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y the fuck do ppl get so "hung-up" about dreadlocks????


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Alright, everyone is so busy being (apparently) tolerant that no one gives you a straight answer , so here goes :

1) if you are black ( your avatar is a white cro-magnon dude but your pics in your signature are 3 black dudes...so i don't know ...but i'll get to that...) :
i don't have an opinion , it's a black thing so ...it just looks dirty.

2)if you're white ( and i think you are...) : it's an identity issue sadly ...
it's ridiculous , white people with dreads just want to say" hey look at me and my hair , i don't bath , i'm so in tune with nature and myself and i'd like to be black sooooo much "
Same identity issue with you pics in you sig. :
What are you trying to show ?
You are SOOO tolerant of other races , cool...
Same deal with your hair ....
It means something to some black people because it's a part of their culture ( for some ) or something some can relate to ...
It's not your world white boy ; so if you're from the mountains of Colorado do as when in Rome...

Also , Hippies and dread locks and shit like that have hurt Cannabis so much in its image .

that said , i don't pick on people with dreads so... Cheers.

So youre saying that dreads are for black people? and if whites have them tis an identidy crisis, well that sounds quite racist to me, any white or black or yellow or pink, whatever skin colour, you can grow dreads if you like its a hairstyle, and sometimes its a religious mark, aka the rastas or the sadhus of india/nepal, you dont have to be black to practice these beliefs so dont make it into a racial thing plz.

You sire need to stop being an asshat :D.

TY Afro




i wasnt going to say anything, because everybody has already raised the points that i thought of, as far as "answering your own question" and "forget what everybody else says and do what you want to do and be happy.", and hippies started the ball rolling in my opinion, because they put it in the face of their parents, and with most of the hippies being white, that just wasnt a good look, not to mention that for some white people it is a gate way drug, which brings up a whole different issue. but not to disagree because rappers make everything bad in main stream society after they make it cool and profitale(tommy hill, there is a liquor cant remember, baically anything marketable/materialistic, etc...) mainly because there is little to no positivity, and the little there is, is not allowed into mainstream easily, so there is little to no recognition/ acknowledgement of. to the quick, if your hair looks good to others or bad to the same, who gives a walkin, swimming, crawling, digging, slithering or flying fuck if your cool with it. got shit from my family for a while in everystyle i wore except for the ones they liked, got an attitude with they asses, and eventually told some about themselves they gave up because im strong im my convictions, but you are just an asshole, its very obvious from some of your posts on this thread, grow up and strengthen your nerves because people will be on them for the rest of your life.

.....white (wigga) rasta.....

can you say racist, thats some real asshole shit Gypsy, wigga = white nigga, that post shouoldnt be allowed to stand on the thread, and the use is totally unnecessary, but atleast everybody who reads really know who you are now. racist peice of shit, no better than a kkklan man, nazi or skin head. one of these days i will stop expecting better from sorry skin bags such as yourself....


How Hippies and dreads have hurt Cannabis image you ask ?
In short , all that 60's fake anti-establishement and fake "revolution spirit" ( no border , no races and all that one love , one world theory that is very cool as an idea when high but has no ground in reality ...) , people that don't smoke are going to think that Cannabis is the basis of all that shit when it's not- all these "values" that hippies and dreads stand for have a political side (that if people like you were to spread ) that goes against everything Western civilization has tried to build for centuries...
you can't escape the fact that you are flying a very particular flag (just like a skinhead flies the opposite flag ) .
Again it's an identity issue to me...being Africanized is supposed to get you closer to the "raw" , "pure" natural human being as it first was, right ?
Opposed to the bad modern white guy that created the Atomic bomb and death camps...
that no rasta would have thought of...

Anyhoo , wether you like or not hippies and dreads have politicized the image of cannabis as a socialist thing basically...


@ Afrosheep :
saying dreads are a black cultural thing is racist ?
right , i just displayed a whole theory of the supremacy of the white race over everything else , i drink the blood of black babies at dawn after reading "mein kampf" ...right ...


Active member
the thing about black people and dreds... if they don't take extra care this happens easily, I believe.

the thing about white people and dreds... they have to put jello in their hair and turn it in knots and burn it and do stuff of purpose to make their hair look like an old doormat.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
i hope you dont drink the blood of black babies at dawn while reading mein kampf, lol would be rather disturbing ;)
Sure dreads are a black cultural thing in a way, but they are also a spiritual choice and way of life to others.
Its not a supremacy of the white race by having dreadlocks at all.
Probally in a few more months, i will be getting dreads myself, now im white, and i dont think of it in anyway as trying to be black.

Its a spiritual choice for me, and i like the way they look, my massively afro curls atm just aren't doing it for me, and i need to head in this new path of my life.

Cheers, hope we are still all debating a topic here, and not taking stabs at each other ;)

Cheers Afro.


Active member
can you say racist, thats some real asshole shit Gypsy, wigga = white nigga, that post shouoldnt be allowed to stand on the thread, and the use is totally unnecessary, but atleast everybody who reads really know who you are now. racist peice of shit, no better than a kkklan man, nazi or skin head. one of these days i will stop expecting better from sorry skin bags such as yourself....

