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xOOx's fluro fiesta


Active member
np man! believe me, if i used a bigger pot it would be a big fat cola, with octopus mangled bud filled arms.. ya, not huge.. it's a decent amount tho, it doesn't really shrink much from what u see ..its pre-shrunk fiber..lol

i can one hit that for months once its cured ..out into the summer months easily, mixing commercial in between.. just to shake it up.. but i'm constantly gifted stuff from others, so its never gone. even if i wanted to quit, someone would throw some samples my way. i try to stick to one session a day, rather then the 24/7 zone. i still wind up giving some of it away. people ask for it. the small sample packs. i have a few friends i see from time to time, who smoke even less then me.. and its funny to see them take a pull..like maybe the same amt. of a cigarette drag.. and then 10 mins later..dude are u feeling ok? ur just staring .. staring off in the distance, 'dude im really stoned' ...lost in the dream. lol.

i love the feeling she gives.

i hope it doesn't lead to harder STUFF. lol.



Just Call me Urkle!!
not bad for no nutes and all the other variables I would add a few more shop lights though... Good Job how was the smoke??


Active member
thanks man! i know, could always use a little more. maybe i will do one more maybe not. with a bigger pot this time. more time release nutes in it, so a bigger.. taller.. fatter..more branchy plant for sure, more like the first go.

just started pecking at it. majority is in jar now doing the cure thing, but just the stuff that fell off when i was cutting it ... the little bullets, marbles, and peas, most people would just not be bothered with.. is just out on a counter air dryin since chop. its mostly made up of the mom plant pieces, which was in regular miracle gro potting mix since root. haven't really dived into the moisture control created buds yet. but i think its gonna be the same. i pretty much collect every little pistil into the "left overs" containers, or the while you wait for cure easy access containers to be ready, lol.

high is the same as always.. soaring, slight racy..but then relaxing, floaty, dreamy, spiritual..the after effects that linger when it wears off are probably better then any anitdepressant, i've never taken one of the latest kind, but one hit in the morning, one at night, that's pretty much all i've been doing with it so far. giddy moods in between. lots of joking conversations it seems. general mood is elevated, etc.

these are by no means sit down serious personal sessions, in which a visit to the 4th dimension may occur. its just medicinal, but does have recreational effects even at low one hits. enough so that i'm happy with it over the street commercial.

and a thanks to everyone else who may have been entertained..just wanted to show people it can be done very easily, cheaply, and no worry - well just a little. if i inspired someone to actually take a first step, because all that hydro stuff-chemical this &that made them nervous,etc. i guess i did what i set out to do! even though it may be more of a risk to do this in the first place, the benefits are cleaner, better&healthy smoke for your lungs. and you do not have to deal with that whole dirty dirty drug world anymore.

be safe all.



Pull my finger
I love the trich coverage on those. Very pretty.

Am I gettin this right?? You used NOnutes?

Did you spin in some ammendments or something?? I bet it tastes clean at least.


Active member
well no.. whatever is in the miracle grow soil.. it says it feeds for 3 months, but i think after about a month.. or month and a half the plant has sucked out most of the usable food, then it starts eating all the fan leaves up. taste n odor is unique, described it tons of times.. spicey, catpissy, sourish, little skunky, could it be some kinda fruit, maybe, but it taste more like a food...an odor and taste that i've smelt/smoked on other buds over the years, but not the recent commerical ones.

taste is very smooth.. no burn, no cough .. peppermint patty and weed and spice taste. other tastes in there sure..its pretty complex. each time it try describe it ..comes out different, but once you smell or smoke it, you will know what it smells like, lol..smells like your getting high.

not sure if the MG time release soil would work as well on a fast flowering indica, as there may be nutrients in there, and you probably can't flush it out when the indica is finished.. but a more sativa seems to be ok in it. at least 80 days from start.


Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
one thing i always like to see is someone growing their own stash
regardless of how the plants look :yes: :respect:
xOOx don't you ever want to put a little more effort into this and see what that plant can REALLY do ??

no offense meant brother, i am sure you know this :friends:


Active member
thanks bbear! i hear ya. but its only for me, really. and maybe a small gift once and a while, or to share with a friend once in a blue moon. im not sure if even more power, nute, etc. would make it do any better in the effect department that i enjoy. it always seems to come out the same so far no matter what..size,amount,etc. maybe it would give a little better looks & more quantity, probably. but then it would be a waste because its already enough for me between harvests, and other harvests..lol. too much of it would probably wind up molding up from storage, make me smoke more of it then i need, or even might make me do things i wouldn't want to be doing with the extra, thats not me. im the consumer gone self-producer. just wound up with that one that stuck around. there was one other girl tho, i always think about it, lost it. much more racy, i've said it before, she made you pace and drink tons of water when your high on it. piss like crazy, super dierhetic. like your drinking beer and coffee and need to pee! it was a sister, but more sour pineapple smelling, less skunk. they had a similar stem menthol odor. and surprisingly smoked with the same taste, or very close. always wonder what i could do with that one, but it was only a seed run, kept no clones in the beginning..i tried, but it died. it had some disadvantages tho like had no smell when drying (that hay smell), until it was cured. this one kinda offsets that, stinks right away during chop, stays stinking.. has a little bit of the tribute to the racy, but not overdone.. and does so much more spiritually. so i like it better i think. duration is a tad longer too.



first I seen this flor grow, glad it was only a couple of pages. I thought the weeds did a hell of a job with you just doing what you did. I don't know those strains, but some pissa strains can have less than good yields anyways. dig?

Good Grow Log too.



Active member
tnx man. and bbear!

its the KISS method!

well, i broke up a couple buds today to fill my dugout. didn't smoke any proper, that's for the weekend. staying clear today. brain work to do! but i tried to really figure out the odor. just letting the buds sit out fills the room with that pissy skunky kinda spicy with a splash of garlic/chemicalish scent. i can smell it for sure when i walked in, and given time it would probably fill up the whole floor, from just a small couple buds. burping the jars does this too, instant blast.

so i break em up, smash-smash, they kinda just peel right off the stems nicely into a clump, and all the small tiny lumpy calyxs clumps break up into good smokable stuff very quickly. some of it sticks to my fingers, its oily sticky stuff, even tho its pretty bone dry. so i go in for the smell. from a few inches away its the same smell as above, just more pungent, but right up into it, bam, first thing that comes to mind is lemon pledge. have to do this right away and figure out the first thing that comes to mind, because the next time your nose receptors are full of that scent and you can't smell it again.

the next time your in a supermarket, pick up a can of lemon pledge and give it a spray on something, and put ur nose right up to the foaming bubbles. its damn close. its more like a chemical fake lemon smell, then pure real life lemons. nose tingly, but as you back up away it loses that stinging punch and turns more into the skunky pissy fuelish spicy tones. and whats left on my fingers after breaking it up smells like a mix of all the above + rubber , dried condom rubbers, maybe the inside of a party birthday balloon kinda weird funk chemical glueish rubberish smell. lol i dunno how else to describe it. its a smell you just want to keep on smelling, even tho it sounds a little funky.

and i swear, just from all those sniff testings, i caught a buzz from it. its like catnip to me, elevated smile mood, a little light headed for maybe 30-40 minutes after. its the only bud that does that to me. i wasn't stoned or high by any means, but i was definately mood altered and a a little dizzy, my pupils dialated. i may just be VERY sensitive to it tho. low tolerance.

so now..hours later.. 5 washings of my hands.. i still have that funk on my fingers, lol. i think its up in my nose too i keep smelling it, the vapors must cling to my nose boogers, and absorb right into my blood without even burning it. its a sniff buzz!

i get pretty light headed and high when trimming this plant up. toxic fumes



Good job man!! Its funny to me(offense to u please) how that stash will last you.
I smoked that much this morning inbetween ICM,pot of coffee,and more IC!lol
great show none the less. thanks for the time.. :joint:


Active member
lol KoK,

(that may be funny to those with dirty minds, he said KoK)

j/k! no problem man..tnx

i know some people got super tolerance here, sure, i don't know what else to say? maybe try to go on a 2-3 week forced hiatus to drop the tolerance down, and when you come back to it, don't come back like a fiend, stick with one bong rip every 30 minutes or hour. or one toke.. just one full hit. give it some time to creep up on you, a little goes a long way for me. just gotta shake the college drinking attitude, smoke! smoke! smoke! smoke! chug! chug!, its not about that. i have noticed lots and lots of commercial strains i build a tolerance too very quickly tho, the more indica ones especially, i can one hit a street strain, and by the end of the week its 2, 3 hits a go, etc. and it starts to wear off quick, or no more initial talking very quickly,etc. when i first had that strain sample.

