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Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)


New member
Thanks Explosive!

I happen to already have a couple of these adaptors lying around the house so it won't cost me anything for them.

I've got the 9999% silver coins and alligator clips as well.

going to be making some C/S here soon.

Thanks PhenoMenal for this thread!


Hi all , iv used the c.s a couple times now and having nothing but good results , thanks again for this thread

Can someone tell me what the best way to store the pollen is ? i normally just have been sexing right after my sacs open , but i have a dr who that i hit with the c.s that i want to save the fem pollen to sex a future lady when she is ready

Any help on this is greatly appreciated :tiphat:


New member
Pheno, it seems you,ve become the Colodial Silver Instructor,and youv'e never even plugged yours in yet. LOL

your doing good, do you have 2 lady plants ready to treat now??

i don't know what the RULES are for misting the plants,but i soak the heck out of mine when i spray,every day, not just a lil damp mist,thats why if i had to pay $20+ for a lil bottle at the health store, i could never afford to use CS.

folks do drink their home brewed CS and claim great health benifits, some folks use it on Sea voyages because of no Doc,s or meds available.

BUT if you one of the unlucky and your old school parents feed you CS every time you had a cough, sniffle or skinned a knee as you grew up like one old politician did that made the news decades ago, your skin can turn a dull,gray/blue color.

but that takes years of OD'ing on the stuff.

whats the story on BORAX?????

good going Pheno, so make 'US' some Fem seeds bro, Hubba Hubba!!!! stay well, GK

I told everyone,its so simple even GK can do it..was i right???
Doesn't ethryl do the same job?
Hey Pheno, this is my first post here and BTW GREAT job on this thread it is awesome. My question is once you stick your PPM/TDS Meter in the new solution should you never use that again for your grow ore can it be washed with vinegar/bleach/detergent???


Active member
Paranoia over colloidal silver and what it touches is completely unnecessary. Go to a colloidal silver website and learn how to do it right. The blue man is a straw man trotted out by the FDA to discredit alternative medicine.







Paranoia over colloidal silver and what it touches is completely unnecessary. Go to a colloidal silver website and learn how to do it right. The blue man is a straw man trotted out by the FDA to discredit alternative medicine.

this shit is soooo true.. my friends father is 88 years old.. been sick 4 times since the 40s... n started drinking CS on a daily basis at age 55. hasn't gotten sick... and is healthy as a horse.. I mean this 88 year old guy.. still does all his own lawn work.. all his own shoveling.. I mean he walks his dog 2-3 miles every morning..

im just a lil skeptical about making homemade CS.. unless u make a very good generator.. because CS works great when the particles are tiny.. and most people use diy gens.. that don't make tiny tiny particles at all.. not sure on how safe it is.. but I know this man bought a gen.. and has been making it for 30+ years with amazing results..


Do you spray the plant being feminized, during the last week of vege. and the first week of flower (14 days straight) - or does it work better to spray it later on, e.g. after 3 weeks of 12/12 ?


New member
Hey everyone!!

I have a problem, I've been spraying 2 kush plants with silver colloids 20ppm to 30ppm and after 10 sprayings or so it starts to screw the plants up. 1 of my big ones has dead branches at the bottom now, starting to wilt. leaves are discoloured. few days ago it was nice bright green everywhere. I'm going to stop spraying it and just feed it water.

i've lost 1 already because of spraying, now about to lose another!! yikes.

I'm using distilled water.. 1/2 ounce silver coin cut in half on each (+) and (-). 12v high mA...800 mA or something


High to all,

Forgive my childish english, because it's not my mother tongue.

I've been making Colloidal Silver for a few months, I sprayed my plants for 15-21 days but I started to spray "JUST after the first female flowers in the lowest bud site", that means 2 or 3 weeks flowering, and this is my results.

It's my own strain, an IBL project of my Viet Fuck (Vietnamese black landrace X Tom Hill's Deep Chunk), it's finished at 11 weeks, but at 14 is a bomb of Grapefruit smell, and resin.

I topped this clone, and defoliate both arms at 21st day of flowering, then I beggin to spray the other arm with Colloidal silver for 3 more weeks.




to be continued...



3 weeks later, this is how it looks, and then some bud/seed shots.




I hope a bunch of seeds of my four 18" clones, that were polinized with the reversed female pollen.

I hope you understand my messy english.


if it smells like fish
its been said that you actually need an airpump to reach the higher ppm levels..... any truth to this statement?????


its been said that you actually need an airpump to reach the higher ppm levels..... any truth to this statement?????

I've never done that, just cuz never have to rise my ppm, at 1 hour there was 9-11ppm, 2nd hour 13-19ppm, 3rd hour 22-27ppm.

And have lots and lots of fem seeds.


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