal Co

Active member
Sorry if this was already mentioned. Would you say it would be beneficial to top these kind of plants?

Not sure; but probably not. Once you lay the plant down and pin the top down, the plant doesn't see it as the 'top' anymore.

I'm basing this solely on the same premise as HSTing. And it is true there. No need to top if you hold it below the level of the other branches.

I didn't see it mentioned anywhere either.