i had one pheno (when i was running thru these seeds) that i could smoke a half a fat joint to feel the same as what just 1 one-hit dugout of this girl does. and it lasts an hour and 45 minutes at least.. off one hit --at least where i don't feel the need to go get another hit. the half a J girl would vanish in 40 minutes. clear head, poof, the great vanishing high. it was definately a strain issue, a bunk one. it got me high, but then the high goes bye bye way quick.

this one girl tho, i never build a tolerance too, one hit will do the same rise, peak, and drop off, same duration/effect pretty much every time..i'm sure if i forced myself to go harder i would built tolerance. but then sometimes the experience becomes a little uncomfortable. it keeps me feeling happy, gives me my little insightful journey .. and i can bump it up a little if i want to really get squinty and blood shot eyed/dry mouth etc. everyone just has to find the right strain that rubs them the right way. and figure out what dosage works for them.. its out there.. what sucks is if you buy something off the street and it happens to be the one, chances are you may never find it again :eek:



Active member
i forgot about the mom!

this is the new mom that was started in november, way back. approx. 4 months old now.. finally used up all the nutes in the MG mix. so she got a fresh trim and and a tsp. of osmocote to keep her going for a while.

still bonsai..i never let it get taller then 6 inches unless i want it to give up cuttings..

ooo that smell...
can't you smell that smell...


i think she found a friend!


xoox :rasta:


Active member
Nice skunk weed. I mean nice skunk. and nice weed.
Keep on doing the simple thing. No way you can exhaust the room? I'm on a bit of a mission to make sure all the peeps have proper odor control. I had only mediocre odor control and you could always smell the grow, depending on the wind, and it took a hundred cops swarming the neighborhood busting my neighbor's grow house to make me get serious about it. Spent a few hundred on fans and filters.
But you have an ozone gen. Can you just crank it on more often?


Active member
hey hazy! thanks!

yeah. sure.. you can crank it more often -- you just can't really be in the room when its running, have to turn it off and let it air out a bit before you go in..or time it just right to go in after a blast. ozone won't cross thru walls, but it will go under doors and out cracks and you can smell it if you aren't sealed up good.

i think my first post i said how i run the ozone. its on a timer like 1 1/2 minutes on full blast 45mg/hr rating, then 25 minutes off. repeat. contains all odor to the closet. when i first start flowering you don't really need to run it in the dark hours, for some reason the plant sends out a stink right before lights out, and then the isn't as strong for a while. but after a few weeks..it stinks 24/7.

ozone hangs around for a while.. has a 45 minute half life, so it keeps on working, doesnt have to be pumping all the time if its in with the plants. think of it like a can of ozium or lysol spraying every 25-30 minutes..a can that doesn't run out, lol.

a bigger bedroom sized room would probably need like 4 minutes on w/25-30 minutes off full blast ozone generator placed on the highest point of the room, preferable with a fan near to spread it around. but it depends, the more stinky they r, the more u let it cycle on for, until you get the right balance, where there is no odor, or only slight ozone smell, ozone has its own odor..and if its strong, its way too high. and if you have the ozone too high it can damage/kill the plants, foliage gets damaged speckly like dots...need to find the balance if u wanna use it, and really try to limit breathing it if u dont have 2..

carbon works the best imo, zero smell. the fans are just too noisy for my situation.. but for a tiny plant like that, which does stink in veg, a 15 second blast every half hour is more then enough. that little girl does have a funk and it will build up if left alone over an hour or two, the more fan leaves it grows, the more stink it will get.. but i trim it once a week, removing any fan leaves that get any larger then half dollar, and it seems to keep any odor at a minimum. it keeps growing back tho under 24/7 light..just like mowing the grass.. its so easy to keep a little mom around.. it can live in that 6 inch pot for 4 months with just miracle grow, and probably go another 6+ month with a tsp of osmocote. once a week water and trim, how easy is that! also keeping it trimmed also lets it drink less water, if bigger+ more fan leaves, the quicker its gonna drink its water supply..can probably maintain 7-8+ of them under 1 single shoplight.