Im sorry, but I call bullshit on this one. I dont think this is any more racist than the 'black community' that calls themselves this as a term of endearment and camraderie. Fuck that, you cant have it both ways.

Just because I rehash material from my favorite comedian, it doesnt make me a comedian any more than it makes me a plagarist or a thief.

I dont see what was so racist in Gypsys post. There was no sort of malice whatsoever in the connotation of the usage of his word(s) YOU were the one who took it to the KKK/Nazi/Skinhead shit.

Who is the real racist here?


Game Bred
i believe those being referred to as "wigga" prefer the term "ethnically challenged"
as for those of us referred to as "whites" or "white boy" the accepted vernacular is either "melanin deficient" or Caucasian please do try to be sensitive to our feelings and refrain from such pejorative and blatantly racist terms in the future?


Long hair are different from Dreads!
i had long hair...
Like Roachclip shows with his pic :
This sadhu guy could dress like an english gentleman with a pipe and a cane and a fake accent but that wouldn't make him a British.
Same deal with white people and dreads , they fail to see that they are a tiny percentage of rich , white , well educated , tolerant , democratic westeners and that most of the world isn't white , rich , educated , tolerant , democratic and from the west .
I guess it can be fun to play the saddhu , jew or rasta when you're 15 in New York...
but it's just role playing ...as mentioned hair are overrated !
Just speaking my mind , hope it really hurts no one...


I've been trying to dreadlock my hair for about a year now. You definately get a different reaction from people. It is polarizing. I keep it covered most of the time though. I don't like attention for obvious and for personal reasons. I think that dreads shakes up people's perception and yours as well. And if you are a creative type, this is one way to look at problems from a different perspective. Also folks, you live only once. Dreads are a way to have a new and different "identity" as opposed to the short straight hair conformist nazis that society wants everyone to be.


Active member
Hmm. IDK. I'm black and have had dreads for the past 5+ years and not once have I even noticed any type of negative energy towards me. However my dreads are neat as fuck with barely any "frizzes". I wash my hair weekly, and I get my hair relocked about 10 times a year and each individual dread gets the frizzes trimmed off every 6 weeks so there's never that afro at my scalp. I get compliments all the time about how neat and nice looking my dreads are, and people ask all the time to "touch" them lol. Now that there getting long though I keep them braided back. How lil wayne has them in his Prom Queen video to give you guys a idea of what I'm talking about. Every job job interview I have attended I have gotten the job, and now have just landed a HUGE internship in a chem lab. **Huge for me as this is my career choice**

So I can not at all say that I've experienced what some of you guys have been through with people being judgemental about the dreads. My dreads are 100% a spiritual thing to me so no I will not ever cut them; but I will do everything in my power to make sure they are as neat as possible. But by the time they get so long to cause any funny looks (10+ years) I should be completely where I want to be in life so I WILL just say FUCKEM if you have a problem with me because of my hair.


Active member
Its funny if people really feel that threatened over a hairstyle. Its like the days when grandma would faint at the site of a huge mo hawk. people are scared of the unknown, always have been, always will be??...they probably wonder, what makes one actually grow their hair like that...?? thats not normal they are going against the..rules?? what rules??

in a way it makes them ponder when they don't want to ponder see...so they poke at you and say hey..you stop that...your weirdness is confronting my idea of normality..stop that lol

(particularly I think SOME white people, get upset to see other white people sporting the dreads) <-- it may just threaten that very old Caucasian backwards ass value system or something

that is soo fukin IT!!!


Active member
Hmm. IDK. I'm black and have had dreads for the past 5+ years and not once have I even noticed any type of negative energy towards me. However my dreads are neat as fuck with barely any "frizzes". I wash my hair weekly, and I get my hair relocked about 10 times a year and each individual dread gets the frizzes trimmed off every 6 weeks so there's never that afro at my scalp. I get compliments all the time about how neat and nice looking my dreads are, and people ask all the time to "touch" them lol. Now that there getting long though I keep them braided back. How lil wayne has them in his Prom Queen video to give you guys a idea of what I'm talking about. Every job job interview I have attended I have gotten the job, and now have just landed a HUGE internship in a chem lab. **Huge for me as this is my career choice**

So I can not at all say that I've experienced what some of you guys have been through with people being judgemental about the dreads. My dreads are 100% a spiritual thing to me so no I will not ever cut them; but I will do everything in my power to make sure they are as neat as possible. But by the time they get so long to cause any funny looks (10+ years) I should be completely where I want to be in life so I WILL just say FUCKEM if you have a problem with me because of my hair.

that's what 'im talkin' about bro!!! :wave:


Active member
my x who had her dreads kept them back in " french braid"...it looked hot..... alot....like lil wayne in that vid.

hers were a lot longer tho.

so beautiful


who are you woman!?! beautiful u are

this girl is killing me ^^^

small dreads easier to keep clean

love this one
one of my favs

cheers to ICmag crew
